I Don't Know, But I've Been Told
Reader Comments
Last update: October 2, 2018

howdy; just dropped by on my first web browse on aol; (my first web browse ever). looks pretty cool. see ya around rmd. --jnb p.s. drop me an email at p00518@psilink.com just to let me know i did this properly and you received it; thanks! bye (how do i get out of this message box?....

jules n. binoculas

This site works a *lot* better than the old netcom one, I must say. Makes for a much less frustrating experience.

Ross Whitwam

Hi! I have been Netscape-less for a couple of weeks, and just dropped by. Like your background, seem to recognize it somewhat.. I was looking at Ben's and your site for a transcription of the Cynthia Gooding interview from Folksinger's Choice. I saw it not. Might be a project for someone some time..

Karl Erik Andersen

Hallo Why dont you put some QuickTime clips of Zim on Here for Mac men.? I would love an EMail if you know where i can obtain a video of Renaldo and Clara!!


Ps. Great page.

John- You probably realize this: your setlist for the 11/17 Unplugged show omits "Broken" as song #6 in the set, following "Hazel". Have you received a copies of the shows yet? Let me know if you would like them. Best, M.A. Zingg Providence, RI


Yeah, is this a bulletin board where I can post things? If so, how do I subscribe to it? My address is dsc9bam@imc210.med.navy.mil Thanks, Moe


i found your concert tour recording page today, ( I have previously been a fan of your home page), the concert page is a great help to those of us who are knew to collecting tapes and boot CD's.

Larry Medcalf

John, I have only been on the Net for a couple of weeks, I think I tried to access your pages from the address on the HWY61CD-ROM but it was an old address, finally got through from a link from Karl Erik's page. Liked the stuff on Tarantula, films, interviews etc. - the kind of stuff I like to read! I have been taking a look at rmd and your name seems to come up quite often lately??? I don't really know what this 'feud' is about, would you care to explain? I think all the links between various pages are good, and can only help people seeking information and "relief" from serious Dylan disabilities ... Keep up the good work .... Tricia J

Tricia Jungwirth

I found your web site through a mention of another site (Tangled Up In Jews) in the dylan newsgroup. I'm glad to find all I can about Bob, so I think your site is great -- I am relatively new and I would be interested in doing something like this. Any refs or hints on how to set up a home page etc.? Either way, "keep on keepin' on"

Bill Ward

I very much like this site. I found out about this site from the mailings list available from MIT.


How I found out about this really uncool page: Reading thru the rec.music.dylan or whatever that newsgroup is called, I got to some of your posts with the http ... in the signature. So I went to have a look. What I'm looking for is a site where I can download the Dylan lyrics. Can that be done anywhere? Cheers,

Chris http://www.eurassi.co.za/ chris@rupeden.eurassi.co.za

found your page from the highway 61 cd-rom i just said good luck

geoff 27th july 95

Howdy. I like this. This is cool. I heard about it on the ArloNet Web page. (Arlo, as in Arlo Guthrie.)

Jamie H Davis

I discovered this cite while visiting the ArloNet. Interested in Dylan, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, Charlie Chaplin

Stan Cook

Would it be possible to get tour info? Those of us in Phoenix missed out on the last tour. Keep up the good work.

Rich Bailen

I ain't lookin' to compete with you Beat or cheat or mistreat you Simplify ya classify ya Deny defy or crucify you All I really wanna do Is baby be freinds with you

John Wesley Harding

I'm frustrated at not being able to get a text version online of the BD pages from the All Music Guide. I don't want to buy the guide just for thgose 2 pages. Any ideas? Thanks. John

John Nemerovski

Pathed through to BIABHP via Expecting Rain... could you let me know how to get onto HWY61-L ? Do I need a special password? MajorDylan on AOL thanks for your help.. keep up the great page ..

Major Galloway

Love to see some information on upcoming concerts and appearances, tour information. Anybody willing to tab some songs


Hey man this is an awsom site i love dylan...where can i get that wall paper please wrtie me back at jwwol@conncoll.edu thanks

Jonathan W. Wolf

I'm a Dylan Freak in UK and just got a copy of Netscape from work. First subject I searched for was this. I will comment after a few days when I have time to look through it all. Its nice to see this sort of thing available, No one else could play that tune you know it was up to me

Geoff Steele

Just keep going, bring more stuff on Dylan to this page. Everyone should learn about Dylan.


Mr. Howells, Hi there. Nice looking page! I've had a couple of difficulties with it, though: 1. The page takes a *very* long time to load, for those of us who are getting by with 14.4 connections and don't have a "direct" net connection. 2. My browser doesn't support tables (which aren't part of HTML 2.0, I believe), so I can't get at any of the neat stuff listed in the table section of your page. Wish I could! Thanks for listening ...

Aaron Snow

I got the adress from ftp.cs.pdx.edu However I would like to know know if there is any where i can get dylan's harmonica solos. They are not at nevada.


I was happy to see this page. I'd like to see a kind of "letters page" with interviews and other comments. thanks again


how'd i get here? fairly simple, i guess. from yahoo's art/entertainment to 'author author' to the TOC to kerouac to levi asher to bob dylan...not too complicated, just follow the links... out of the stuff i have seen out and about i like your dylan page! lugar


In 1966, while I was a student at the California College of Arts and Crafts, I had the opportunity to photograph Dylan, Michael McClure and Allen Ginsberg outside of City Lights. I was twenty-one at the time and living with my parents in Walnut Creek. When the time came to leave for the photo session, my mother said, "You haven't finished mowing the lawn." "But mom," I pleaded, "I'm going to photograph Bob Dylan!" "I don't care if you're going to photograph the Pope, buster, get out there and finishing mowing the lawn." I finished the lawn and made the session. A full page photo of that session appears in the liner notes on "Biograph." Nothing but the best, Dale Smith

Dale Smith

I linked to this site via the Allen Ginsberg site. Thanks from another Dylan fan.

Rob Beckham

thanks.. i found you through the ULTIMATE BAND LIST.

do you by chance know where i can find " Senior ( tales of yankee power) " transcribed?


[I was unable to respond because Michael didn't leave his email address - JH]



Could you tell me how close Greenwich village is from Parsons Art school.My friends and I really interested in the arts and want to be in a place where we are surrounded by artsy people for spring break.Thankyou.


I like the depth of your BD page. Always a fan, I just did a searh for "Bob Dylan" and your page was the first that came up (Netscape Infoseek).


Excellent page - I'll be back to browse at length! 'Saw Bob last night in Little Rock - my second show here and the better of the two. Bob was EXCELLENT - voice in very good form, and in a good mood from all signs. 'Did an acoustic Tambourine Man that brought tears to my eyes. Much other premium stuff also - he's getting better of late. 'Same band as on the Unplugged set. Anyway, thanks for your trouble with the page - I'll check in as I can. Catch this tour whatever you do!

- Dean in Little Rock

I want to suggest an Upcoming Events item be added to this page (i.e. concert info, albums, etc.)

Rich in AZ.

I found this page, because I am in need of some urgent B Dylan info. I need to know the name of the Cat on the cover of 'Bringing it all Back Home'. Can anyone help me?????

Please E-mail to the following address jao@easynet.co.uk.

Kind Regards,


[The cat's name is "Rolling Stone", according to Shelton's bio - JH]

I found this page while reading the biography on Allen Ginsberg. The information on Bob Dylan came up on the blue net page request. I have found the information very interesting and informative. I have found the information very insightful into the life of ginsberg and I have always enjoyed Dylan.

Joe Chatley

i am james a pennebaker don allan pennebaker is my half brother.. my father's john paul first marrage... i was searching references for my last name and found you

small net isn't it

James A Pennebaker

I am searching for a Dylan song that I do not know the name of. I've heard it before, but cannot recall any of the words. I do know that my future son-in-law is wanting it to have the words calligraphied for his first born son.

Does that give any clue to the name of the song? I can't ask him because I could not surprise him with it.

Help if you can.



[the song is most likely "Forever Young" - JH]

Encyclopaedia Britannica Online points to your web site following a search for Bob Dylan.

John Hall

I think You are the "Jokerman"!

Palle Tenfalk

Does anyone have the complete lyrics of "Last Thoughts On Woody Guthrie"? This poem can be heard on the three disc set, "Bootlegs". The set can be bought in the stores, so it is fairky common. This is the most incredible lyrical feat I have ever heard, unrivaled by even Dylan himself. I would really appreciate if anyone could help me.


Dan Walsh

[This should be in Lyrics - JH]

I would like to know where I can get song tablatures on Dylan's work.



[There's a link to a site in the lyrics section - JH]

Hello there, I'm a Bob Dylan fan and would like to know if you have the lyrics to HURRICANE AND SUBTERRANEAN HOMESICK BLUES.


[Jack didn't leave an email address, but if you're reading this, try one of the links in the "lyrics" section under "miscellaneous information". Failing that, buy the book Lyrics. - JH]

John, I'm new to the 'net but not to Dylan. I've been a fan since '67, have listened exhaustively to all the commercial recordings, and have seen a number of live shows since my first in Philadelphia (Jan. 1974--drove all night from Pgh. to get there). My first attempt to use the internet was to search "Dylan" and entered rmd newsgroup and downloaded FAQ, which is where I found your name and address. FAQ then referenced this web page, and here I am. I still to much of a novice to critique you page, but I must say it's pretty exciting, having been a "closet" fan for so long, to find this world with so many other fans and so much info. I feel quite greatful that you've put in the effort to organize this info. Thanks much.

Tom Lace

Great page. I found it using Yahoo. I do have one question, though. I'm looking for some information on the city and venue of some recordings of Dylan concerts in '95 (6/15 and 6/24 to be specific). If you know of any way to find this info, please get back to me. thanks a lot, and keep up the good work!

Mike Allred

Hi, there,
Nice site. _Thank you.
Perhaps some links to pix


I have a friend that is obsessed with dylan, he got me into listening to him and i like him and his lyrics, but i'm not quite obsessed, nor will i ever be. anyways, dylan has actually some actual content in his work(s). i don't have alot of music with actual meaning in it. i listen to his lyrics as carefully as i can to see what he's trying to get across. i was just wondering if you could get more of his lyrics put on the net. i would like to actually read what he sings and analyze it. thanks...

marc akin

I have Bob Dylan's Freewheelin (vinyl) it is still in plastic. Wondered if it is worth anything. Bought it ata garage sale for $5.00.

Does anyone on this site want to buy it? Is there a page that collectors hang out for Dylan stuff?

I collect Beatles and Kingsmen items, just saw the album and figured what the heck.


John: I have a copy of the Berkeley Dec.4 1965 Berkeley Community Theatre tape, but it only contains the electric set. Do you know if tapes or cds of the full show (i.e., acoustic and electric) exist out there somewhere. I'm not asking you to locate them for me, just asking if you know if a tape of the complete show has been reported.

Lou Leary

[I only know of the electric half in circulation - sorry. JH]


This home page is lacking of a special area to some massages that come from Bob Dylan 's lyrics.

thanks for the space, Walter Kindro Andreoli, Brazil,South America.

Walter Kindro Andreoli

Nice setup for the page- easy to get places without wading through what you don't want. But- I didn't find setlists, that was what I was looking for. Oh well


I think your page is terrific! I heard about it from the Leon Russell home page/under "Mike's Links." I'm a Leon fan - worked for him for 10 years. Check out his page - it's just getting started. http://members.aol.com/leonrussel/leonaol.htm


Diane Sullivan

Do you have any current concert dates? I found this by shear determination. You can E-Mail me at COB@BLUEMARBLE.NET


My first letter on the internet! I will probably be visiting this page quite a bit in the future, no doubt. Like what I see so far. Keep up the good work!


Dear Sir:

i found this to be a very informative and excellent web site on Bob Dylan. i found this web site through Yahoo. I have a question though, can you please tell me from which Bob Dylan albumn the song 'Positively 4th Street' is from? i can't seem to find it anywhere :(

please reply!

Henry Wang

["Positively 4th Street" is on Biograph and Greatest Hits I - JH]

Your section on Dylan rocks man. I'm just a kid sitting in studyhall out exploring. Keep on rocking. Later


Hi! I have a page consisting of reviews I've written of many of Dylan's albums; I've put in a link to your site and I would appreciate it if you would put in a link to my page. The address is: http://homebrew.geo.arizona.edu/dylan.html




I just looked at your new review page and it's great. I came across your Web site two years ago and it led me to a complete copy of 'The Genuine Basement Tapes' which still after nearly 30 years sound fabulous. Your new comments about TGBT's certainly rings true to me. I've heard that there may be about 50 more basement songs somewhere. Any confirmation on these? Also, I expect to receive in the next day or so a copy of the recently released "Guitar Kissing & The Contemporary Fix". I've had a vinal copy of "Zimmerman: Looking Back from the Royal Albert Hall" since 1967. Susposedly, this 2CD set has one acoustic and one electric session. Do you know if the acoustic one is the same as was on the vinal?
Thanks and I'll watch your new page grow!

Hugh Bollinger

[The CD referred to above is the complete Manchester 5/17/66 show in true unbelievable stereo. Some of the acoustic set has never been released before -- JH]

Aloha,From Hawaii!!!

My name is Kitrick Short and I might have a site you might link to ,I created a Homage to The Band set of sculptures and gave each of them one. Please check out my page and we can creat links to each other. I have a link from the Bands page and thats where I saw your link. My homage page URL is http://www.maui.net/~kitrick/hmge.html
My home URL is http://www.maui.net/~kitrick
Hope these pages inspire you!
Peace & Aloha!!


I found this address in some other Dylan page, but I can't recall which.

What I'd like to know is where can I find more than a one or two paragraph biography of Dylan on the Web? Any clues.

Take care.

Gary Ostroff

I found your site after downloading software to run CD Links from Voyager. I did everything they said to do and have the hardware,etc. they said I needed but it didn't work. Enjoy what I see of your Dylan site; haven't seen him since 8-29-94 at Michigan State Fair. He's still kicking and if he never writes another word no one will ever top him.


First of all !! Sorry for the mistakes, but i'm an italian student from Torino.

I'm a new surfer of the net and I'm looking for about all the stuff about "the times they are a-changing" 1963 Please ! could yoy send me anything about that ?

I'll have a "little examinatios" at university next week.

Bye from Torino.

I've found this site =>netscape search=>infoseek=>T.Dixxon Page


I found this sight through rock links, and I think its great. I had to copy William Shattner singing tamborine man.


Your page just keeps getting snazzier every time I come over for a visit....seeing the real you at last...


Great page. I love it! Especially Captain Kirk doing Tamborine Man. I found a link to your page on a Village Voice page. It's definitely going on my hotlist. I haven't yet visited all the links on your page yet but I'm looking forward to it.


To whom it may consern,

In what Dylan song was the line "It doesn't take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" in it?


[The answer is Subterranean Homesick Blues - JH]

Rock on. Very rarely do you find cool people like yourself who love Bob enough to give him a sort of shrine via internet. I'd even like to see more, like maybe soundbites of some of his reare and relatively unknown stuff. For example, maybe some audio files of "No More Auction Block" from The Gaslight in Greenwich Village, or "Ramblin' Gamblin' Willie. Anyway, thanks for contributing to the memory of the greatest performer and stylist of the century.

ryan vaughn

I just wanted to let you know I've just put up my own website at http://members.aol.com/smashprod/mansfield.html and have included some links to your Dylan site. If you're interested in putting in links to my site, I would be very appreciative.

Yours, David Mansfield (Rolling Thunder, etc.)

My name is Arleigh Hertzler, and I am a freshman at Grove City College in Pennsylvania. I am a huge Dylan fan, and have a few bootlegs (some on vinyl) but I was wondering if someone could tell me how to get copies of some of the boots listed in the page. I love the page, and will visit often!

Arleigh Hertzler

It's been a while since I visited your page, but it's changed a bit since then. I like the "new" look (which may be an extremely old look, for all I know).

I've got a list of the CDs I listen to while here at work on my WWW page, and every mention of Bob has a link to your page!

Keep up the good work!

Theron Trowbridge

Great story, "Homer." Made me laugh and feel giddy.

Saw the URL in today's HWY61-L Digest. Recent subscriber. Longtime Dulan fan.

But I'd not even heard of Homer before. Must not be THAT big a fan, afterall.

Thanks for doing this page.


Actually I have this Homepage bookmarked. I really like this page. The best part of course is that it has so many links toother Dylan sites. By the way, nice new look. It's snazzy. Is there any way I could bribe ya to let me link this page to my homepage? ^_^ Anyways, keep up the great work... I can't wait for his next album. I already have about 42 of his albums, but it never seems to be enough. : D

Best Regards...
Douglas Larke.

I am glad that Bob has his on pages also on the Internet. Here in Finland there are many who love him. despite his bad gig in helsinki some years ago.

Pekka Huttunen

Thanks for providing such a valuable Dylan page - I particularly liked your review of unrealesed tapes. Your page is a fitting tribute ot a genius and a source of valuable iformation.


I really think the page is rather well done. I reached it thru the Bob Dylan FAQ pages, which I reached from the Mammoth Music Meta-List.


I searched Lycos for Bob Dylan and went right to Ragged Clown where I found the link to you. I am impressed with your integrity, your dedication to Dylan and your finess with the web design. Great job.

As fo rmyself I am a fifty one year old web surfer. I saw Dylan first live in Seattle in 1964 with Joan Baez. I have seen him in concert a few other times. The most recent about ten years ago with the Dead in Eugene. That was special.

I don't like big concerts much. Have most of Dylan's music to listen to at home.

Thank you for your energy.

Peace, mac

I'm very happy ,becouse I found this site.
And very suprised for many data!!
I hear his song everyday.....
I want to write more but I do not know English so much sorry
I want to see this site again

good knight


Congratulations for this superb web presentation of the man.

We saw him at Break for the Border in London a few months ago and he was magnificent - as good as ever.

How can we keep tabs on his future UK visits ??

Also does anyone know of any published Video performances ...

Well done ... Bernie Kiernan

How can you be so all alone? Everybody must get........
Now why did I draw a blank. Could be the era has passed. You know, I just keep trying to bury it. I thought perhaps you might like to read the poem I started back in 1978, when jerome (my brother in Bobbie D) died. With any luck you'll get it and even be able to retrieve it. In the meantime, you know, Dylan is getting really old. Doesn't it amaze you, that restlessness that come from having done it all and needing to do nothing more than dabble from here on out.

Everybody must get lost Everybody must get found

In Jesus' Name, brother.

Mark & Chris Miller

[The poem didn't make it through the mail...JH]

I was looking for info regarding the album "John Wesley Harding - like what songs are on it, when did it come out, simple stuff that I can't seem to find on your page (or even any links).


[Funny, I had no trouble finding information about that album in the Discography section...JH]

did you hear about the dylan show on may 16 in mich? About 200 people rushed the stage during "Highway 61" It was great! Bob kept on playing!


please print more pictures
have a music section with guitar chords etc.
have a quiz or crossword

joe davitt

Heard about this site from article in THE DETROIT NEWS paper on May 9, 1996 on May 9, 1996. Sounded interesting -- thought I'd take a look see.


I shot the picture on the cover of Greatest Hits. The first one.

A Grammy winner for me, and proud I am too. I'd love to sell original prints of this image...perhaps your browsers would be interested?

Have them contact me at lartigue@mindspring.com

I found yer page on purpose

Rowland Scherman

Great graphics, John!

John Howells, Sr.



[Check out ftp://ftp.neda.com/pub/dylan/olof/covers/by-song.html for information on Dylan covers by song title. - JH ]

hello i was refered to your site while browsing in a book store (barnes & noble)some internet book of music sites? well i just have one question, i've been trying to get it answered for some time now it's "what song is bob playing on the piano in the movie don't look back , right after the store front guitar window scene where bob says "we don't have those kind of guitars in the states." soon after he's in a little smokey room with a black guy, bob's banging away on this little piano mumbling some type of very appealing gospel number, but also very hard to hear exactly. do you know what i'm talking about? if so, do you know what song it is?



[Please refer to ftp://ftp.neda.com/pub/dylan/olof/1965 for a possible clue. - JH]

This is great stuff, man! Actually, I too just started tooling around with the internet. Of course, Dylan was the first and most desired site for me. I look forward to checking in with you in the future. Thanks! Remember, God Knows.

Randy Tolen

The article about the Basement tapes is fascinating. Just as a historical perspective in 1967 I was in my final year at grammar school in England. I had a good friend who had gone to university a year ahead of me in London. He returned home....and here the problem starts, because I don't know when this was. Before 'great white wonder certainly. Maybe early 1968, or even Chriatmas 1967. Anyway he had purchased, for £20 which was then a fortune (l.p.s were £5) an acetate in a plain brown cover. It was the first bootleg I had ever seen ! He bought it from under the counter in a record shop on Carnaby st. from a guy who knew he was a Dylan fan. It contained 12 of the 14 original basement tape songs. Not Tiny Montgomery and Lo and Behold but the other 12. I omly mention this because it sort of proves that great white wonder was preceeded as a bootleg by something else available to the public at a price with the basement tapes on. Certainly he was not connected with the publishing business and had no access that way. It's just that I've never heard or read about this acetate anywhere else but it was on sale in London.



all the web sites are ok until somebody can provide me with the traveling wilburys words, arrangement and chords of Nobody's Child, and turn to more than ok web site.


I figured I would finally, after months of delay, send you a little message saying how much I've appreciated the work you've done on this site... it has been very informative and, above all, very interesting. The Bringing it All Back Home Page has been on my hotlist for months on end. Just a word of encouragement for a fellow Dylan fan...

On a side note, I heard a rumor that Dylan will be releasing a new CD this summer. Maybe called Have You Seen Dignity?, something like that. Is there any truth to this? If you could send me a quick note telling me what you've heard I would be very appreciative.

Keep it up,
Jamie Lipton

Looks good. I'll be back.


As the master himself has said, "People don't do what they believe in, they just do what's most convenient and then they repent". Well,I believe in Dylan's lyrics and music. He's said that he's dined with kings and he's been offered wings, but he's never been too impressed. I think he wrote that before the wonderful medium of the internet came to be...Wouldn't you agree?

Mitchell Jessie

It's been a while since I listened to that Golden Throats tape you made for me so long ago so I was very pleased to hear once again WS's radical (is there any other word?) interpretation of Dylan's masterwork. Of course to breathe new life into a song that was already perfect required a depth of artistic courage which Mr. Shantner knew only too well, having plumbed those depths many times in his various artistic outings. The final screaming rage into which he falls in fadding moments of the song speak volumes about his state of mind during the session and nicely prefigures the anger that we were going to see erupt during the last few years of the 70's as punk music. Thanks again for providing a taste of this landmark artistic event for all to sample.


Looks like a good site. I found it while searching for stuff on Hibbing, Minnesota. I was going to Hibbing JC when Bob was a senior in HS. I havn't really looked around to see if anyone has written much about things I know he was interested in then ('cause we talked about things a few times in, as I recall, his English teacher's class) and I also remember him being with some friends and my sister at a cabin on a lake north of Hibbing. Anyway, I will poke around and see what I find....

Richard Lake

I think this web page is an excellent idea! Perhaps you could include a section where readers could describe personal experiences from past Dylan concerts . You could select the ones that you find to be particularly interesting ! I, for one, would look forward to some personal insights.


Nouvel utilisateur d'internet, mais vieux fan de Dylan, je découvre votre site et mesure à cette occasion l'étendue de mon ignorance à propos de ce dernier, alors que je pensais tout de même en conaitre un rayon sur le sujet...

Il me faudra surement plus d'une session pour faire le tour du sujet, mais je tenais d'ores et déja à vous adresser ce témoignage d'admiration. Bravo et continuez !

(All this french to say your site is just great. Keep on keeping on !).

PS: How do i do to register in the newsgroup ? thank's by the way...

jean-hugues pierson



Love the Web site. Keep up the good work!!


Very good site indeed!

Saw Dylan in Stockholm recently. Very good and very long concert (2 hours). Can't think of anything to say now really (it's early morning here in Sweden...).

I'll be back some other time with (hopefully) interesting comments...

Found this page thru a "beat-site"...


Hi John! Your site is very impressive. It´s easy to see that you´ve put a lot of work into it. But with all due respect why have´nt you yet mentioned anything about ´Feeling Minnesota´, the ´Jimmie Rodgers tribute´, ´Stormy season´, the upcoming Jimmy Hendrix and Woody Guthrie tribute concert´s in one of your feature´s?

But I guess you should be able to sleep since no other site´s I know of have mentioned anything about any of this either.

All the best wishes John & you can be positive about me droping by once in awhile. Thanx for existing.

Your´s truly sion. 27 august 1996.

I am very impressed with your Dylan web page, and I am greatful for the fact that you obviously appreciate Bob and his music, and that you apparently have a lot of spare time to devote to this project. Your hard work and dedication to fact, I commend. Keep up the good work!


I was walking by a pawn shop once and saw Dylan in the front window playing a drum set. I went inside to say something to him but when I approached he went into a coughing fit that lasted about a minute. I split.

Nice site-- keep it up.

David O'David

everyone focuses on dylan's past. historical archives are essential, but how about what the old pop poet rocker is doing these days? Current photos (gray locks, wrinkles and all), and what he's producing NOW!?

attila nagy

hey! This site is the coolest. Being a new Dylan fan (of age 16) I found this a great place to get more info, pics, etc. Well done! I enjoyed the misheard lyrics section I was actually singing some of them (especially that line from 'Just Like a Woman', that's a tricky one!). Ok, keep up the good work, and keep publishing those fantastic pictures!


Thanks for the page.Stumbled across it via The Band site. Looks interesting....I'll be back !!!

Tony Hayward

For your info re how people found this site: I was surfing thru the Literary Menagerie site from the U of Miss and I clicked Allen Ginsburgs name. The name Bob Dylan was in the body of text, so being a long time fan of Dylan, I couldn't resist hot linking over to your site. It looks very kewl and interesting. Looking forward to going thru your site.


Information no one probably knows:

Bob just received a nomination for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Oddly enough, his friend, Eric Anderson (the musician) who lives in Oslo, had been asked to perform at the awards ceremony this year before B. knew he was nominated.

His tours are arranged very last minute which is why it is hard to get advance information. The publicity is minimal and sometime the tours are arranged in a week's time.

Bob occasionally peruses the net and has seen the stuff out there about him.


I have been reading on the BEAT-L subscriber group the last two days about the rumor concerning Bob Dylan winning the upcoming Nobel Prize for literature. Any confirmation of this? Thanks,

Dave Breithaupt

Folks or Folkies,

My interest and preference probably are aimed further back than Bob Z. Dylan. I never understood wild enthusiasm about his rough voice but sometimes poetic lyrics. I gather he liked Dylan Thomas' works enough to appropriate his name; Thomas had a wondrous voice and delivery plus evocative topics. Further, and for what it's worth, I think early Joan Baez recordings, pre-Zimmerman, were better than later, as if their mixing lowered the purity and beauty of her work.

It all seems remote now. I still seek the early gold. Maybe this is a voice in the wilderness.

William H. Sickels

I didn't understand something in your commentary on the Genuine Basement Tapes. Is the version of Quinn the Eskimo on Greatest Hits not the pre-Biograph version from the Basement Tapes Sessions?

Adam Mahler

[The version that appears on Greatest Hits 2 is the live version from the Isle of Wight that previously appeared on "Self Portrait" - JH]

Dear sir or madam;
I entered your e-mail site by looking up 'rolling stone magazine', so I do not know which sex you are, hope you don't take offense to that. I enjoyed reading your interview from Rolling Stone.

Can I ask you for some advice/help? I am doing a report for a class on the similarities between Bob Dylan and Ice Cube. I think that there are many similarities between the two; they are both spokesman for their generations, and they both let the listening public know their views in a poetic form.

Do you know anything about Ice Cube? Do you think that you may be able to help me in any way? You seem to be an expert on the distinguished Mr. Dylan so I figure you might be a good interview for my paper.

Thanx for ANY input you can give to me;

Matt Simpson


Thanx again

Like it!
Especially the William Shatner piece! Let me know if that originated from you or where I might find similar material!
Saw Bob last year here in Jacksonville, FL (see e-mail address- real original, eh?), the show was great! As if it would not be!!
Well, again, Great Job! Keep it up!

P.S. If you are interested, I do have a seriously under construction Home Page. If you want to check it out:


All comments welcome!

Hi !

I am a swedish Dylan fan and I think your page is very good. On my hompage ( http://WWW.Privat.Katedral.SE/~nv95joja/) I'm going to have som Dylan stuff. Now, I wonder if you have some suggestions of what

I can have on my homepage. Please vistit it, i've already done some.

/joel jacobsson

I found your Dylan-site through a Norwegian free copy computer-magazine called "Datamagasinet". One of the journalists recommended this and another site called "Expecting Rain" http://www.expectingrain.com/ I haven`t checked out the other Dylan sites, but I like Bringing it all back home. Good luck, and keep up the good work!

Arnsten Linstad

All I can say is THANKS! I'm glad someone besides the pot-smoking crowd appreciates Dylan like I have learned to. My father teaches his lyrics in American Literature class in a small high school, and that is how I got interested in the man who could compose a song like "Gates of Eden" or a masterpiece tougue-in-cheek short like "Jet Pilot." What a guy!


I just thought that you have a neat home page set up here. It's nice to see other fans setting things up for our fearless poet. Keep it up, I hope to put one together myself


In my opinion, you should have the date of last update placed in a prominent spot on your opening page. Makes things much easier for us, the audience

Otherwise, great site!


Dear Mr. Howells,

All of this WEB stuff is still a bit of a mystery to me, so I hope this gets through. I have enjoyed your comments on RMD for a couple of years. I I seldom post, but rarely a week goes by I don't check in. I found your site at the newsgroup. Not only is yours the first, it is the best. However, I do find Bob Links very useful. I visit your site often. Please keep up the good work. I first discovered Dylan through a friend in San Marcos, TX. I think he played Freewheelin for me right after its release. I was not impressed. Was not a folk fan at the time. I worked at a 250 watt daytimer in that small college town at the time, and it was Sub Homesick Blues that hooked me. Been a fan ever since. Dylans early work (and recent work) has changed my mind about folk. Have always loved rock. BOB is the finest album of the genre. I don't share your love of Basement Tapes, but like the album. You comments on BT were very enjoyable.


David B. Smith

Hats off to Bob Dylan.

Tony Danesi

Greetings: I have owned the name www.bobdylan.com for some time now thinking of putting up a site but too busy with other projects. Simply put the URL www.bobdylan.com is for sale right now, any takers? I will sell it right now for $3,500.00
Scott David

i was wondering if any one new where i could get a hold of the tape dylan made of the #1 songs of the 60's. do you know where i might be able to get a copy? thanks a bunch
jeffrey snowbarger
p.s. i'm seeing the man on nov. 22 in south bend,in

I recently just got on to the Dylan web sites and i think all of this is great abd keep up the good work

Dustin Blome

Nice site.

Nigel Green

Hello, I'm a fan of Dylan from Romania. I have a home page at www.sorostm.ro/utzu. Please check it out and tell me what do you think. I found out about your page from Bob Links. Your page is cool. Unfortunately we don't have access to much Dylan information here in Romania. The master never give a concert here.

Thank you,

Great Page! I'm relatively new to the internet. I got here through boblinks.

John Burkhart

I think that Dylan Is A God. I am a scientist, and really seriousoly one.


licence plate spotted "dylnfrek". n.y.s.cool!!


Hi Johnny boy, i really love the web page, good job. I am only 17 and soon to be 18...but, dear god i wish i was around when the BOB MAN first sung LIKE A ROLLING STONE !!! I 'm amoung those who love bobby's great and unique voice...i can't believe some people hate his voice...how can that be ??? BALLAD IN PLAIN D...it..it just made me cry, "tears blinding my site".
O.k... well bye there.
friendly Robyn !

Your site looks very nice so far. I have not seen it all yet. I have been a fan of Bob for about 20 years, and i had the great pleasure to see him at Molde International Jazz Festival July 96. It was a fantastic consert, and Van The Man also appeard on stage.
Dylan fans, send me an e-mail and tell me if you agree that Infields is one of the best albums ever.

So long

Could you please send me an e-mail on the following question?

In Europe it is impossible to get the film: Renaldo & Clara, by Bob Dylan.
Maybe you could help me out?
Please answer.

Robje Verstappen

[Sadly, the answer is no. It has never been officially released anywhere in the world on video - JH]

Great site, Inever found of best.

I never found chords, Why?

I have a bootleg of a concert of Dylan in Italy on 1987, if you are in interest about information send me a message.

Thanks, Gabriele Contoli

Long live Dylan! Love the site...thanks for keeping us up to date! Anyways...the only thing I have to do now is find some way of getting a copy of George Jackson...It seems impossible to get a hold of!

Douglas Larke

So we have Cpt. Kirk doing Tambouring Man, why not Elmer Fudd?


I am trying to research the date that Bob Dylan FIRST appeared at Gerde's Folk City, New York City.

I believe it might have been April 11th 1961.

Any help would be really appreciated.



To whom it may concern,
Great web site! I'm kind of new at computers and just happened to fall upon your page, I was wodering how I could get there right away. I was also wondering if you have chat sessions and when.

Ben Alkin

Thanks for your web site. As a long-time Bob Dylan aficionado, I really enjoyed it, and will be coming back often for research. I hope you'll come visit my website at:



Sam Candler

hey bobby remember the last time we had great fun in the tavern in pratteln, you were dam pissed and me too. this techno music is just boring crap, we prefer to sing together with you totally out of tune as usual "joey" see you next time hounting billy the kid (he was not that bad)

cheers Urs, Hugo and my love Sandra

I like this page!!!!
Wonderful design!

Check this pages also:
http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/3389/ http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/3389/retro.htm http://www.joviform.pt/~nsilva


first fifteen minutes on the net and i'm finding dylan lyrics.....what do you think i think about this page??


I see you implemented a toolbar. Neat-o. I've relocated my website, btw. It's now:


Everything else is pretty much the same except the hit counter doesn't work. I've included a mention of your toolbar in my technical notes in the "About" section...

All the best,

Joe Cliburn

I would like to know more about dylan's religious side where can i find info. about this topic on the net

Sobhy Sonbol

[Try Slow Train Coming - JH]



There's a brand new Dylan book on the way. Don't say it, "Oh great, not another book tracing his Hibbing roots, Greenwich Village folkie years, etc" NO WAY!!! We've been there and done that. Don't get me wrong, that was all fascinating stuff THE FIRST TIME AROUND!!! But, it's high time the story of Dylan was told from YOUR point of view. After all, YOU buy his music, YOU go to his concerts, why shouldn't YOU speak out? If you want to see YOUR story in print AND get a FREE copy of the new book to show off to your friends, send us your letters!!! Letters about elaborate schemes to get backstage after a show, letters about following his tour bus into oblivion, getting an autograph, taking his order in a restaurant, setting up his sound equipment. Where were you when you heard your first Dylan song and how did it affect you? Did you ever have the tenacity to jump onstage and risk security backlash to boogie with The Legend? Ever had any photographs taken of you with Bob?! ! WE WANT IT ALL!!! Become part of this beautiful tribute to the man who has touched our souls like no one else

Send your stories by e-mail to:

Or by snail mail to:

Dylan Stories
P.O. Box 20721
Tuscaloosa, AL 35402-20721


I'll start by saying hi and thanks. Thanks for making the web someting interesting for me. I really enjoyed your page and will now become a frequant visiter whenever I have the time. I'm 18 live near Montreal,Canada I'm an avid Dylan fan with more than a few questions; Do you know why he left 'Abandoned Love' off of 'Desire'? And do you know any songs directly linked to Jack Kerouac? If you or someone who visits your homepage could answer these questions for me it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again...

Charlie Murdoch (SThiel@rocler.qc.ca)

I have a small question that is at the center of a dispute that I thought someone running a Bob Dylan web site ought to be able to answer. A friend and I disagree about who actually performed "Blowin' in the Wind" first Bob Dylan or Joan Baez. I am fully aware that Dylan wrote it and that certainly makes it more likely that he performed it first but you never know. If you could answer this question for us that would be greatly appreciated. You can email me if you like and if you could send a carbon copy to:


that would be great. I look forward to hearing from you, thanks again.

-- Craig Ortner
Macalester College

[It was definitely performed by Dylan first. Anyone disagree? - JH]

thanks, l,am enjoying everything l,am reading on bob. my concern is bob coming back to toronto?

f bryan

wanted to know where to get set lists for this spring tour.Saw him at indiana -bobby still got it.


[Check out BobLinks homepage. Lots of setlists there. - JH]

Great site! I really appreciate your extensive information on the Genuine Basement Tapes. I have been looking for these for a long time and have had no luck. Are they still available? Could you possibly point me to a source for these disks? I'd really love to have them, or at the very least get copies of them on tape. Thanks a lot and keep up the great work.

Mark Watkins

Whats up with stormy season;is it or isnt it

Doc Johnson

[Beat's me - JH]

dig, expecting rain is gone,watta dregany dylan chat rooms?e-mail me

nat z. punx

Hello again -

I think a link to the 'All Lyrics' pages is something many will apprechiate - but I don't think there's anything to be found that justifies the additional '(all lyrics!)' - or is there?


Hi. I was wondering if you know the track listing to the Bob Dylan 'import' CD "Highway 61 Revisited Again". I have tried to find the listing of the CD on the web to no avail. Thank you in advance for your help.


I've been scouring the web tonite, trying to track down a swap for a dub of "The 5 volume basement tapes". I'm in the middle of Greil's book & need the whole set! I managed to find the "unofficial tape Library" but it seems the guy who runs that has burned out & closed shop for an indefinite period. Any suggestions? I don't have any dylan to trade with anyone, but all Elvis Costello & some Neil Young.

Thanks, Bill Brown brown23@gate.net

I'm looking for a source for the Dylan CD-ROM that came out 2 or 3 years ago. I don't see it mentioned in this Web site though it got pretty good reviews at the time.


really enjoy the page.would like to see more space devoted to "the times they are a changing" era


Does anybody out there have a source for purchasing "Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. 3"? I have a friend who is having trouble locating it.

Great homepage. You must put a lot of work into this.


Jeff..... jeffumla@sprintmail.com

please i;ve made my home page dedicated to dylan only now i search for nice dylan background music waves i have but du u know where ik can find midi files of dylen and who are not payed on a roland piano but from dylan self ? please.. mij ho is www.worldonlin.nl/~bertmidd and u see whats missing :-)) by.

bert fromn holand

I think this page is really happpenin' man, keep up the great work.


I would like information on where I could sell my mint condition album, The Freewheeling' Bob Dylan. It is the Monaural version cl-1986. It is valued at $15,000. any information on how to sell this album would be greatly appreciated. If you kow of any interested buyers please have them contact me.

Thank you


this site has been really helpful See, i have this research project i have to do about Dylan (my English teacher is a big Dylan fan) and i wanted to do more than just his life history. I really wanted to find out what it was that made him so great and i really thank and commend you for your site


Hey! Where's the Bob Dylan Birthday Bash Button on your home page?

Happy Birthday Blessed Bob!



Could you tell me where I find the pages for the free tapes.

Was it Simon Cyberg? in USA. He sent me a few tapes now I can't find his pages!


[That would be http://freelib.org/dylan/freelib.html, although I see that it's temporarily closed for renovation. - JH]


I just recently discovered this site and wanted to thank you for providing such a great service.I've spent hours just browsing and reading articles and interveiws.Olaf's Chronicles has proven invaluable in making sure shows I have traded for are complete.also reading about each year of his tours is also very interesting.Thanks again for taking the time to provide this great page,

Take Care,
Cliff Timmons

(just a quick comment)

on the day in which i heard about bob's hospitalization, it was very reassuring that i could find such a well-planned and well-organized informative site. thank you.


I just wrote a tribute song to Bob Dylan hoping that he recovers. If you like it go ahead and link it.

High-Priest of the Silver Crow

Simon Seamount




Caribbean Sailors

Just a short comment. Found out about this site from the CNN news report about Dylan's illness. Will check it out.


great job on links for the hospitalization update. thanx.

had a chance to read Invisible Republic yet? nice essay in current Newsweek on general topic of hidden roots of county, w/specific discussion of Marcus on Bob, etc.

again, thanx for a nice job

stuart levitan

thanks for providing the hospital updates.


Wow!!! I love this place. Thanks for putting it here. I probably missed reading it somewhere along the line, but I've always wondered who the female is on the cover of the Freewheelin' album?
Sorry if this a dumb question.

Brian Hollabaugh

[The woman on the cover of the album is Suze Rotolo, Dylan's girlfriend at the time. - JH]

Hi; Love your site. Great review onthe Basement Tapes. Do you know anyone who will trade tapes for them? I have alot of Springsteen and will do the ususal 2-1 otherwise. Thanks for your help.

Allen (lbrawer@aol.com)

Dear Mr Dylan!

I am writing on behalf of my husband Mr. Oystein Lervik and his colleague atwork Ms. Lill. They are both fans of Mr. DYlan and are very sorry to hear about his hospitalization. they would appreciate if the following message is passed on to him.

"When thing go wrong, So wrong with you, It hurts me too."
Have a speedy recovery and all the best to you.

Greeting from
Oystein Lervik and Lill. Oslo, Norway!

I WAS WONDERING IF YOU COULD TELL ME WHERE I COULD FIND A FULL Biography on Bob Dylans life with dates and his connection to the counterculture during the 60's and Vietnam War. There seems to be a lack of information on this part of his life on the Web I'm doing a report on him so it would help a lot



I hope that this letter will arrive (or least it's contents) to Bob Dylan. Firstly I want to say that I'm happy that my prayer came true and he's healthy and he don't still went to meet Elvis like he said. I was happy to hear also that in september (my birthday month) he'll release a new album:"Time out of mind".

I'm 25 years old and I'm a poet who was influenced from Beat Generation (especially from Alan Ginsberg). Bob Dylan is my idol and in his credit I discovered so much values and they are very close to me today (like that and like Woody Guthrie, Arthur Rimbaud) and of course all Bob's music that gives me complete life. I did read a lot of biographys about his life and because it I know very well about his GREATNESS.

A year ago when I published my first poems book, many peoples told me that they saw the effect from Bob Dylan, especially in my Protest Songs (like against who assasinated my Prime Minister, Yizhak Rabin). I wish to send you my book but I wrote it in Hebrew, there is a poem who I wrote it in dedication for Bob Dylan.

I never forget his concert in my land, Israel. I saw him in Haifa port (20.6.93), it was been my only and first opportunity to saw him on stage meantime, but I wish and promise to myself to see him again.


Oudi (My friends nickname me "ouDylan").

P.s. I discovered this site while visiting Cnn's report about Bob Dylan's health

 Oudi Ben-porat

Dear Bringing It All Back Home Folks:

Thank you very much for keeping all of us up to date on Dylan's recent health problems. I had a very hard time getting the straight story until I found your website. Keep up the good work.


I'm on the mailing list 'About Townes' (Van Zandt) where I read a short comment on Dylna's health. I nearly panicked and at once looked for further information in the web. So I found your homepage via Altasvista. I'm very pleased with the very new articles on Dylan (at least more actual than German newspapers that only spent a few lines on Dylan's infection). Continue your good work!



I found the site the first time I really got to grips with the net (and naturally loooking first for my hero since 1964). It's a brilliant site and I agree with the guy who wrote how great it is to feel connected with all those other, aging and young Dylan fans around the world. Especially now, when BD was hospitalised, and I could hear the latest news. I was at both of his shows in Israel and hope he'll be back here again.
Keep up the good work!


No feedback really, other than its a great web page.  I do have a question though.  Is there any
where I can find someones analisys of the lyrics to the "Changing of the Guard".



Found you by searching for "The Genuine Basement Tapes".

Any suggestiopns as to how to come by them?  I hear rumors
they are no longer available.



Very nice site!!!
looking forward to find mre lyrics of dylan's songs...


Hey there,
Just wanted to let you know...I added you as a link to my "solo" web site.. http://members.aol.com/Lambchild3/index.html
I'm currently recording a Christian "folk-rock" album...

Thanks & Peace,
Eddie Lambchild.

the broken words site at columbia University doesnt work anymore! great site though. would love more lyric analysis stuff.


Searching for info - can you help? Found an album with Bob Dylan's name written on it (do not know if it was signed by previous owner, autographed, whatever????). The record cover is for a two-album set, totally blank with no images, graphics, by-lines, etc. Inside are two 33 1/3 records without labels, apparently never labeled. Playing the records, they are Bob Dylan's but I would have to spend some time to ID the different songs on the records. Can you help to identify source or supply any infor? Or can you direct me to a web page to find out. Thank you. Enjoyed your page.

Beverly Stouffer

[Probably Great White Wonder.See http://www.punkhart.com/dylan/disco/gww.html and http://www.punkhart.com/dylan/disco/gww-listing.html for more information. - JH]

The british band Magna Carta went on concert in Holland in June 1st, and they made a small tribute to Dylan. Read the full report at:



Congratulations !!!

It is a masterpiece and I think for us will be more than useful, will be a lot of fun !!! For the first time I've such approach with Dylan's material. I have been following him for 20 years, and wher I used to live in Brazil - Rio de Janeiro, news from him or anything related to were very rare.
By the time I moved to San Diego I got more info, but now with the internet . It is so excited to be part.
I e-mail to tzr@pitt.edu to be part of the web but I did not understand yet how things work. Please help me be part of this in a way I can always know whats going on. I also have looking for the movie Reinaldo & Clara, but I did not find. Do you know something? I read the biography by Robert Shelton and On the road from Larry Sloman.
I will be waiting from an answer from you.
A brazilian fan.

Carlos Augusto Vidigal

Dear Dyan Page Maintainer,

The Malaspina Great Books Program has designated your page as a Great Books Five Star Site. Your site is linked to entries in our database at:


A list of other five star sites is at http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/fivestar.htm

Thank you for your important WWW resource.

Yours Sincerely

Russell McNeil, Ph.D.
Malaspina University-College
Great Books Home Page





do you know where i can get any movie clips of dylan? they must me avi file type.



Bob Dylan is a lyrical and musical genuis. No one can compare. He is one of the largest influences in rock and roll. He will live on 4 E*V*E*R. (dig the web site)


Hi, I am interested in purchasing a video of the film "Renaldo and Clara". Do you know how I might be able to accomplish this? Thankyou for your consideration.


Just saw the show last evening at Pine Knob in Michigan... Really hot show. It's the sisxth show I've seen, and I'd say one of the best. Booby rocked, and I really liked the backup band behind him this time. The audio system was also the clearest I've heard him on, with the notable exception of when he opened up for the dead in DC. Just thought I'd add my view.

Ezra Reis
"I ain't gonna work on Maggies farm no more!!"

I enjoy your page and check you out often. Thanks for the great info!

I tried to click on the Wall of Sound link to Dylan's new track list and it cam e up with:

HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request


David Voytek

[I just tried it and it seems to be working - JH]

Who is Bob married to and is she the mother of Jakob? And I've looked everywhere and I can't find a picture of her. Do you have a picture of her?

Could you please link me from your sight? I have a web site called The Kerouac Quarterly. I am being linked sometime soon from Levi Asher's site. I am at: http://www.freeyellow.com/members/upstartcrow/page1.html

I was register in the Dylanweb as #25. So far I have no answer,once I understand that I can access to you anytime. I have been surfing through this site It is simply a taste of what I was expected. Congratulations for uor job. Please enroll me at your site.
Thank You.
Carlos Augusto Vidigal.
Brazilian Fan

Just want to say thanks for this site - I've skimmed it a few times, and everytime I find some new fascinating bits of knowledge (the Al Kooper page, for example, which may be old, but it's good, as Neil says in Pocahontas). Just saw Bob in Toronto on August 7 and I hope you have a chance to catch him, because the Man is On Fire again, for the first time in quite a while.

Thanks Again. Bill (up in Ottawa, Canada)

I am desapointed, there is nothing very much interesting on your web site ....


I think your page is awesome, I just recently turned sixteen and I had been listening to dylan almost all my life and i heard about your web page from a friend he said it was the best on the web so i checked it out


Hi folks,

nice site. Might be of interest for you: I found a site with inexpensive and good quality Bob Dylan posters (and much more) at http://www.concertposter.com.



I tried to access your Dylan, Oh Dylan pictures, but was given the error 403 forbidden. I have aol. I would like to see and possibly copy some of these pics. If you can help, please e-mail me back.

Great site. Bob rules

I browsed through your dylan page and thought it was amazing. I'm a huge dylan fan myself but i do have one question i hope you can answer. What album, if a ny, is the song "born in time" on. I was wondering if you could be as kind as to e-mail me the answer.


[The album in question is Under the Red Sky - JH]


Thank You, Thank you, Thank you for a real good time. I only got to catch one show, but thanks for Tangled up in Blue. I don't know if you personally will get this, but thank you for keeping it going. If it weren't for you, Merle, Grisman, Hunter and countless others I just don't know what I would do.

Jessa McCloud

I am looking for information on Bob Dylan (and other artists of his caliber) and the relation that their music has to poetry. I was hoping that if people know where I can get this information that they would send it to me. I am doing this for a grade eight unit on poetry and would appreciate the help. Thanks.


I've now added the chords to all the TOOM songs to my page. http://hem.passagen.se/obrecht/backpages/

Eyolf Ostrem

You'll find another excellent (german) review of the new album at http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/kultur/40242.html. It's from the weekly german newsmagazine Der Spiegel.

Herbert Adam

I am looking for info on the Dylan movie, Renaldo & Clara, do you have any sources for purchasing the original 5 hour version fo the film on video or any other format! I enjoyed your site! I found it through a "Beat" link. Thanks.


Wonderful site. I'm not sure how I got here. I started with a search on "Joan Baez" and here I am a few pages later. What I need is a short bio on Bob Dylan (and a few dozen others) for my Sixties site at:


Can you steer me to a biography. Do you know anyone who'd like to DO it? Anyone who's already done it and would let me use it?


I would like to find a copy of Dylan's concert movie, "Renaldo & Carla". I've searched around town and on the internet. Shirley some one markets this great movie. Do you have any idea where I can get a copy? Thanks, Zenwino

Dale Joyner (Zenwino@aol.com)

I Shall be released = Novalis "Hymns to the night" (?)


Does Dylan have a chat room? I couldn't find one and I thought he did. Please let me know what it is if there is one. Oh, Your page is pretty good, I'll be back to it I'm sure.


How come all of the parts where he talks doesn't show him talk, and how come the y are so short?


I have been a Dylan fan since my early teens (I'm now 47) and I have always felt that since his breakup with his wife Sarah around 1977 (the year I got married) he still loves her. After listening to several tracks on his latest CD, TOOM, it seems to me that he still misses her as much as ever.

The point is, that after 17 years of marriage, my wife left me recently for another guy. And Dylan's songs about Sarah or relationships in general now hit so close to home that I can't listen to BOTT or TOOM without a major cry.

Anyway, can you recommend any books, articles or reading that may discuss what happened between Bob and his wife, and what he feels about what happened?

I have a catalog from "On The Tracks" and they have many books and periodicals available, but perhaps you know which ones deal with the specific aspect of Bob's life that I can now relate to and am now interested in.

Looking forward to hearing from you or your members. (Feel free to post this).

You have a great website.


jeffumla@sprintmail.com (Jeff Umla)

Hi. Cool page. I was wondering if you could help me. I'm doing an extra credit paper in my History of Rock Music class, and I need to find some articles or something about how Bob Dylan's going electric influenced fans as well as other bands. He went electric on my birthday (I don't think I was born yet) :) So, please write back if you can direct me toward the information. Thanks.

a_wilbury@stones.com (Kelly)

This is a great site... I rarely do feedback, but in this case, I wanted to. I read most of the past feedback comments: there was one thing I wanted to add. Somebody posted, wondering who the woman was alongside Dylan on the album slee ve of The Freewheelin'...she is not Albert Grossman's wife Sally, but Suze Rotolo. The picture was taken in February, 1963. Albert Grossman's wife did appear on a Dylan cover, but it was on Bringing It All Back Home. Keep up the good work. Very cool.


I'd just like to say what a great sight this is, I keep returning to it again and again. It's invaluable for far too many reasons to go into. Keep up the good work.

cp lee

Do you know --
Who is the girl on Dylan's arm on the Freewheelin' Bob Dylan album?

Joel Silverman
Atlanta, GA

I am glad to BD have so much support across the generations. I was looking for an address for mail to the man himself. Any new BD info is appreciated.

Meredith Webb

Be curious to know how many Bob fans would want to read a book about his personal life, his relationship with ex-wives, girlfriends, children, sports, etc. and what he does in his free time, even if some of the information might explode the myth, revealing him to sometimes be a self-serving, ego manical person. The book is being written by a long-time girlfriend, who depending on how pissed off he gets, may or may not be sitting next to him at the Kennedy Center Awards this winter.

To answer some of the questions: Renaldo and Clara is impossible to find unless you know him. He keeps it (as best he can, safely locked up in a vault.) He does not read these sites unless there is something particularly interesting one of his friends or employees picks up.


Why can't I find the bootleg "F**k the Playlist" in your bootleg index. I'd like to see what's contained on the cd.....


I'm trying to get a letter to Dylan concerning a Woody Guthrie Memorial. Do you have an address (besides Sony/Columbia)where I would have a REASONABLE chance of getting something to him? Thanks.


yes..just wanting to know if there are any parties before or after Dylan's November 8th concert in Dayton, Ohio at Hara Arena? Also..who will be opening for Dylan that night? thanks a lot...

Dan Taylor (dangohogs@aol.com)

I have an old dylan album called V.D. Blues. Dylan sings songs about V.D.. another songs. If any intrerest give me a call at 760-345-7839 Nites or 760 773-3231. CALIFORNIA


waiting in a auwull panic, i resorted to finding all the people involved


Dear John,

I just wrote you regarding the Dylan tribute book "If You See Him Say Hello" and realized that I used the word "wonderful" 2 or 3 times in my last email to you!.....so sorry, and so embarrassed....(blushing profusely.)




If you want to read The Foot of pride was in a BOOT! or whatever..i see noplapable lull in energy, do you? I hsdto give m all another name, etc jonesy

[Huh? - JH]

i recently attended boy dylan's concert in mobile. it was very disappointing. no communication at all with crowd (to be expected), played only his new songs ( played only a few old ones), and seemed relatively uninspired. few attended and i am beginning to understand why. people come to relive the past in large part because his songs represent signposts along the way of life. no hamonica. no back up vocals. very little acoustic. an electric morass of static with relati vely few lyrics which were inte lligable. is this the norm rather than the exception? your thoughts


Recently I've been bothered by the lack of multimedia clips on the net. Do you know of any pages currently boasting vid-clips of Dylan's numerous liveshows taped over the decades? If not do you and/or other webmasters have p lans in the works?
Take it easy....

Patrick Dietz

Hello, I've been searching for a while now for the guitar tablature and lyrics of the song "you belong to me" from the soundtrack of Natural Born Killers. In the leaflet of this CD, it dates the song as 1952 and was written by pee wee king, red stewart and chilton price, who I don't have a clue who they are. If you can help me find this song, i would appreciate you e-mailing me back some info.
Thank You.

Pierre Gagnon

Great Website. Really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work. Bob Dylan is the greate st songwriter that ever lived. He is the very best. Long live Dylan and God bless him.


I feel compelled to comment on your site as it is simply brilliant. A very comp rehensive list of highly interesting material. Congratulations!!

(A Baldursson (Iceland))

I'm the editor of a magazine of poetry and reviews, called 'Interchange'. I'm thinking of reviewing 'Time Out of Mind' for the next issue, and I've been using your site to research my article. I'm just in awe at what a coherently-ordered and 'friendly' resource your site is. (I'm a lecturer at the University of Wales - if only our students had similar access to literary journals and articles, etc! Your system of links, whereby everyone shares stuff, is just great. It's how it should be!)

So, thanks for keeping this site going. It gets my vote!

If you're interested in the review, when it appears, let me know ...

Best wishes,


Want to know if there is any complete catalog about Dylan's bootlegs in CD. Your page is great really!

mauricio luja


I was wondering if I could get the lyrics from the song, "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue." I am writing a paper on the short story that Joyce Carol Oates dedicated to him. Also if you have any another references to that it would help a great deal for my paper. Thank you. I appreciate it.

Krystal of University of California, Irvine

i am building a page with links to pages concerning bob dylan, jimmy buffett and the grateful dead may i create a link to your page.

thanks for your time


I really would like to have an address to send cards and the occasional fan/than k you note. I have been a loyal fan for thirty years and I really would like to thank him.



I really enjoyed your web page!

I saw Dylan at the Philadelphia Spectrum in 1979 (large band with violin guy fro m South Philly). I also saw the Greatful Dead with Bob Dylan as the closed JFK s tadium.

Anyway do you know of any well recorded bootlegs from the tour with Mick Taylor? 1984 I believe? The same tour that Real Live came from. I bought a boot of the rehearsals, great sound but no Mick Taylor excpet Maggies farm which was on Real Live.

Any outtakes from Infidels that Taylor plays on? He is very mixed into the backg round on that album.

Also, id there a Bob Dylan Newsgroup?


PS. The Rolling Stones have been playing Like A Rolling Ston on their current Br idges To Babylon Tour. The Stones are playing Madision Square Garden on Jan 16th & 17 while Bob Dylan is playing at the Madison Square Garden Theatre in the sam e building. I hope these guys get together for a live jam on Like A Rolling Ston e like they did in 1995!

Do you know anyone who might want to sell an irving plaza ticket. I will reward with rare dylan memorabilia.i

110456.3354@compuserve.com (gary)

this is fantastic!best bob site ever stumbled upon... thanks very much... i do h ave a question: do you know where i can find articles/whatever about dylan writt en by christopher ricks...i've looked all thru your site & cant find anything... anywhere else you might know of... again thanks so much for many hours of enjoy ment.

michelle dennis

I thought that you might be interested in http://www.iam.com/people/jules/dylan.htm, and might even want to create a link to it...


hi, was hoping you could help me out

dylan chat gold closed down, but we're meeting at a new place:


hope you can help spread the word, maybe add a link to your page.


cindy goodman

December 14, 1997
The Metro
Chicago, IL

Surprise Opening!!!

David Bromberg with Bob’s Band
Two Chicago Blues Numbers
1) It’s Over Baby
2) She Took My Car When She Quit Me
(These are the first lines of the songs, not their titles. Anyone know the correct titles?)

Bob Dylan

1 Maggie’s Farm
2 Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With You
3 Cold Irons Bound
4 Simple Twist Of Fate
5 Can’t Wait
6 Sylvio

7 Roving Gambler @
8 To Ramona @
9 Tangled Up in Blue @
10 Ragtime Annie @ (instrumental)
(w/David Bromberg acoust. guitar
and Larry on fiddle)

11 Takes A Train to Laugh
(w/David Bromberg electric slide guitar)
12 Joey

13 Till I Fell in Love With You

14 Don’t Think Twice @
15 Love Sick
16 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35

Great show, as usual, with wonderful vibes from Bromberg surprise guest appearance. Bromberg's contribution seemed to be a spur of the moment thing (but who knows...). The crew came out to put up a mic and guitar cable at the last minute. Bob and Dave had a great time playing together. One gets the impression lately that Bob has been reaching out to his old friends, which is a real nice thing.

Standouts were all the Bromberg numbers, Simple Twist, and everything from the acoustic set to the end. How refreshing not to hear Highway 61 and Rolling Stone for a change!

The Metro is pretty decrepit and sticky (sorry gang). The sound was too loud for the venue. Bob's voice and guitar were distorted.

Aside to Bob's people: Whoever mixed did not do proper service to Bob's music. I like loud music, but this was just noise overkill. Think about it.

I saw at least two tapers busted, and at least one success story. The Bromberg stuff will make great filler.

Thanks for coming to Chicago, Bob!

Jeff Klepper

has bob dylan ever sang or wrote with leonard cohen? if he has done,when and what?

yigit ercevik

Hi! I just wanted to let you know how excited I was to discover your web site and all the other sites dedicated to Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan's work is one of the great joys of my life. I am so thankful for his beautiful translations of human emotions and feelings due to his sensitivity. He really explains things sometimes! I have been reading about him extensively and viewing any films that he has participated in. I am stumped about one thing (maybe more than one)....how is a person to locate a copy of Renaldo and Clara? I am dying to see this film. If you have any information, please let me know. Once again, thanks so much for you dedication to the art of Bob Dylan.

Amanda Hannon

Awesome page! I've stumbled upon it many times, most recently from a page about beat influences on music. Great info. Bob rocks!


big dylan conference @ stanford u jan 17


I like the "new look"! It works better underneath my newly revised "Roadmaps for the Soul" toolbar. Best wishes for a super New Year!!!

Joe Cliburn

This may be a totally peculiar request: do you know how i could contact Bob Dylan's managment, booking agent? I am interested in seeing if he would be willing to play at an event i am invovled with in 1999.

any help appreciated


jgold@umaryland.edu (Jim Gold)

Mr. Howells--
I have been following your site for almost three years now and it does keep getting better and better, both in look and content. What has been the hallmark of your site for me are your own comments and criticisms. They always seem to be right on, even if they differ from most people's. I anticipate reading your page (though I've gone through most of it), and reading your posts on rmd because of them.
Now all you need to do is actually go to a Dylan show. I wouldn't mind hearing what you think of his performances today. I doubt you'd be disappointed.

Brian James

Well, as many of you I've been deeply influenced by Bobby and think his new album is his finest, without any doubt. As for your page, it's great. I live in Slovenia and write since the age of 6, publishing 5 books of poems and one album of songs.

I'd really like to meet Bobby in person, but probably it'll never happen because of my "geografical position".

Wish ya all the best!


Need to talk more about his personal life.


Thanks for making this Web Site. I knew both Bob and John when they palyed at the "Scholar and the Purple Onion. My girl friends and I used to give them money to buy beer and give them rides. However, I could never remember if it was 1960 or 1961. That was a long time ago. Now thanks to your page I know. By the way do you know what became of John Keorner? Keep up the good work


This isn't a comment as such, more a query: i'm going thru a real rolling thunder phase at the minute, and trying desperately to track down bootlegs - esp. one that contains the "heavy metal" version of Tangled Up In Blue. Any suggestions?

John Harris
Select Magazine

I have been a Dylan fan since I was 12. I'm 20 now and really want to get into a Dylan fan club and can't find any info on it. Can you help? I really need it. I can't have my mom one up me with her Willie Nelson fan club letters anymore.
Thank you
Dutch Ferral

Pretty awesome! I'm using one of Bob Dylan's pictures for an art project so thanks for being here. What an awesome guy. I wish I had lived in the sixties.

nalini reyes

Out of all the Dylan sites I've found so far yours has the best pictures. I viewed the photos from Blonde on Blonde. I have always assumed the person in the photo of Dylan sitting on a sofa was Allen Ginsberg and the woman in the picture with Dylan was Albert Grossman's wife. But I could be wrong.


Looking for any and all outtakes from "Time Out of Mind".


I'm looking to get a copy of Don't Look Back (a legal copy of course). I don't know if one exists that I could order or pick up at a store if anyone has any info please let me know. Thank you,

Dave Heneise

Mandi dal friuli!!!


Io preferisco Dario Zampa!!!


I remember seeing, years ago, ads in magazines like Rolling Stone for concert ph otos. I thought it would be interesting to try to collect some concert photos of Dylan. I have been doing some digging around on the net a nd have not found anything, and it seems like the ads in Rolling Stone have been replaced by 900 sex businesses. I read that you are not a clearinghouse for tape collectors and merchandise acquirers, and I can't blame you for that, but if you know of any place I might try for Dyl an concert pics, I would appreciate hearing of it. Finally, I enjoyed your site. Well done. Best, Michael

Michael Mullen

I noticed on the song list of covers, one was missed that I know of. It is "When the Ship Comes In," and it's sung by The Pogues. There version is studio and on their album Pogue Mahone.

Stephen Pace

Great site!!! I like the name alot. Easy to get around, and I will visit often. Been a fan since 1965...(has it been THAT long?) Anyway, i wamted you to know, in case you hadn't seen it that there is a really nice review on MSNBC @www.msnbc.com/news/138198.asp of the Dylan/Van Morrison concert in NYC.I just left that site with a link to yours... (I guess that means you know about it already...) Anyway - great job!


Does anyone have or know where I can get a transcript of Bob's grammy acceptance speech?


I have a Bob Dylan yearbook from Hibbing High School, I am thinking of selling. Can you give me some information on how to do this ? Thanks


ALBUM; Title "BOB DYLAN SEVENTY DOLLAR ROBBERY".If you know anything about t his album e-mail me.

thank you


I was speaking with a dylan fanatic and he mentioned that the song hurricane was an account of an actual event and iwas wondering if this was fact or was he full of it?


[Of course it's based on a true event. - JH ]

In the late seventies, Dylan started what was called 'the never-ending tour'. At the time probably nobody took that literally. Twenty years later, it has beco me clear it was not meant as a joke. I'm a filmmaker trying to find fans who par ticipate in this never-ending tour, people who follow him around. Do you know fans who are (stil) camping?


Enjoyed your site. I've been reading the Mis-heard Lyrics page, which is great fun. Recognized a few of them myself.

One line caught my eye. In "Memphis Blues Again", you have the actual lyric listed as "The (?) preacher looked so baffled". I have always heard this as "The TV preacher looked so baffled." Makes sense to me because TV preachers were a new thing back in '66.

David Malbuff

Hey, heres something I wrote a while ago, 2 mo.s, and I wonder if you might tell me what you think of it?

"I Dreamed I Saw Bob Dylans Wife"

I Dreamed I saw Bob Dylans Wife alive and in the nude
Kvetching about her former life and how she'd been treated rude
she bitched and cried how she'd been used to bear his kids and then
she'd found that more he loved his Muse and liquor in the end

I told her I was sorry and what did her mother think
She said before she could say more she'd have to have a drink
I said OK got out of bed and then crossed to the bar
I made her a dry martini and myself a short Dewars

Not thinking it would matter much I rolled myself a toke
and as I took first drag and sip and turned again she spoke
"My mother" she said fluffing hair "is dead and in the ground,
But, if she knew what I had done why she'd be spinning round

She warned me not to marry him but I said Ma he's a Jew!
She said Anyone can get circumsized today" then She asked "Are you?"
I almost woke up then I was so startled in my sleep
"Well yeah" I said "But arent they all?" I asked, not being too deep

"Or nothing" she snapped quickly "I dont trust what I cant see!"
"Too much" I dreamed I thought I said. I dreamed she smiled at me"
Well anyway what brings you here, and what about his songs?
aren't they what made his career great and who cares about his schlong?"

"But he had to play them over and over all the time
if I'd had to hear 'Hard Rain' once more I would have lost my mind!
And then his groupies oh my god one looked like Mama Ray
another looked like Tracy but much older than today."

"Thats wierd" I said "Hard to believe with money up the ass
that thats the best that he could do." as I took a hit of grass
"But thats just it" she waved, her martini glass in hand
"He believes his Gift is from above and his Muse is some old Black man!"

This time I really did wake up and proved it was a dream
The glass, The joint, The Bitch was gone. I could hear a distant scream
But it felt really spooky sitting in the empty room,
dissappointedly sensing something impending Loom.

copyright 1998 B R Beal
for The EveryDAY CarTOON Prod
all rights reserved
thanks alot for your time

bbeal@hotmail.com (Bruce Beal)

I am a big fan of Bob Dylan. I am very impressed with this site. People shoul not use sick comments when talking about Bob. SHow some respect


I love Bob Dylan!!!!

This is a great site!!!!!

Steinar Kristoffersen

Krohn's Boulevard Records has vinyl albums by Bob Dylan for sale at ( http://www.kalnet.net/krohn) Rock, Pop, Folk, & Country from the '60s to the '90s; Blues & Jazz from the '50s & before; back issues of music magazines like Goldmine, RS tone, Creem, Musician, Hot Wacks, Spin, & others; Used But Not Abused CDs & Singles. ( http://www.kalnet.net/krohn)

krohn@kalnet.net (Bill Krohn)

Love the site! One thing though, on your related artists list, don't you think that the Wallflowers should be included? After all not only is their music grea t, Jakob is as related an artist can get! ~Lolita Grae

PS, you might want to add a link to AJ Webberman's page, I personally have a lot of fun flaming him! (Jakob is sueing AJ !)

Lolita Grae

RE:Ring Them Bells I've thought about this quite a bit in the past what thirteen years since that interview, Dylan has far from endorsed a Jewish standpoint has taken something of what one might consider a detached Christian/theistic standpoint, although references both to the old and new testaments are as frequent in Oh Mercy and Under The Red sky as they were in previous religious albums.

So what about Messianic complex? Well since his conversion of 1978 he's largely written and spoken of his deepest thought and meditations upon his spiritual life in terms that are in many ways (in my limited understanding) non Jewish, in that they are not collective statements of faith, they indicate personal salvation (rather than purely national) they also largely take up the more orthodox Christian view of the falleness of man and the world, the existence of personal evil in the form of the devil and the theology of original sin.

We may want to get down to specifics later
Ring Them Bells:

Ring Them Bells, ye heathen, from the city that dreams,
Ring Them Bells,fron the sanctuaries across the valleys and streams,
For they're deep and they're wide,
And The world's on its side,
And time is running backwards,
And so is the bride.

Ring Them Bells, Saint Peter, where the four winds blow,
Ring Them Bells with an iron hand so the people will know.
Oh, its rush hour now
On the wheel and plow,
And the sun is going down on the sacred cow.

Ring Them Bells, Sweet Martha for the poor man's son,
Ring Them Bells so the world will know that God is one.
Oh, the shepherd is asleep
where the willows weep,
And the mountains are filled with lost sheep.

Ring Them Bells for the blind and the deaf
Ring Them bells for all of us who are left.
Ring Them bells,for the chosen few
Who will judge the many when the game is through.
Ring them Bells for the time that flies,
For the child that cries when innocence dies.

Ring Them Bells , Saint Catherine from the top of the room,
Ring them from the fortress for the lilies that bloom.
Oh the lines are long,
and the fighting is strong,
And they're breaking down the distance between right and wrong.

Verse 1 lines 5-6the bride is most likely the church based on Matthew 9:15 and Revelation 19:7-9also Ephesians 5:25. However in the light of Bob's Jewish background and perspective it could also refer to The Marriage of God and Israel Hosea 2:19-20.
Verse 2 line 1 Matthew 14:23-32
Verse 2 line 2 Mindful of Revelation 2:27
Verse 2 line 6 Exodus 32:4
Verse 3 Line 2 Possibly alluding to Dueteronomy 6-4
Verse 3 lines 3-5Ezekiel 34:6 also Matthew 18:12 John 10:11-14
Verse 4 line Matthew 11:2-6
Verse 4 lines 3-4Matthew 22:14 Revelation 17:14
Verse 4 line 1 Corinthians 6:2-3; Matthew 6:8

"Oh, the shepherd is asleep" I do not think is meant to allude to Christ, but to the hireling shepherd or the unfaithful shepherds of Israel perhaps the corrupt "church"..commentators, wrongly I feel , said it cited Dylan's impatience with God for not resolving and judging the wrong in the world; but wouldn't that go against the title Oh Mercy ? Interestingly it may hark back to I Want You with the line "The Saviours are fast asleep they wait for you". Also "The cracked bells and washed out horns..", the cracked bell here is probably The Liberty Bell. Then I think about the new song "Standing In The Doorway"

When the last rays of daylight go down
Buddy you'll roll no more
I can hear the church bells ringing in the yard
I wonder who they're ringing for
I know I can't win
But my heart just won't give in
Last night I danced with a stranger
But she just reminded me you were the one
You left me standing in the doorway, crying
In the dark land of the sun

"And time is running backwards,And so is the bride." the image of time is constant throughout Oh Mercy, remembered love affairs Most of The Time, possibly What Was It You Wanted, reflections on his own mortality in Shooting Star,and What Good Am I.These are links with Time Out Of Mind too. Indeed in an early take he sings the line "Seen a shooting star on the flat land roads, I was a thousand miles away from where the end of time explodes", yes I think your idea about its connection with scientific theories of time/light and space are relevant here. As an aside, I often use the confusion of clockfaces telling no particular time in my own work as I believe art to opperate and interact on another dimension.

Cartwright pointed out, and I agree with him that "The world's on its side" is a picture of the world as some sort of wounded creature crawling back to its hole to die, certainly at least it suggests the world is somehow fatally compromised. However as with all the very best of Bob's work it is the overall mood created by voice piano and spaces between words, the unspoken text, the way in which the images are woven that holds us spellbound. As a song it is very rewarding as it challenges people to feel the sorrow of mankinds' situation to long for some divine resolution and justice, which after all in a much more crude way the very early songs commented upon as in Song To Woody (The World) "Its sick and its hungry its tired and its torn it looks like its dying and its hardly bin' born" . I must say how great it is to look at Dylan's work over what is now getting on for forty years, like many painters and poets the themes and concerns were thre from the beginning, yet the infinite way he has to expressed his view has the mark of genius.

Martin Beek

this is one of the most thorough sites i have ever had the privelege to see. i am looking for any modern beatniks, in ny or calif. i am a pet/singer. lobrien2@hofstra.edu

lobrien2@hofstra.edu (cassidy)

Dylan's Birthday Open Jam/Mike in NYC

On Saturday, May 23, 1998, from 10 PM to 2 AM or so, The Pick-Up Allstars will be hosting an open jam/mike celebrating Dylan's birthday. We will be playing only Dylan and Dylan-related (e.g. The Band, Woody Guthrie, Joan Baez, etc.) songs.

Everyone in the universe is welcome, especially those sporting Leopard-Skin Pill Box Hats, huffin' harmonicats, Saxophone Joe's, dancing children in Chinese suits to play their flutes, Mr. Tambourine Persons and you too Bob. We will have a p.a., drums, amps...etc., just bring your guitars, harps...etc.. If you're considering coming, let us know what you're interested in performing, especially if it has more than three chords, to avoid duplication and allow for preparation. Listeners and Dylanologists of all stripes are also welcome.

We will be convening at Finnegan's Rainbow 60-19 Roosevelt Avenue, Queens NY, USA. Take the 7 Train to 61st Street and Roosevelt. The bar is right under the el.

You can contact us via the Dyl-line -- (718) 729-6019 or via e-mail.

So join us May 23 1998 -- D-DAY -- and get Tangled Up In Bob.

Christopher Caprioglio

I just found your site, and it's great. Thanks


Hey John --

Have you heard anything from Olof regarding the 1997 installment of his Chronicles? I sure hope he is planning on doing them. They are incredible!!!

Jeff Gregwan

[Sadly, no. Olof where are you? - JH]

It's hard to explain the importance to 16 year olds in the 1960s of Dylan's "tim es they are a changing". They were seminal in the sense that they came from the gramaphone's mouth, not from ours. We now had a legitimate intermediary. My f irst date with my husband of 30-odd years was at the Royal Albert Hall (London). This is a vast and majestic venue that Dylan was able to fill on his own, with guitar, harmonica and his voice. It was an unforgettable evening.

Regards Angela Tappas

Radio station KTCZ, Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN, in the 1997 "Cities Sampler," has Dylan singing backed up by the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra. I forget the song.

Colmbia Record Hour Volume II has Yousf D'Nour singing "Chimes of Freedom" in hi s native African language, with English translation by Bruce Cockburn. Absolutely wonderful!

Doug Johnson

Stunning. A blockbuster. I can't wait for the movie. A lusty, brawling epic. I laughed... I cried... it became a part of me.


I find your web pages very well designed in general but I think you should consider adding a scrollbar to the left frame. I run my screen in 640*480 pixels resolution and I can?t view all of the left frame.

Best wishes
Anders J

What drugs did he use.
How did the drugs affect his singing.
How did the singing affect the people.(good and bad)


Lots of Bob Dylan vinyl rock albums & other classic rock artists albums for sale at Krohn's Boulevard Records at http://www.kalnet.net/krohn. Rock, Pop, Folk, & Country from the '60s to the '90s; Blues & Jazz from the '50s and before; back issues of music magazines like Goldmine, RStone, Creem, Crawdaddy, Discoveries, Musician, Hot Wacks, & others; Used But Not Abused CDs & Singles, music movies; http://www.kalnet,net/krohn. Thanks to the owners of this guestbook for letting me have my say and for this service they are doing for music and fans.

krohn@kalnet.net (Bill Krohn)

I recently read Clinton Heylins review of Time out of Mind on this website. Bob Dylan fans are often the most hard him. Whatever this great poet has to say is worth listening to. A lot of people must have disagreed with Heylin, Mr.Dylan won his first Album of the year grammy. That was long overdue. God Bless BOB Dylan And Clinton Heylin learn to have good taste

John Sasser

Your boot lists up to pre-Rolling Thunder 1975 are great, but since my primary boot interest is Rolling Thunder, I'm curious if you are planning to expand the boot information to include 1975 and 1976? I know it's a huge amount of work, so the cutoff is understandable.

Calvin Rice

Great site. Bob Dylan is one of my main guides in life. I think this is a great site and I am going to use it in a project Im doing for a high school class of mine.

Travis Dandy

I noticed subsequent to last date in July through first date in August leaves ample time for travel back to States. Hoping to be surprised in Okemah. Peace

Alan Thummel

A truly excellent site. I visit-and enjoy-it often!


During the recent AOL-VH1 chat session with Robbie Robertson, it was mentioned t hat the famous Manchester Free Trade Hall recording was going to be officially r eleased. Do you have any information on this release???



[Columbia announced its release last month and then just as quickly withdrew the announcement from their official website. It's not certain at this time, but look for a possible late September 1998 release - JH]


I'm Israeli poet (26 years old). Bob dylan change my life completely. I explored all his way, by buy Cds (I mean also to artist who influence him) and THE BOOK ("Bound for glory"). In my first Poems-book I dedicate to him, All who love read my poems say to me that it's sounds like Bob dylan. I'm remember very well is last tour in my land, Israel and waiting to see him again. BOB DYLAN, I love you. you one and only for me, and I hope this message arrive to you without fear. I mean after all I'm not CRAZY fan. I'm just fan who GRATEFUL to you. I never forget you and your power.


Love the site, and the features. Keep up the great work. I come here often to f ind out when he will be coming the the midwest soon. By the way, if anyone out there has bootleg concert recordings, or if they know where to get them, please contact me.


I saw Bob Dylan In Jacksonville, Fla in 1966 and I've never seen it listed anywhere. Any ideas ???

Larry Abram

Sorry about the first one,
I have a question. My psych teacher is one of the biggest Dylan Fans and he gave us an extra credit question. The question was, "Name the sixthe studio album of Bob Dylan". If you can help me out I would be much apperciative.

[Highway 61 Revisited - JH]

Words truly cannot capture Bob Dylan's influence on my life. I have studied history in school, discussed religion with my father and have discussed philosophy with many, but Dylan's songwriting surpasses all of that. It's truly a shame that he's not given enough recognition for his music, attitude and modesty that makes him BOB DYLAN. Most kids my age (17-18) don't really listen to him since some say they can't "hear" him, others say they don't "understand" him or whatever. T here will never again be another BOB DYLAN & hopefully, before he's through, I'll prove (to all those non-believers) I was right all along. GOOD LUCK BOB!


I love this site
I think is one of the better sites of Dylan
but Where is the photo of the BOOTLEG SERIES VOL 1-3?
greetings from MADRID SPAIN


Bob Dylan is my God. His music has revolutionised the way I live and I am only 1 3 I love Bob

Cecilia Eleanor

,may god bless and keep you always'. for anyone with irc or access to a webmaste r java board. We have a intime dylan chat: #dylan! It is there for all who wish talk serious dylan/kerouac/the band/related subject s,et al. do not worry if no op is there. talk with whoever is there. the forum is complet ley open.....from the bible to the basement tapes. take care all.

This page inspired the venture. may we meet down the line. and watch the river flow.

john-david lucas

I'm searching for Dylan-mp3 files on the web: rarities etc. Could you help me if you know any? Thanks.

Gabor Bella

Good morning! This web page is fantastic! bob will be studied, listened to, and remembered for centuries to come. he has been a huge influence in my life since the age of 12. i saw him in columbus georgia in late 1997 and he was on top of his game, playfully winking at some southern belle near the stage. keep up the good work. cant wait for the manchester masterpiece to come out. favorite dylan tune is "up to me", although there are so many i can say that about. thanks for the web page.


I have an original program from Bob Dylan's first concert, in NYC, at Carnagie R ecital Hall, in 1961. It was sponsored by the Folklore Center in Greenwich Village, where I got it a c ouple of years later. Apparently, only a few people showed up, and Izzy Young had a stack of them left over. Do you have any idea if people buy and/or trade such items, and how much somethi ng like this would be worth? If you have any info on this, send me a message at mschenker@navpoint.com. Thanks.

mark schenker

Hey- is there any kind of Bob dylan museum in hibbing?

Bryce Christianson

never done this before.... maybe its best. i don't have any suggestions or comments, just feel like responding. some how after reading a few words of dylan's my fasination has made me ill..... i want to say i respect him and love how his music effects my life but that sounds crazy weird....... i don't even know the man and he has lived in this world longer than i have been breathing............ i lay awake at night sometimes and think about what he is doing, is he trying to paint a picture that won't seem to understand the mood he is in, is he writing poems that cause a sense of uneasiness and pain, or his he counting out pennies from a little jar just so that he can eat? i guess i wonder if he understands those things most because he lives it......... i feel as if sometimes dreams are impossible to believe in... that everyone is beautiful in their own way and if we only really knew one another we could see that..... my ming is making no sense, things i have never said or done has left a feeling of emmense regret......... maybe i hoping you will get this.... maybe i hoping somehow he will read my thoughts i don't see him as a famous star... someone who is weighed down from mail and the press, even though i'm sure that has been the case many times........ i see him as an inspiration.... as just a simple man who is trying to get by in a world of confusion........... i'm sure i couldn't think at this moment even if i tried.. i am a young girl, trying to decide if this man, this man who is ages apart from me could have an unspoken connection..... i do not pretend to know what love is or do i understand it.. i just know that somewhere in all my loniness' and dreams... he is there whispering to help me get through one more day... even though i will never look into his eyes..... i feel through his music he has allowed me, even if he didn't realize, understand the true importance of being completely yourself.... no matter how painful that sometimes is......... (i don't have an e-mail address, doesn't really matter...)

Stef H.

Hi. I was looking for song lyrics, but if I had any brains at all I would know that I can find all of them at bobdylan.com, so why am I asking you about it? I guess I'm just real stupid. My mommy is letting me use her computer.

A1SodaPop@aol.com (BlowJob)

If my thought dreams could be seen, They'd probably put my head in a guillotine. This web page is all right ma. I'm only bleedin'

Botticelli's Niece

My eyes collide head on with stuffed
graveyards, false goals, I scuff
At pettiness which plays so rough,
walk upside down inside handcuffs
kick my legs to crash it off,
say OK I've had enough
What else can you show me? - great web page...

Jeanette Zimmerman

i am trying to get a hold of dylan bootlegs, i have GD tapes to trade, who do i talk to ?



Love your new look - Well done!

CP Lee

I think Bob Dylan is the best thing that happened to music
he is by far the best song writer the music industry has ever seen.
all I have to say to Bob is KEEP ON ROCKIN

J Navolio

I totally enjoyed looking through your reviews, and items on this web site. I have recomended it to many of my friends whom also enjoy Dylan on another level. Would it be possible to make a short cut for people who are interested in buying different Dylan things? I would love to see something like that. I understand that a Neil Diamond site has one of those. Otherwise I have enjoyed my stay in this site. Keep up the good work buddy.


Just a little note to say that I have always liked Bob Dylan; you don't stay around that long if you're not one of the best......but my real reason for this note is to say hi a big hello to his manager, my cousin, Jeffrey Kramer. Hey Jeff, it's cousin Linda, Fritzie and Leo's daughter, remember me? I just became a grandma for the first time 29 days ago!!!! Hope you're doing great, I think of you often, honey, please email me if you feel like talking to one your favorite cousins!!!!

Linda (ojofl50@aol.com)

I am less impressed with disc two than disc one of the Manchester (RAH) concert. To have both Desolation and Visions blows the mind . . . not quite what they must have experienced in '66 but close enough for me. Visions is by far his best song with Desolation and GofE a close third. Of cours e, that all changes when I put on BOTT or JWH, or even Infidels for that matter.

plamothe@isgm.com (Pete)

Hey! I really enjoyed John Howells' fine and extensive review of the Genuine Basement Tapes. Only one question remains-where can I buy the set? Thanks--Mike.

mswick@unm.edu (Mike)

I just wanted to comment on how this website has a lot of information and is probably the largest one I have seen. Nice job.


wondering if you do any tape trading. I've got CD's of may 16, '98 and dec 18 ' 97

good stuff.
I saw the may show, religious experience
thanks for your time

zan (zanf@mailcity.com)




correction !!!

sorry, but the exchange between dylan and the the fan from the manchester concert was fan "dylan your a judas,and dylan responses "i don't believe you", the fan yells back "dylan your a f--king judas" and dylan responds "your all f--king liars" then goes right into once upon a time you dress so fine(like a rolling stone).

sorry i got the exchange a little mess up the first time, but this is clearly the exchange on my album....


Dear John,

I am a student at the Manchester Metropolitan University in Manchester, England.

I am currently studying the subject of web page design with an emphasis on human - computer interface designing.

Could you please tell me how much research into the topics of designing an interface to suit the needs of all users you carried out before you started to design you wonderful Bob Dylan web site ?

I would appreciate any help you could offer me. Keep up the good work,


just a short note to say thanks for filing the dutch
rockhouse site.. so much appreciated!
best wishes, frances

Your list of Dylan's 1965 US tour with the Hawks still leaves out his Knoxville, TN concert in October 1965. I was there. Great show.

Kent Hendrickson

I'm looking for a recording made back in the 70's. It was rcorded in a "public radio or TV" station studio(I believe it was WVIA in Wilkes Barre PA). The music was all acoustic. I don't even remember what songs were on it but a friend of mine enjoyed it very much and has expressed interest in trying to find the recording

Can you help???

Thank you in advance


This is a question to anyone out there who cares or may know the answer. I am w ondering what is the best way to get Bob Dylan's autograph. If anyone knows, pl ease respond. Thank you.


i would just like to say that bob dylan is obviously a god of some sort and even if he thinks he is not he is.


Thank you so much for the excellent site! It's refreshing to find so much information on the recording of the songs. I do have one question though. Do you know of any recorded version of "Love is Just a Four-Letter Word?" I would prefer to know of one dating close to when it was written ('65?), but any version would be great. I'd hate to live out rest of my life humming the thirty or so seconds of it Joan Baez sings in "Don't Look Back." Thanks again for the amazing site.

Jeremy Pendergast

[As far as I know, Dylan never recorded a version of this song - JH]

I want free Dylan-mp3's to download and i want them now cause i don't need them why no free concert from now on


Cinquanta anni fa l'onu prooclamava ufficialmente la carta dei diritti umani ed in gran parte del mondo si è celebrato l'anniversario. Nel 1963 Bob Dylan ha scritto una celebre canzone "blowing in the wind". Alcuni versi chiedono: "quante strade deve percorrere un uomo prima di essere chiamato uomo Quante orecchie deve avere un solo uomo avere per sentire la gente soffrire? La risposta,amico, soffia nel vento. Questi versi sono ancora attuali? commenta.


Where can I find articles/critiques of Dylan's lyrics by Christopher Ricks, the English Professor from the UK ?

martin.williams.aeq@dial.pipex.com (martin williams)

where can i find informations about television appearances of bob dylan (dates,stations,songs performed or interviews)?
please respond

h.rossacher@doro.com (hannes rossacher)

[Don't know. I know there's a website somewhere that has this information, but I forget what it is. Anybody know? - JH ]

Bob Dylan is the king! Your site is magnificent, it has helped me to get some us efull information about the man. Keep up the good work!

Dylan Forever!!

Mike from Slovenia (Ex-Yugoslavia)

I noticed that Johnny Cash was missing from your "Friends" links page. Considering the mutual admirations, as well as the collaborations (Nashville '69, Johnny Cash show, etc) I would think that it should be included. http://www.johnnycash.com


It's there now. Thanks! - JH

I seen bob dylan in carbondal and he sounded like shit you people must like to take it in ass for the money you paid to watch a washed up old bag of bones mutalate every bit of his on music lets burn down this fucker or just give me your 28.50$

some cowardly pathetic anonymous loser

Hi. Great site. I am going to include it in the links to my new Dylan club on Ex cite called Shelter From the Storm. The club is new, but we have some great memb ers. We have a chat room, discussion board, links, etc. I'd appreciate it if you would list our club in your links. The address is http://mycomm.excite.com/mycomm/browse.asp?cid=98154. Thanks a lot.....Marty

we saw budda fly across the moon on the fourth of july and the canyon was soliu dad all the children sang the hippys melody but we now fly over the moon so long ago


O.K., I'm a novice and I'm sure it shows. Would anyone out there in cyberspace tell me when Bob Dylan wrote "To Make You Feel My Love" ? I would really like to hear it performed by Dylan. Was it ever commercially produced? This is my son's favorite song and he wants it performed at his wedding. He's not really a big Garth Brooks fan (nor Trisha Yearwood.)

mbullock@levelland.isd.tenet.edu (Marla)

The latest from Dylan:


I love your page it is loaded with information. I have one question about a Dylan song I was hoping you could answer for me. I am a big Bruce fan and was driving home one day when I heard Tweeter and the Monkey Man. You obviously know where this is going but what about the lyrics? Not only is the theme very Bruce i.e. Vietnam, Jersey, Cops, Prison, Factory, but the lyrics are direct titles of his songs.

Jungleland "over the Jersey state line"...Line 7 "across the Jersey line" The titles Stolen Car, Hihgway 99, Mansion of a Hill, Thunder Road, State Trooper, Factory, and Jersey Girl. I think that 7 titles of Bruce songs validate that this was somehow inspired by his writing in addition around the time of the writing of this song a Bside from Bruce came out called Part Man part Monkey hence Monkey Man? Please e mail me with any info if you can. I'll appreciete it greatly

Thank You

Kyoung2@wvu.edu (Kory)

Enjoyed your site...Thanks

Pam Thornton

i just got on-line a few day's ago... man this is really sick... now i can totally indulge in my love for dylan's music... people that understand how all of this internet stuff comes together amaze me... I'm lost in the web but enjoying it


Hi. I'm the founder of the Shelter From the Storm club on Excite you were good enough to list in your links. I wanted to tell you that the club has been moved to Yahoo and given a new name. Its called Small Talk At the Wall. We had to leave Excite behind because of technical problems. The address is http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/smalltalkatthewall . If you could delete Shelter and add Small Talk, it would be most appreciated. Thanks....Marty

Do you think that he really understands the impact he has had on folk/rock/blues /etc.? Hell, just on music and/or poetry in general. I've read several intervie ws where he has dismissed his contribution. Hard to tell whether he's just bein g Bob or really humble. Obviously he has seen the results of his work. What do you think? In my opinion our great-great-great-great grandchildren will be quo ting him the way we cite Shakespeare. Is it all just a fad, relevant only to our time?


Dylan isn't really singing on John Wesley Harding. Nor on Blood on the tracks. H as anyone looked into this?


Bringing it all back home is a collection of songs written and sung by Bob Dylan. This is the last album he recorded. Is this true?


Patrick Humphries and John Bauldie in "Absolutely Dylan" claim that Dylan saw a vision of Christ sitting in some Tucson, Arizona, hotel on November 17, 1978. I was at that concert and was allowed backstage because my brother was hired as l ocal security. I also was invited to the 'after concert' get together with the other members of my local band. Of course, I had never met Dylan before but he seemed very serene and extremely generous. I remember that his Aunt (Mother's sister?), and neice were also in the room. I spoke to him briefly, no doubt sounding as Mr. Jones, but I didn't notice a cross or any other religious artifacts. I imagine that perhaps the authors took some literary license in using Tucson as the venue for his conversion. By the way, the hotel he stayed at was the Plaza International on Speedway Blvd. It's still there and I rarely drive by it without thinking about that night. In any event, for what it's worth. Raynook@aol.com

I thought the cat's name on Bringing it back home was puff or smoke. This could have been the name of Edie Sedgwick's cat. I am sure the cat isn't named SARA that is for sure.


Why does Dylan and Paul Simon ask for so much money for their performances? I really think they want TOO MUCH MONEY. Will people start waking-up to this when it cost 1,000 dollars a ticket?


sono naturalmente un grande appassionato di Bob Dylan e tutto ci? che lo riguard a mi interessa in maniera particolare. dispiace doverti scrivere in italiano ma il mio inglese fa veramente ridere e no n saprei da dove cominciare per trasmettere un messaggio quantomeno comprensibil e.

ciao e complimenti


Hey Bob i'm your biggest fan. I love your music! Mt problem is that i ant to download some of your songs and put them in Winamp. I just cant seeme to find them. I dont know if you dont have them on line or what but if you do then can you tell me where.

AntJamima6@hotmail.com (Kristen)

I have a question concerning a song. I was wondering what the meaning of the song Mr. Tambourine Man is? There is no good explanation why it is refered to as a song about drugs. If you give me any information on it, I would apreciate it.

Thank You

mmorris2@condor.depaul.edu (billy morrissey)

dear whosoever might know,
when did Dylan change Sub. Homesick B. to Bringing it all back home??
How rare are albums with the previous title??
If anyone knows please email me It would be most appreciated
Irish BD fan

carson@ireland.com (doug)

Bob, just thought I would let you know what you mean to me and all the people of the world, whether they know it or not or like it or not, thanks & much kudos f or coming down and telling us all how it is, and reminding us just how it's supp sed to be. Thanks again, and know I would like to be standing on the platform a t the station when that slow train comes in.


I once had mountains in the palm of my hands and rivers that ran through every d ay - I must have been mad I never Knew what I had until I threw it all away!

Dinny Doberman

Hi, I just came across this site and it's pretty comprehensive. I only had a few comments to make: one, I have spent a lot of time listening to Under the Red Sky and it's really a good record with the exception of just a couple songs. Most reviewers today and many fans comments demonstrate that they aren't in touch with the obvious allusions D is making to blues artists such as Howlin W and Muddy. Also, the lyrics are not just kind of a fairy tale thing: they really depict all aspects of life, spirituality, love, and the situation of society and the world. I was let down so many people trashed the record. "God Knows" has to be one of D's top 100 songs no doubt. Second, I was at the Merriville show the evening after SRVaughn passed away. We stood outside for 90 minutes with Dylan. He was obviously distraught, looked dirty , wore a hat and coat, and basically 'greeted' all the people coming in at the entrance where his bus was parked. Real strange character. but during the show his mood seemed to pick up and he sang friend of the Devil to the aud's delight. During the show he started tallking about "Stevie". Didn't know till later who he was talking about but he introduced the Mercer/Mansini song: This is for Stevie wherever he is. Real nice tribute especially using someone else's song. Finally, I met D once and we were alone for awhile. It was a real, and I suppose rare, treat. He shook hands and was obviously interested in talking abit. Kind of a lonely dirty looking character who seemed real guarded but that's being famous.


bob, thank you for the many years of wisdom and words...your work has always touched me in deep spaces, helped me feel the emotions of life, has been that bright light at the end of the dark tunnel. from first seeing you perform in the early 60's in some bleak, village coffee house, me 15, exploring, searching for myself, you only slightly older, with your head so full of ideas. i sometimes wonder what empty spaces i might have if not for your art. continue with your concerts, you're the best live performer in the biz and getting better all the time. best of health i look forward to us both being old men some day. thank you, your friend, frank

frank cianflone

Hey man,

Awesome page, lots of cool stuff indeed. There is one question I have though, is there anybody out there who has or trades Dylan shows like dead fans and phish fans, Bob Dylan plays more live shows than probably both of those band combined and the way i figure there has to be a lot of live recordings out there, but where? Please email me back and give me insight. By the way I have a couple of his albums on my pc in vqf format I'd be willing to give you if you wanted to offer them on you page. There free and I can rip an album for you over night.
hope to hear from you soon

jimbock@hotmail.com (Tapioca)

Hello, About a year ago a friend of mine saw 'Eat the Document' at a theatre in syracuse, NY. He really liked it and told me that should I get a chance to see it to make the effort to go, however I have NEVER seen it since. Is there a way to get a copy of this film or a schedule of when it may be playing in the Chicago area? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I can be reached at davebks@aol.com Thank you again, hope to hear some good news, dave

davebks@aol.com (David Marks)

Saw Bob and Paul tonight...

Really dug the show especially Bob's harp! Paul Simon's set was also fun. Question?... A Fatty riding on this question... I say Bob calls Northern California home and others suggest the East Coast... Who Smokes?

the graduate

[Hah, neither one of you! Bob lives in Southern California, Malibu to be exact. That is, when he's not busy travelling. - JH ]

One of the best sits I have visited! As a fan of the "Band" I learned a lot of many new things about their amazing past and only wish they were still making music. It's going to take more than a couple of hours to explore their great music and colourful past that you have put on your sit. Doug.....

I don;t want to talk to you -
talking to you would just be like talking to me -
how do I get a hold of Bob himself -
Now that's EMail worth the time it takes to tap it in!
do you know Bob's E-Mail Address?

Just a note: I thnik the site is really out of site!
Keep up the good///Great work!
JDV (Host of "The Midnight Hour Broadcast"
Check me out at goldenmlms.com - follow the links!

John D. Velarde (danp@ntwrld.com)

Can we have as much info as possible on Visions of Johanna please as I have to d o degree coursework on the piece! Cheers


From an AP article today, on JFK,JR:

But what really captured his imagination was the history of transportation and folk and blues music. When Brinkley asked him, once, what his own personal anthem would have been, he immediately said it would be Bob Dylan's "Chimes of Freedom"


RE: Olof Bjorner's Dylan '98 chronicle:

Is it OK to contact Olof directly with errata? His address is shown on the Chronicles page but is not a live link, so I hesitate...

Among his recommended shows for '98, I was just curious whether "February 2 Newark" meant 2/2 Springfield or 2/1 Newark; and whether "June 6 Stockholm" meant 6/6 Malmo or 6/9 Stockholm.

You may correctly assume I pay pretty close attention to his recommendations; not a lot of people have both (a) heard nearly all the '98 shows and (b) are inclined to communicate their preferences. - Jay

Jay Clark (pj2vaac@concentric.net)

Found a Simon/Dylan tour mp3:


were can i write to, to get in touch with the greatone himself?


[I don't think anyone knows for sure... - JH]

did anyone notice that during jewel's performance at woodstock she sang a song that resembled "just like tom thumb's blues" almost exactly with the additiion of maybe three chords. THIS IS HERESY. THIS CANNOT GO UNPUNISHED. p.s and she didn't have the courtesy to even mention the fact that she was plagerizing (?) that song.


This is John D. Velarde, AKA Issac Stacey, (Feenjon Cafe, circa 1969) and I only have one question, how does someone, like me, contact Bob Dylan?

John D. Velarde

[You don't - JH]

Questin #2: How does someone like me, a fan who plays some Dylan songs better than Bob himself, get a chance to play or record with him?

John D. Velarde

[You can't - JH]

hey john,
the image gallery compendium is great but missing a small yet vista link!

Joaquin's Antiques front door opens at:


all the images you won't find anywhere else!



Hello! I REALLY like this site!
Stumbled in here in an attempt to locate another Dylan site I forgot to bookmark. It catalogues web sites as "Dylan Resources." I had wanted to submit there f or consideration my E-book, Idiot Wind, which is a small 5-item volume dedicated to The Big One. I have always considered him my "spiritual" mentor, so it seem ed only fitting that my "outing" as a fellow poet be in his honor.

Anyone who knows the name of that site, or its address: Would you please drop m e an email? Sure would appreciate it.

Meanwhile, if anybody here is interested, my book can be accessed at http://members.xoom.com/SugarpieRabb/IdiotWind.htm

Thanks for this GREAT site!

19 August 1999

sugarpierabbit@usa.net (Sugarpie Rabbit)

In the song "Like a Rolling Stone" Bob Dylan sings the following:

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people,
their out drinkin, thinkin, that they.....got it made,
exchanging all precious gifts, but you better take your
diamond ring....
you better porn it babe!

He does NOT sing:
"They are exchanging precious gifts and things"
or "you'd better lift off your diamond ring"
......what a load of bollocks!!!!!!

THE LYRICS ON THIS WEBSITE ARE INCORRECT, and I don't care what the official lyrics are, its whats on the record that matters, not what some arse has written down.

Kindly correct these mistakes.


j.richardson@uclan.ac.uk (THE PIG)

[You, Sir, are an idiot. First of all, I don't have the lyrics for this song on my site, so I don't know what the hell you're talking about, and neither do you it seems. Secondly, he does not sing "you better porn it babe!". That's pretty laughable. You know something's happening but you don't know what it is, do you Mr. Pig? - JH]

Bob Dylan is going to be on DHARMA & GREG!
The 4th episode ...
This is true.
No b.s.


Dylan in Spin 12/85:

Three authors I'd read anything by:


I just finished reading the story of "Self Portrait", and I'm not sure what to think. I just got into Dylan recently and pretty much only like his first album up to and including Self Portrait so far. I must say, I like "Self Portrait" and "Nashville Skyline" a lot.

A lot of what was said in the story seems to go against what my gut feeling on the album is. Artists go through strange periods, but this period of Dylan's really isn't all that strange. He was always a big fan of Woody Gutherie (not exactly a fringe artist), and the beginning of his career is marked by many performances of traditional folk songs. The description of the improv. nature of the sessions is in line with the way I think versions of traditionals should be. Someone else already "wrote" the song, the person re-doing it is putting their feeling into it, something which happens more when less planning is involved. The songs an artist chooses to listen to say almost as much about them as their own work.

There may be some weird circumstances surrounding the album's recording and release, but I think it could be explained in a different way. Why would Dylan initially defend the album if it was always a joke? MAYBE he released it, and upon terrible reviews, he changed his tune.

Even if it was a warm-up for his next "real" album, or just an album to have some fun with, it can still tell a lot about Dylan and his flavor of music. People are sometimes at their most vulnerable when their joking. I get a strange mix of emotions ringing through his voice on these tracks which makes more sense now that I've read these things that were said about it.

Is there anything more emotional than a clown with a smile painted on his face?

Possibly for the wrong reasons, I think this album is incredible to listen to. He didn't write the songs, but NO ONE can convince me that he didn't care.

Ethan (ElEspectro@easy-pages.com)

Hi, I am a student at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah. I'm doing an informative speech for my Communications class. The topic I chose to talk on is music of the late 60's and how it affected the music industry. If you have any information thet would be related to this topic, I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time.

Julie (Eber0788@student.suu.edu)

excellent site!

"I have dined with kings."


I heard a rumor that Les Crane had actually passed away some time quite recently. Oh, say it ain't so! If so, when did it happen and what happened to him? Thanks!


I just wanted to say I really like this site. I am twenty years old and I am a huge lover of Dylan. I wish I had more stuff of his I am gradually working on my collection. As of now I have about 19 different albumns, my goal is to have them all at some point. I am a guitar player in my free time and i love to strum Dylans music. how extreamly realaxing and comforting. If you have any information that you think I would like. maybe some other good sites. Or maybe your favorite albums I love the simple acoustic stuff. Live and mellow. Have any suggestions? Thanks so much for making this site. One of my favorite albumns is "good as I been to you". Just to give you an idea of the music I like.

Amanda WHeeler
student at Wisconsin Stevens point.

hi John,

I'd like to ask where can I found the lyrics for the song Tweeder and the monkey man

When will Bob come to Europe?

What is on Cooper Station, NY


I just found your site. It has some good information on it for us Dylan fans.

I have not been able to find any information about a Dylan album called "The Little White Wonder, Vol. 2". This album is on BUHAY records (BHL 8002). It was made and printed in Milan, Italy.

Here is the track list:
Side 1
Wade In The Water
V.D. Blues
New Orleans Rag
Let Me Follow You Down
Cocaine Blues
Side 2
That's All Right Mama
The Cough Song
Hard Times In New York Town
If I Could Do It All Over

The recording is of poor quality, and the levels are off. I am trying to find any information, including value, for this album.


I have 2 Tickets available for Dylan/Phil Lesh at Continental Airlines Arena on November 13, 1999 which I would like to trade for 2 Tickets to the show in Worcester, Mass. on November 14,1999. If interested please email me at robertrosman@netscape.net

Just thought I'd mention that if you don't know, Australian band "The Whitlams" have done a great version of Bob Dylans "Tangled Up In Blue". You can find it on their album "Eternal Nightcap". It isn't planned to be released as a single, but it's really worth having a look at.


And thanks.
Well, as I feel some pain I believe I'll see you again. My life in the last year has been in Germany. Not a big dylan country. But, without a doubt, t he most tolerant country in Europe now (as my Bosnian friends will agree)

Don't see a place of audio files here but there is a nice version of Kingsport Town sung by Cat Power as The Winter Wind, at:


I just wanted to thank you for making such a great resource for Dylan fans. I am still amazed at the influence Bob has had on me. He has introduced me to literature and music that I would never have found without him. He also made me realize that you have to live life your way.I am a freshman at UK. I love Rimbaud, Guthrie, Beats, Hesse, Leadbelly, Baudelaire, Basho, and tons of other poets and musicians I can't think of right now. Anyone can email me at duncan_jeremy@yahoo.com and my ICQ# is 495996403 feel free to message me. My nickname is Troubadour, tell me your a Dylan fan and I'll authorize you immediately

I have never read anything by Greil Marcus, including "Invisible Republic." Now , I never will read it. From reading the excerpt that is reproduced on this page, he seems to have the wrong idea; he has an idea that is contrary to my own about Dylan and how we should view him.
To his credit, Marcus was polite when discussing Kramer's book of photography on Dylan. But, he is critical about the focus that Kramer takes. He disagrees with the effectiveness and validity of shots that do not seem to capture the true essence of Dylan. I know that Marcus is an accompished Dylan researcher and a well respected biographer of Dylan, but he needs to slow down.
Dylan's personal life obviously is of major importance when studying his music. It offers us additional explanations and interpretations of his music. But, we should not forget that Dylan is a calculated man. He was and is very aware of his every public move. Perhaps Marcus should keep this in mind when viewing Kramer's photograph's.
Whether you believe it or not Marcus, Dylan likes to make money too. It may not be wise to overlook the fact that Dylan knew what kind of pictures he was giving Kramer. He was giving Kramer what he wanted him to see -- something that makes the pictures as valuable as any that have been taken. If all they do is capture one true quality of Dylan, even if it is the quality of illusion, as wa captured in the picture of Dlan seeming to talk and hold a cigar when he was really doing neitherr, then the pictures are valid.
The music comes first my friends. To hold his celebrity above his music does not only miss what his celebrity is based on, it does wrong to a man who started out just wanting "to make it." Each picture is a valid representation of Dylan the muscian, whether they agree with Marcus's own interpretation of the man or not.

Kevin Briggs

I enjoy your site very much. I'm also looking forward to reading more about Bob Dylan in the present.
Sharlot-Dylan fan

how do I find out about how to play the harmonica like the man him self? this is the bet site other wise.

Forrest Gump

Hello eberybody!

There is a small, new site including two origianl pictures (^t91 & ^t98) on this danish site:


Take a look!

Yours sincerely

Jan P^vhlmann

Hey well done in compiling this superb site. Very impressive. I have a particular interest in the 3 overtly Christian albums which Dylan produced in '79,'80,'8 1 consecutively. Unfortunately I have not been able to access the site relating directly to Dylan and Christianity. I would like to undertake some study on this field which is in some ways a gap in Dylan biography or in another way one just overlooked and naively summed up as a passing phase of Dylan's life and carreer. Have you (i.e. anybody)got any ideas for where, who I could look to in order to develope this study? I would much appreciate your advice and your opinion too if you have one on this subject,

Yours Sincerely,
Graeme Stewart

can you please tell me what was bob dylans first uk hit single.

col.richards@net.ntl.com (colin)


Please send any information on getting Bob Dylan's first album recorded with the group called the GOLDEN CHORDS.

I would appreciate you doing this for me.


Michael Rumig

http://santarosa.net/papers/sonoma/11.05.98/spins-9844.html a '66 picture I've never seen


I really like your site and I was hoping you would check out mine. It's a term paper that I did in High School that I am still very proud of it. Here it is http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Arena/1991/

Brother John

Im looking for a photo of Bob dylan in concert between May and June of 1990 play ing at Canadian concerts. I own a stage played guitar and am looking for a photo of Dylan playing it. CAN YOU OR ANYBODY HELP. omgjon@aol.com

Well, I'm just glad to be writing to you, a 50 years old she-fan from Italy



Who was the bloke who shouted "Judas" at the '66 gig?

Doug Milsom

[To find out the answer to that question, read Like the Night by C.P. Lee - JH]

Dear Mr Dylan

How are you doing today? Fine I hope. I'm writing you to check my system to see if you are receiving. Please e-mail me back if you receive this.



I dont have any comments but i do have a question and i do hope you can help me out.I am a 22 year old male and my passions are my guitar and BobDylan and i dont want to settle down with some girl who cant appreciate Dylan.So if you could send me a list of female Dylan fans,single of coarse,I would no longer be the rolling stone I have been...Yours Faithfully DANNY (bootlegbob@bolt.com)

just found your site and am writing to thank you,a good and neccesary adjunct to the whole bob thing. thanks. p.s has anyone got an e-mail for \\lily, she gave me it and I lost it,I was Ramon then!

gilpanne@netlineuk.net (jim gilpin)

That's a really great homepage! Congratulations! Well I have a question to you... There's anyway I can talk to Dylan? A E-mail, a adress, anything! I'm despered! Help me PLease!


What little I have read about rap traces its origins back to hip-hop, and there seems to me to be a strong resemblance between Dylan's early songs and rap. I would enjoy reading about the apparent connection between rap a nd the early Dylan, if indeed there is one. And where, for that matter did Dylan get his "but vandals/stole the the handles" style?In short, a little music hist ory would be appreciated.

Silas Ward

I'm Sick of Love was the last thing you said and the last thing I heard. But th ere's more isn't there. Get on TV again, real soon, please.

The JB

[Ok, I will! :-)]

Hey there.. I'm Jim Roemer, creator of "The Book of Bob". I noticed that you have linked my site. Thanks! I'm writing to inform you that I have moved this site to it's final destination: www.slopbucket.com No longer will it be found at: homepage.interaccess.com/~jroemer I thought maybe you'd like to update your link. Regards,

Hey there.. I'm Jim Roemer, creator of "The Book of Bob". I noticed that you have linked my site. Thanks! I'm writing to inform you that I have moved this site to it's final destination:


No longer will it be found at:


I thought maybe you'd like to update your link.



To whom it may concern
I am working on an English project about Bob Dylan, and I need to interview a fe w experts on this topic Could you possibly answer a few questions and e-mail the m to me? I'd apprecaite any help you can spare.

1. What impact did Bob Dylan make on rock n'roll?

2. What in your opinion is his best album and why?

3. How do you think Dylan's motorcylce accident in 1968 affect his music there after?

Thanks for your time.

peacelove@hotmail.com (MS)

I would like to tell Bob Dylan that I was sorry to hear about his mother.


memo of a prayr vater unser der du bist im himmel, its notdark yet, you raised u p and say good bye to noone war das in india, puri bitte mein herz ist so schwer. mit liebe gitty zweng, australia


Here are the musicians playing on the song "Sign language" recorded in March 1976 and released on the Eric Clapton album "NO REASON TO CRY". This is the line-up as given in the box set "CROSSROADS".

Eric Clapton : Lead vocal, guitar.
Bob Dylan : Lead vocal.
Robbie Robertson : Guitar.
Ron Wood : Guitar.
Jesse Ed Davis : Guitar.
George Terry : Guitar.
Dick Sims : Organ.
Carl Radle : Bass.
Jamie Oldaker : Drums.
Sergio Pastora Rodriguez : Percussion.

Hope this addition will help someone.
Sylvain from France.

to bob,hope you have recovered from your illness last year.i'm one of your many fans and am the same age,so i've grown up with you.i began singing and playing folk music in app. 1957,and shortly discovered you via 'sing out'i.e hard rains', i nearly fell off the chair.from then on i sang your songs regularly at many sydney folk venues.the people loved it & this was before anyone had heard of you in sydney.your first record was released a year or two later-it was 'the times - changin' which shoows how long it took for the record shops, radio stations etc. to catch on.around that time,i bought a second hand martin 000-18 1958 model no. 165484.they were a couple of americans,and they said it once belonged to a guy called robert zimmerman.could this be true?if you're in australia again,i hope you can spend some time with the local folk crowd,as there are some real people there,who i'm sure you'd like.sincerely kevin.


I just wanted to say thanks for adding my Benmont Tench site to your list. I noticed that you have an old URL for the site. The new web address is http://www.wildbluegator.com/benmont/index.htm.

Take care,


Is there any possible way to write to Bob Dylan?


[ No ]

Hello Serious Bob Dylan Collector!

I just wanted to take a minute of your time to let you know about my auction on eBay! I have for sale an original, first pressing "Freewheeling Bob Dylan" LP!! This album contains four tracks, "Talkin' John Birch Society Blues," "Rocks and Gravel," "Let Me Die In My Footsteps," and "Gamblin' Willie's Dead Man's Hand. These tracks were deleted and replaced by 4 others before the album was distributed. To my knowledge, there are only 4 other copies in the world! Complete details about the album can be found in the book Goldmine's Price Guide To Collectable Record Albums (fourth edition) ,pages 49 & 50, under the article titled "The World's Most Valuable Album." A copy of this album has not been available for sale to the public since 1992 and at that time it sold for over $10,000 (US)

Needless to say, it is extremely rare!! If you have any interest in adding this valuable collector's piece to your collection, please check out the auction on eBay.

Just click:
(AOL users may have to go strait to eBay then to Item #293286036.)

Thank you and Good Luck!!!

What an Awesome show last night in Rochester, Minnesota Lots of songs he played I had not sean him perform before (the other 4 times I saw him). Bob Dylan forever. Like a really great verson of country pie.

John Witzke

Where can I find bob dylan video's from. I think bob can do no wrong apart from not coming to the south island of new zealand to put on a concert and meating with me.I live in a little hick town called alexandra, central- otago.Give my regards to the king of FOLK.

reece-j.gregory@xtra.co.nz (Reece.)

only one question.
O.K., the front cover of "Bringing it All Back Home"
yes, stupid trivia bio question-
who's the chick ?

Please Reply else I'm gonna do something stupid like read Robert Davies again.


[Too bad you didn't leave a valid email address, or else I would have replied to you directly. Oh well. The "chick" in question is Sally Grossman, wife of Dylan's then manager Albert Grossman. - JH]



it`s night here, in zurich. seventeen years old, calls schalch.
i want to thank you master, for all these amazing melodys, lyrics, dreams and ways to the sky. passsion`s artist. i`m playing the (base-)& guitar and i write my words, a freak of me.
i`ve heard your sound often, when i was in a mountain-pseudo-school (youth prison), my young way through the storm, of rage and bloody tears. You gaved me the courage, to be resist. ever i heared you in all this time, now i believe. in my eyes


in the astrology way i`m a fish, 23.2.1983. i want to go to your concert in the city, but i`ve got damned no money. i came to the prison because i was on a runaway train. alone in the street, like mud clown. with the mask of a punk, colours in the dark city smoke. so many faces, names and ????????????????????????????????????????????????
now i`m outside, free to shit, smoke, and just try to find yourself. sorry, for my fucking english, but i`ve learned from your book lyrics 1962-1985. i see you as a master, you know the world. you`re one of the greatest poets and songwriter in this world, maybe the greatest. rebel.
i`m a child of a precius son. and myself`s a losing son.
thank you really for just nothing, in the way of death.
like the universe in one breath, you live forever in my head. with god on your side


i can`t stand still
i`m hard like rain
i`ve got a mask
of hair, mud & bones
the deaths face

but they won it
they wont buy it
but no money can buy
your peace in sleep
desire like fire

money, money, money.....get your rocks off

i can`t stand still
then we see
what nothing be
worlds hungry mouth
the ashtray of bad desire

fucking kings
with money for thenthousand mouths
we can nothing see
we`re too young they said
soon they`ll see....

it`s night, so beautiful, i don`t see the moon, but i feel it. i wish you, maybe see you

again in dreams


philip schalch

Not sure who I'm talkin' to but I bet It ain't Bob. But anyway, I'm leo from Liv erpool. I'm an old arsed sudent at the mo'. I'm well into His BObness. Think he' s a brilliant poet. I'm in a poetry society at the moment but I'm a crap poet . I'll talk again soon gotta go.
See you soon Leo the scouser



It's hard for an Italian boy to be a Dylan fan, for two reasons :1st we are one in a million and I have been forced to buy (pay) the ticket to my girlfriend to have her on my side the 28th (Dylan live in Milan);2nd, and I think this a world wide problem of young fans, we can only meet Rocklegends when, after 30 years of signing autographs, they 're totally fed up of it! I have heard strange stories of his behaviour with fans. I only hope I will be lucky enough to shake his hand at the airport (that's where I'm working) by the way...this site is great!


Hey.....I jumped on to your Dylan site via a study of the beat poets.Terrific site here.I see Bob's shows annually.Here's my/Hip Waiters web page......some original music etc. Doug

cool page


i believe in two guys , first one is god the other is bob dylan . i just wanna thank people like u who does stuff like this as great as this to ke ep the new generations aware of the presence of a man on earth who speaks truly what he wants too: bob dylan. if u can say hi to him do not hesitate please , maybe an authograph could do it , thanks man. good luck and keep up the spirit , what u r doin is really awesome. bye

patrick bejjani

Just wanted to say that I was very lucky to witness two phantastic Dylan concerts here in Germany! Ever since I cannot help but being a desperate fan and I need to collect anything...

Well, if you can get a bootleg of that concert in Cologne from May 2ooo - don^tt think twice and grab it! ;)

one question that is really important to me: WHERE can I get that video "RENALDO AND CLARA"??? it seems hard to get in Germany. Is there anyone who can help me? Even a copy would be great!

kind greetings to all of you and thanks in advance, Jess




May somebody tell me where the following songs come from? They are all songs I've heard on concerts, but don't know where come from.

1) The All New Minglewood Blues
2) White Dove
3) Duncan & Brady
4) Rovin' Gambler

- Marius

I wonder what ever happened between Joan Baez and Dylan? Were they ever an item ? Do they talk now?


Nice site! :)


Hi, I enjoyed your site very much. Thanks. I saw the concert in San Diego Satu rday night. It was wonderful. I was eight in line and there were about 15,000 people there! Do you happen to know where I can learn more about Larry Campbell and his music? Thanks again.


[You might want to try the Larry Campbell site - JH ]

EXCELLENT SITE! Incredible amount of info. Love the new home page look.

I'm not sure if I have emailed you my compliments before, so I am doing so now.


Take care,


a very fine dylan site. i must commend you. there's a lot out there and you distinguish yrself.




I have just recently discovered Bob Dylan, my journey into his music has been a remarcable experience. Although I still have only seen a glimse of what this man has done I am sure I w ill never meet another like him. Ya i know this may sound horrible cliche but for the sake of history I will say never have I meet a man whom strummed the courds of heart like him. He reaches deep creates a storm and then passes through. I am younge 19 to be specific, I sould be listening to garbage, no? Shit the door he opened. I saw him play once 2 years ago. I went for the opening act (Ani Difranco)and d id not stay for his set. I had no idea what the man in front of me had done. I knew the hits and well but never did i concive of the wisdom he has. The purpose of this dose not fit the purposed intention for this box... it is ju st so I can physically see the words. They are not adequate but they'll do for now. My email address is enclosed do what you will with it.
That is a cyber invitation.


I'm a great fan of Bob Dylan. I'm only 15 years old bnut I think he is the best, not this rave bullshit, and all this other modern music! I have one question. What song is it where bob has banners with words on it (i saw the video but ican't remember the song)


I have just found your site. I am not even close to reading the whole thing, but want you to know that you have relayed your Dylan-ness very well. I can relate.....and that's really something for me!! OK....gonna go read more......that's all Iwanted to say......for now.......

maybe later......donno now....

There is no maybe about it, the disk jockey who introduced Dylan at Forest Hills on Aug. 28, 1965 was Murray The K. He put his right foot forward, took his right hand and shoved his hat over his forehead, and said "Bob Dylan is what's happening baby." As the boos poured down, he beat a quick retreat.

As an aside ... despite reports (AP each year lists this event on this date in music history as the day Dylan was booed off the stage ... he wasn't) that things were thrown at Bob ... the concert was at the Forest Hills Tennis Center ... and during the second set 2 tennis balls were tossed towards the stage (I don't think either one made it, I remember one rolling across the law.)

Tom Lubart

So what's an eighteen year old girl doing on a Bob Dylan fan page? Shouldn't I be listening to Brittney Spears, or some other empty, predictable musician of my own generation? No, I've been a fan of Bob's since I learned to read. He is t he most amazing phenomenon to come out of the 60's and political protest era. W ords can't even do justice for this one man.

Katey Schubert

thanks for doing a homepage of Bobby Dylan, I believe in him ...here 's a bit of a poem I wrote, and sing it too , in hopes to put a smile on your face or anyone.
Music of the wilbury where playing in the night.
Midnight special of the Roy Orbison flight
We are not alone stone people
Hardtimes come again no more.
          violet from afar.

I love the page it's great fun, more to listen to would make the site even lovelier


My mother Nancy is one of Dylan's BIGGEST fans. I grew up listening to Dylan, and I am glad to see such a good site about him and his music/poetry! We had the fortune to have 3rd row seats @ Shoreline at his August show in the Bay Area and he still ROCKS! Blew this hard rocker away! Rock on and keep it up! ~A True Dylan Fan in California~


Just wanted to thank you... you've probably saved my grade in English! I've got to do this oral presentation of an American artist... And where did I get the information?

See you later, dude


Do you know where the Bob Dylan 1961-2000 39 years of great concert performances cd being released by sony japan is going to be available. How can we get a copy of it.


[Don't know. Maybe it will be available from Amazon.com or cdnow.com - JH]

Outlaw Blues is influenced by the MUDDY WATERS version of Nine Below Zero

Obviously 5 Believers is probably influenced by Sonny Boy Williamson's Help Me or Good Morning Little School Girl

Lawrence Davies

I just felt that i had to say keep up with the good work on the site. Dylan is my all time hero, i am 25years old, and still the sounds of Dylan can get me through the good times and the bad. I'd love to just shake his hand and let him know how powerful his words actually are.Good luck Dylan and god bless.


frankie lee

Hello there. I just took a look at your site, and I have to say that it is a wonderful site for Dylan fans!! I'm a 23 year old Bob Dylan fan. I discovered his music almost 9 months ago. I haven't seen all of the site yet, I just wanted to compliment you on your work. Your site is very accessible for the blind. I was born two months premature which left me sightless, so I have to use voice software to navigate on the web, chatting, email, letters, and just about everything else to do with computers. This may be an impossible request, but if you do post pictures on your site, could you give a description of them? That would help me see what one looks like instead of my family having to lean over the screen and tell me. I loved the interviews on the site. I've read all of them! Keep up the good work!


this is more of a question about Dylan than a comment about your great site.

Do you know of anywhere i can get footage or Audio of Dylan playing at Greenwood in 1963 (except for "dont look back) or of him playing "only a pawn in their ga me" live anywhere. Ive searched the internet and cant find it any where, any response would be much apprieciated.


Natha Kosmina

[E-mail bounced. The answer is no, the footage in Dont Look Back is all that's in circulation. - JH]

Bob has always been a good artist and produces some amazing artwork. There is a sketch he made in the 60's that shows a person outside of a door, straining under a load of presents that he is trying to deliver to a group of people on the other side of the door. No one seems to be answering the door so he looks like he is about to kick it in. A great sketch! Does anyone know how I can get a look at what he is doing now.
Thanks, Tom

I was wondering if Dylan had any plans of making a new studio album. And if not , what new albums might be coming out?


Well Freinds,

Regaurding the commentary on Self Portrait I can only say that I'm sorry. Every one seems so quick to judge the genius of a man, to label his subtltes, placing imaginative motives behind his soulful expressions.

It occured to me the first time I ever heard this incredible album what it was that drew me to Dylan's music. The synthesis of aeons of timeless music, placed in the hands of the roughest most poetic being I have ever experienced. The title of the album was such a simple gesture of thanks to all the artist he'd covered_SELF PORTRAIT_"This music is what made me what I am!"

I reaize that I too am quick to label the music of Bobby, but he himself answer inqueries into his music with the question of "I don't Know; What does it mean to you? I just wrote it." And there it is, the real motive of behind the album: mind your own business! And if you dont like it, Let it Be.

A huge fan.


chrisj@montana.com (BLIND BOY GRUNT)

Dear Sir !

I am a musical and personally tween to you.
24 th of May I am 60 years old.
I am living here in Norway and my wife want to go to the festival june in Trondheim unfortenately I cannot be there.
I feel some much the same as you. IT IS THE TIM NOW THAT WE MEET 11


Knut-Gunnar Knudsen
Scheel gt 3m 2315 HAMAR NORWAY


Please meet me in PARIS,FRANCE on our birthday, next time there will be nothing,

Hey! our Bobby D site rocks! Dylan is the best artist ever, and this site really is cool. :)

I know that something is happening here, but I just don't know what it is.

Mr. Jones

Hey this is the only place I've been able to find lyrics to "Positevely Van Gogh " from the Denver hotel 1966.

thanks very much.

Here is an addition to those lyrics:

(last verse)

camilla's house stood on the outskirts
how strange to see the chandeliers destroyed

I'll send more clarifications as they occur to me


I'm just writing to say that I enjoy your site and have found it very useful. I detected an error on this page:
It states: October 18, 1995 - Birmingham, Tennessee. It should say Birmingham, Alabama.
I just thought that you might want to know.
Best wishes,

I think that Bob Dylan is the pinnacal of music perfection. I am only thirteen years old and I can look at Dylan and see this mans phenomenal talent beyond compare. So why can't the rest of the world? Young teens today are so busy filling their minds with this pathetic mind rotting noise that they miss one of the most talented men alive. He is truly an amazing and inspirational man from his benign humility to his stricking sense of humor-this man is a role model for aspiring artists and poets worldwide. He should therefore be recognizedas just what he is-a genius with a pen.

Harmony(yes,that really is my name)

bob dylan is a fucking crazy shit and i live him because he is my god...i wish more people could relize that they should be more like him and forget about themselves and their fucking sorry lives.....


Hello. I am new here, but an old fan of Bob's from South Texas, around Austin and SanAnto.I went on the road in 70s, left the 33rpms behind. Hope somebody's playin em.Never got back into collecting discs, except having a cassette in my bag to play in a car I had thumbed down.
I've listened to Bob's songs so much that I don't need recordings, the words are written on my soul. I even bang out some on two guitars I have, one a Mexican with nylon strings and a thick neck, the other a pretty nice Hohner. I think of Bob often, wonderin' how he is. I am 63. and Bob's words will always ring true.
Runnin out of space here, so I'll just say, "Good Luck!"

Julius Payne


Since I am searching for years for a certain Dylan song, and never managed to get it I saw this opertunity to ask about it on this site. I don't know the title of that song since there are no lyrics on it.

It's a ballade, and Bob's voice sounds very high with high notes in it. He only use 'La la la' to the notes.
I think the song dates from the early 70's.....

Can somebody help me by telling the title of that song?

Many greetings from: Lin

[You didn't leave an email address, so I couldn't respond personally. The song is almost certainly "Wigwam" from the Self Portrait album. - JH]

I would like to know if Mr Dylan made the song every one nust get stoned. I am in my 50's and always liked hom and I love that song it was from my time. Did you sing it and if you did where can I get it. I had one but can't get one now Thank you


i read a book about the children of god and the women said the bob dylan was a member. is that fact or fiction. i have read books that say he was going to a harikrishna temple. just curious about his religious beleives...


Just trying to get the word out that there will be a special screening of: "Don't Look Back" on Friday, August 3, 2001 8:00 PM Ford Amphitheater in Hollywood, CA This is being presented by the International Documentary Association, here is the link to our web page about the event.


This is an outdoor screening, preceded by a live concert celebrating Dylan's musical influence, along with presentation of the IDA 2001 Mentor Award to concert film legend Pennebaker. We hope that you can come! Thank you.

Hey, I know it's a bit cheeky, but I was wondering if you could possibly find time to link to my Dylan page. It's called Buckets Of Dylan - The Complete Guide To Bob Dylan, (the title is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek). You'll find it at www.geocities.com/paul_82_allen. You will also find a link to your page at www.geocities.com/paul_82_allen/links.html.


I'm Olivia
I'm thirteen
I spend my time on a farm in Wisconsin
I can't believe my first concert has to be yours
(usually my mom really loves me)
I looked at this web site to see who you are.
see you in telluride - (my uncle lives there)

p.s. caribbean wind is alright. I love it there.

amazing that all the matter in the universe has come to this tho found in the labyrinth of the eclectic and floundered in the mouth of the wail joined thru measures in the bearpit and glued in the soup of the eternal,picked up and stranded in the moments of the blink,fattened and blessed with the eye of denial.


The new disk is out, unfortunately it coincides with a very sad day in history. Lives lost at the Trade Center, the Pentagon, among others. Those Masters of War guys are a pitiful lot. Mr. Dylan told us that long ago.


I just purchased Love and Theft. I am a 52-year old female. I have always loved your music/lyrics/messages/the way you have the ability to revise your music and it is always great. If I had to choose just one artist since the 60s until present, it would by you. I have most of your albums, Highway 60 Revisited, Blonde on Blonde, Blood on the Tracks, Skyline, Time Out of Mind, etc., however, my FAVORITE one and I know from the bio book I have that it was not well received is the Budokan album. I have listened to that album (first the tape and then CD) at least a thousand times! (My most treasured T-shirt is from one of your concerts). Whenever my husband asks what I would like for a gift, my reply is "anything Dylan". I wish you happiness, health and peace. Please never stop making music. How else could I feel sad, happy, depressed, politically oriented, emotionally dyfunctional, introverted, extroverted; you say it all. It's incredible how some of your recordings from a very long time ago, unfortunately, relate to the tragic recent events in our country.
You truly are special.
Linda Orsini

i love bob dylan with all me heart and soul. i first started listening to him when i heard the song "the hurricane". the way he spoke so eloquently and peacefully about the story of rueben carter absolutely moved me and made me realize what an absolutely brillant artist bob dylan is. i since then have bought numerous tapes and cds by bob dylan. he inspired me to start playing the guitar and sing. i think he is one of the greatest songwriters of our time and will forever remain my favorite artist.

katie o'brien

To my cousin, Bobby Dylan,

I have never met you.
I know you through your music.

I hope one day our roads will cross.

I am emailing you from your former home:

The Hillel Foundation
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
1521 University Avenue SE#102
Minneapolis, MN 55414
(612) 379-4026

May the world finally realize that Bobby Zimmerman is a true TZADDIK!!!

Be Well,

Jeff Elliot Kaner
Grandson of Rose and Hymen Kaner
Home Duluth, MN
Place of Residence
600 10th Avenue SE #102
Minneapolis, MN 55414
(612) 378-4795

P.S. if you do not respond, I will understand.

Where do I begin?
There are so many things I would like to say that I don't know where to begin... ......
I would like to say something special, but I'm afraid I won't.........
It's so hard to say something about you really original, everybody tried to do it for almost forty years long, and nobody did.
I think the only thing could do is explaining my feelings in the most simple way I can.
You are great.
You are the greatest poet of the 20th century.
You changed my life.
No, this is is wrong, you don't changed my life, you chenged my way of thinking, you opened my mind.
You have written some of the best poems I've ever read (and I've read a lot of poems....)


Bye, Pelo

(Upon further listening)

This song is obviously an unfinished work in progress. The various comments made during the course of it have been included because they may offer insight into the way Dylan writes a song. On the other hand, they may not ;-)

(D=Dylan's comments)
[U=Unknown Person's comments]

(False start here, with indecipherable conversation between D and U, with the exception of D-"Terrible")

When I'd ask why the painting was deadly
Nobody could pick up my sign
'Cept for the cook, she was always friendly
But she'd only ask, "What's on your mind?"
She'd say that especially when it was raining
I'd say "Oh, I don't know"
But then she'd press and I'd say, "You see that painting?
Do you think it's been done by Van Gogh?"

The cook she said call her Maria
She'd always point for the same boy to come forth
Saying, "He trades cattle, it's his own idea
And he also makes trips to the North
Have you ever seen his naked calf bleed?"
I'd say, "Oh no, why does it show?"
And she'd whisper in my ear that he's a half-breed
And I'd say, "Fine, but can he paint like Van Gogh?"

(D-"Wait, the tune is gonna come, man. It's on the right tune.")

I can't remember his name he never gave it
But I always figured he could go home
Til when he'd gave me his card and said, "Save it"
I could see by his eyes he was alone
But it was sad how his four leaf clover
Drawn on his calling card showed
That it was given back to him a-many times over
And it most definitely was not done by Van Gogh.

It was either she or the maid just to please me
Though I sensed she could not understand
And she made a thing out of it by saying, "Go easy
He's a straight, but he's a very crooked straight man."
And I'd say, "Does the girl in the calendar doubt it?
And by the way is it Marilyn Monroe?"
But she'd just speak softly and say, "Why you wanna know about it?"
And I'd say, "I was just wondering if she ever sat for Van Gogh."

It was either her or the straight man who introduced me...

[Many false starts and comments here]

(D-"Alright. That's the wrong beat. I'm playing the wrong thing. Oh. I... Here's the lead guitar part. Play it here. Here's the lead guitar part. Play it here. No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. Oh. Oh, gosh. Oh, there it is. Only, only very funky...or if not very funky, very sweet.")

It was either her or the straight man who introduced me
To Jeanette, Camilla's friend
Who later on falsely accused me of stealing her locket and pen
When I said "I don't have the locket"
She said "You steal pictures of everybody's mother I know"
And I said "There's no locket
No picture of any mother I would pocket
Unless it's been done by Van Gogh."

(D-"What was it {?} now...Oh, this is a great, great part here. Oh. Oh yes, yes. Oh. Here's a...you know, I could take it further, but I'd have to look through all of them. This is the part about Camilla. This is all about Camilla.")

Camilla's house stood on the outskirts
How strange to see the chandeliers destroyed
While (???) beneath the velvet carpet
of fox hunts and (love far before?)

(D-"Oh, I was getting it. Oh yeah. You just hold still, Bob. We'll be getting to that thing in a minute. We have locked the last fucking reporters up, man, with a...")
(D-"Oh yeah, say something.")

Robin Jatko

hi everybody!

Does anybody know about artwork(painting,sculptures, whatever)that shows or is directly inspired Bob Dylan? I'm looking for any relation between Bob Dylans music and other artforms. If anybody knows something please contact me!!!

thank you!


hoi,I dont know who Im talking to.But if its about Dylan,it must be ok.I dont know mutch about the internet.I would like to find more information about Bob Dylan on the web.and about his songs albums,well about anything that involves him. Can you give me some advice? Wailet.

To whom...,
I'd like to get a copy of Gaslight Cafe on CD...Know where this can be done? I have it on tape but the quality isn't too good.

Colby McCarren

Just found your site. Excellent compilation of articles. I look forward to reading more. Did you hear that Bob is going to be writing his autobiography? I wonder if he is going to do it solo or will he work with someone? I would think working with someone would be helpful to help shape the piece, kind of like an editor does for a novelist. Somone who stays out of way but could help with details etc. Any thoughts on who that person could be? Greil Marcus has written some good books on contemp. music but I thought his last review of Bob's new album in the NY Times was self-indulgent and egocentric. It read like Mr. Marcus was trying to outwrite Bob himself. What did you think? By the way, I saw the LA show recently at Staples Ctr. Great show! Bob opened with Song To Woody, with the poignant lyric about he earth "dyin' before it's even been born"...one couldn't help but think about Afghanistan. Show included Masters of War (who are the masters now?) Baby Blue (all your seasick sailors they are rowing home) Rainy Day Women (stoning women now? not getting stoned on pot!?) Bob is amazing! 40 years on the scene and still relevant as he ever was. I've been listening to Bringing It All Back Home and Live '66. Those records keep the concert alive and loud ("play it fuckin' loud") on the freeways at 6 am. Good job. Terry.

To: The Poet

I am compelled by your words as they are echoed throught my car. I am comforted by your guitar as it strums me to sleep. I fall in love while listening to your harmonica. I want to thank you for what you have given me; music is a large part of my life. I don't know you, but I know how you make me feel. Listening to your song like "Forever Young," makes me stop and think to live my life to the best of my ablilty and not to waste a minute.
I joke to my friends about how I am going to marry you when I grow up. Honestly though, I am going to have your songs sung at my wedding. And played on my CD player everyday from now till then.

Long Live The Legend,
Keziah Keller


We have a recent review of Bob's 10/28/01 Milwaukee performance on our music +magazine site, ConcertLivewire.com. If you'd like to place a link to it on your site our link address is: http://www.concertlivewire.com

If you plan on using the link, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could let me +know by shooting me an email.

Thanks much,

Tony Bonyata
ConcertLivewire.com - Editor
P.O. Box 5
Lake Geneva, WI 53147

p.s. We also have CD reviews of "Love and Theft" and "Time Out of Mind," as well +as two previous concert reviews (Milwaukee '97 and East Troy, WI '00)

Just found your site. Excellent compilation of articles. I look forward to reading more. Did you hear that Bob is going to be writing his autobiography? I wonder if he is going to do it solo or will he work with someone? I would think working with someone would be helpful to help shape the piece, kind of like an editor does for a novelist. Somone who stays out of way but could help with details etc. Any thoughts on who that person could be? Greil Marcus has written some good books on contemp. music but I thought his last review of Bob's new album in the NY Times was self-indulgent and egocentric. It read like Mr. Marcus was trying to outwrite Bob himself. What did you think? By the way, I saw the LA show recently at Staples Ctr. Great show!
Bob opened with Song To Woody, with the poignant lyric about he earth "dyin' before it's even been born"...one couldn't help but think about Afghanistan. Show included Masters of War (who are the masters now?) Baby Blue (all your seasick sailors they are rowing home) Rainy Day Women (stoning women now? not getting stoned on pot!?) Bob is amazing! 40 years on the scene and still relevant as he ever was. I've been listening to Bringing It All Back Home and Live '66. Those records keep the concert alive and loud ("play it fuckin' loud") on the freeways at 6 am. Good job. Terry.

Mr. Dylan,
Many many years ago, you found Woody Gutherie in New Jersey at a house of a women who brought him home from the hospital.That women, Sidcel Gleason is my grandmother. She now lives in southern California She recently told my son about meeting you along with stories about Woody. But I think he doesn't believe her. Can you please verify her story? My son and I would love to take her to see you in concert if your playing in southern Ca. this year if your scheduled. Thank you for your time. Treva-Karene

There are many types of freedom.Religious,material,social,artistic,and the list goes on and on.But the only freedom that has any real or lasting value is spiritul freedom.Anything else is only a false sense of freedom which continually keeps the soul bound into the illusion with its many fasseted seperate compartments and only promotes compartmental thinking.This is explainded in detail by Meher Baba in Discourses


This is my first time looking up information on dylan on the net I am exstremely pleased with the effort you all have taken to put information out on my favorite artist. I also am very pleased with your no nonsense policies I cannot wait to to get the tons of informaion from the net that you dylan lovers have made available to others, I have been a dylan fan for a long time I really thought I knew a lot about him untilI I started pulling up information from the different sites Thank you thank you. Last but not least I don't think dylan was in a bad state or at his worse when re made self portraitI agree with dylan listen to it again, I think what it is people got use to dylan's style and could not except something different maybe as a result of the criticism we may have stopped him from delivering other good stuff in a different style sometimes I can pretty much take dylan as he come at this point I feel like I know him as a person, also as most of us we do and say things according to what's going on in our life. again thanks



i am a singer songwriter in the style of bob dylan , based in belgium , where very little interest is shown for this type of music ...

i am looking for help with cd distribution and promotion of my material . here are two websites to explain more , with music on mp3 .


these sites are constantly being upgraded with new material .

i hope you like some of this eclectic material , and that you might be able to help in any way .

e mail :

Hey Man,
Kick Ass Site
Click On All The Time
Thank You.
I'm Not One For Correction It's Not My Thing.
However It Seems That Your Into Accuracy.

There Is No Fox Theatre In Chicago
Mr. Bob Played The Chicago Theatre That Night
Once Again Not A Correction.
Just Some General Useless Information.

Have A Good 2002

[You're probably referring to something in Olof's Chronicles, which is not on my site, therefore nothing I can do about it. Thanks anyway, though. - JH ]

About 25 years ago I read a science fiction novel with Dylan as the main figure.I read it in german,but it was an american writer.I've forgotten nearly everything about it.So what I would like to know is, does anyone know anything about such a book?

thanks anyway
Hans Christian Jacobi

Great site.
I have three versions of Idiot Wind (Hard Rain,BOTT,& Bootleg Vol 2. Are there any other versions?
Your comments about the basement tapes are interesting.
I do recall reading a Robbie Robertson interview where he said these sessions helped both parties avoid insanity.
Best wishes

PG Scully


Love this site. It's a well of good info. I program a station called Deep Tracks on XM Satellite Radio (xmradio.com). Coming from a few decades of playing classic rock on FM stations, it's a pleasure to have the freedom to roll out any and all of Bob's library for Dylan fans everywhere. We are probably the only station in the country that leaned heavily on "Love And Theft" ... and loved every minute of it.

Thought I'd let you know you're work is appreciated.


all i have to say is that i loved bob dylan untill 11-13-01. i ahve seen hima a few times and liked what i saw. after that concert i will see that jewish bastard again. the surcuity and everything about that concert sucked. dylan is now just an old has been who doenst do anything now but stand around like an itiot. write back i want to here your comment.

great site,plenty of interesting stuff about the mighty Zim! i am presently awaiting manchester (9:5:02)Dylan seems to be interested in being a performer again as opposed to a 'legend coasting on reputation alone'.Speaking as a fan who has attended some truly average performances from the bard, this obviously can only be a good thing!


ISO- The location of the watchtower spoken of in Dylan's song "All ALong the +Watchtower" If anyone can help me out, it would be much appreciated!


I was wonddering what why you can not fine the traveling wilbury cds anywhere does bob have any plans to work on that kind of band any time soon


[The Wilburys albums are owned by the estate of George Harrison, who took them off the market when he left his last record company. He had plans on reissuing them before his death, but now it's unknown what the plans may be. Dylan has nothing to do with them. As for Dylan participating in another group effort, who knows? There was talk of a Wilburys reunion before George's death, but now those plans are off. - JH]

Thanks for the Web page. I am a big fan of Bob Dylan. His art and philosophy have both entertained me and enriched my life? Does he ever read messages on this page?

Gail Hagen

[Probably not - JMH]

You r really cool



my name is Lucas Bols and I'm studying communications in Belgium at the Artevelde Hogeschool Ghent. I'm doing a thesis concerning Bob Dylan that is titled "Bob Dylan, still alive and kicking?" But I can't find a lot of information about Dylan fanclubs. I would be very grateful if you could give me this information (e-mailadresses, adresses, phonenumbers, internetsites,...) I'm very satisfied with your fansite! The lay-out is great, the images are just fine and you can find a lot of useful information on the subject. I would like to thank you already for your help and I hope for an early reply

Lucas Bols

I have a Zippo lighter still in the box. It is silver with a picture of Bob singing into a mic on the bottom half and his autograph on the top half. the etching is in black. It has the year 2000 on the bottom and the roman numeral XVI. It is not in any of his catalogs handed out at concerts. It was in his dressing room after a concert. I would like to know its value and any special significance it might have. This is not my computer but I can be reached at 563-505-0466. please, I could use help. I would like to sell it and I know nothing about it. Casey


I'm pretty sure that at this year's Grammys that Bob Dylan played the melody and guitar riffs to "Lonesome Day Blues" (TRACK 5) but sang the lyrics to "Cry A-While" (2nd to last track). This is no doubt a trick he often uses, but probably savored playing it on the Grammy onlookers. Too bad that for most (99% of them) the joke was lost on them.

Please advise as necessary

You heard it hear first
Florida Swamps

who are responding to the billions of fans groups, is one b0b out there?

susan,aka snark

Hey John,

thanks very much for putting up the comic which I'd never come across before. Most entertaining (and rather better than Don Delillo's Dylan story from the same era)



Great site, a top quality database of Dylan! I'm 16 and saw Dylan last night at the London Arena, England (11/5/02). He was incredible, what a first time to see the great man live! One question - do you know what the boards said in Subterranean Homesick Blues? I used to have the video on my Highway 61 Revisted CD-ROM, but it won't re-install for me to view it. If you do know, I would be extremely grateful if you could e-mail them to gleneckett@deadparrot.co.uk. Thanks very much, and keep up the good work on the site!

Glen Eckett

dear bob
my name is hannah and i absolutly love your music i'm only 12 and i sometimes get made fun of at school for liking you but i'll never stop liking you. I've been looking every where for a concert but I can't find one and by the time i'm 20 you probably won't be singing any more(i'm not saying your old or anything) but one thing i want to do before i die is to see you and mark knopfler.
all the best with your songs and cocerts.
tons and tons of love
hannah whittaker.

I am from Oxford, AL. I'm 59 years old and absolutely love two musicians, one of which is Bob Dylan (the other is Eric Clapton). Otis Redding is also a favorite. Wish he had lived to add more of his talent to the music world.

I liked Bob from the very befinning of his career. He reminds me of my youngest brother, Jeff Wlliams, a very talented musician and sings along the lines of Bob.

It really upsets me when the media (TV, etc.) sometimes make fun of his singing saying they cannot understand him. Fortunately, I have never had a problem understanding him and admire him greatly. I don't believe those people really understand his outstanding talent and imagination.

I wish there was a way to e-mail him personally to let him know of his popularity in Alabama. I don't care how popular a person is, they need to hear from the "common" people who remain faithful to him and his music. Anytime he is going to appear on TV, I would really like to know.

One of my favorite CDs of Bob is the "Unplugged" CD. "I Saw a Shooting Star Tonight" and "Desolation Row" are two of my very favorite songs. Another of his albums ("Love and Theft") is slightly different, but great in my opinion. I'm sure I have made my position on Bob Dylan very clear!

I pray he maintains good health and can give us much more of his wonderful music in the future.

Brenda Hill

Do you know me?

Sam Silva

[No - JMH]

In the documentary film "dont look back" does anybody know the original title or artist of the song that he sings in the room with joan baez "I was just a lad nearly twenty two need a good lord band not a kid like you(?).............a goin down that lost highway. please help I couldnt catch all the words and i cant figure out for the life of me what song their singing!!!


[The song is called "Lost Highway" by Hank Williams - JMH]

Yo,Mr.Tambourine Man!How are you?If Woody G. could choose Someone to continue his work here on Earth,he would choose you man.Hey,say hello to Ms.Baez if you see her!Peace on Earth......

Ana Zlatanovic

I was looking under your pictures in the category of Hibbing, and i read the article from the wisconsin Journal. There were a few things not quite right with the article. Now Hibbing has a sign which mentions having the World's Largest open pit mine, it also has a birthplace of Greyhound museum. I grew up in Northern Minnesota and for two years i lived in Hibbing.And for three years after that I lived thirteen miles from Hibbing. Hibbing has always tried to respect the privacy of their "favorite sons". I remember when I was in Highschool in the early 1990's, when Dylan's boyhood home was up for sale, the hibbing paper had an interview with one of his cousins, who said that Bob comes home more than people realize. He just keeps a low profile.




Good friend of mine is ill with Hep C and has an extensive Dylan collection of audio/video he must let go of in order to survive, please help David out by contacting him at daveyboyz2002@yahoo.com

- Dawn

hi bob! i'm from spain, and i don't know very good how to write in english, but i'm trying it. I only want to tell you, that i'm 16, and my father loves you, he has all your records, and since I was 2, i'm listening your songs, and now I love your music too. We want that you record more records and that you will how you are now. Never change, and come to spain, here the people loves you, I think I'm gonna work with you, I'm dreaming. You are the best. kisses from spain. muak

give me a 3 page report on yourself please??


[Get it yourself - JH]

Very good work for all Dylan's fan !!
J have added a link to this site in my web page
Thank a lot
Al Diesan

BOB,i have had the greatest respect for you since i could walk. I would really like to jam with you sometime. i am 32 and new guy



is there someone who can tell me more about a tape, called/dated:

1/77 Leonard Cohen session, Los Angeles Studios, Los Angeles, CA


Shaking Through.net has posted a review of Live 1975:


Erik Kasem

I've been listening to Dylan since my HS English texher intoduced us to him back in 1964.

I want to warn other Dylan fans of the rip-off tape of Dylan's world tour of 1966. His drummer on the tour (Mickey Jones) shot some home movie crap that he tries to pass off as some sort of documentary. Actually, it is more about him than Dylan. I bought this tape for my brother (another die-hard fan)on his birthday and boy, we were both hurt.

Please don't waste your money !!!

I wish Dylan would get involved in stopping the continued sale of this mess.


I have just started an unofficial Bob Dylan message board.


Won't you come join us?


Hi folks! the italian dylan meeting is on the way...at the end of may.for more informations visit us at Http://digilander.libero.it/dylanmeeting2003/ and...spread the voice around!!!!


Me and my husband (50) as well as my kids (24-22) are big fans. We wonder why the big man did not already wrote a song to make the people aware that War Is Never A Sollution! I think if, now that John Lennon is dead, Bob Dylan is the only man who could achieve this!

Love From Holland

Mr Dylan: Greenwich Village 1963/1964, have been following you for some time, have just about all your music. However having to be a Viet Nam Vet 1968, why did you name that album after the bombing "ROLLING THUNDER" or was this a hindsight? Have you ever been to Cherry Valley,New York and what year.

bill dixon

Dear folks, I live in New haven CT and am part of a group here working feverishly to help the homeless. One of our biggest shelters is being forced to close on April 30th and we are faced with having to raise $40,000 before then to avert what will be a tragedy for so many men. Our idea other than writing mad proposals to church groups and such is to organise a concert. We have been given a church, an enormous church situated on our city green with a large capacity to this end and it is my personal goal to invite Mr. Dylan to play for one night for free for those who have nothing. Should that happen now during the terrible propaganda and campaigns of our government would be such a message for those who are working for the good. Do you have anyway to get him my message? I can be reached at 203 785-9254 here in town or by email at whitedogandharriet@inorbit.com. Time is of the essence. I will try thorough Columbia, but am trying everyway I can think of. All love, elizabeth

Hi, I was first introduced to Dylan when I was 12, and he's been my favourite muscian since. I have only question about the man; I heard through the grapevine that Bob Dylan is/was vegetarian, is this true?


[That's what I've heard as well - JH]

I am so grateful I stumbled on this, it's awesome. Now I know what to do on those rare nights when I must must must discuss Bob. A friend and I once disgusted a third party when we got off on Bob during a road trip and went seven hours w/o stopping. But that's LIVE talk. Amazing how much there is to say/hear. Thanks for gathering so much in one place. I have one eternal question that no one ever answers: on what thing did "I'm not there" appear? it is soooo elusive. maybe someday answer will appear. See you guys in a chat room soon, habit must be fed.
Many thanks for a great site, you guys!


I'm writing this in May 2003. A Bob show at a 36,000 seat arena was cancelled recently because fewer than 2,000 tickets were sold. When I saw him at the Washington D.C. MCI Center several years ago, the auditorium was about half-full. I've been a fan for 35 years (yea, I'm really old, but lots younger than Bob) and I've got a message to everybody reading. Whether you are just discovering him at age 16 or you are a long-time fan since the 60's who has seen "several" shows: I have seen 40+ concerts. All you people who are so into him but will not hassle for tickets or drive to a town an hour away to see him should be ashamed. Bob is NOT going to tour forever. If you really love Bob, pull yourself together and go to the next nearest concert and the one after that. With millions of fans and being America's greatest living artist, what do you think it is like for him, still touring and writing truly great songs NOW when his show is cancelled for no ticket sales or he is playing to a half empty hall? If you really love Bob, go in person so he can SEE you. I feel sure he is affected by having a good, enthusiastic crowd and this is the best way to show your appreciation of him, go be in his audience. As to the people compiling the book of stories about how you asked him for an autograph or followed the tour bus, I say this: the other thing you will do if you really love Bob is: if you encounter him somewhere (as happened to me when I lived just below Macdougal street for several years and could have dogged him all over), LEAVE HIM ALONE. Go to the concerts and he will know you are there. He should not be playing to half-full houses. And don't hassle him personally. His life does belong to HIM you know, and to encourage people to send in stories about following him or bothering him when he's out in public is horrible. Don't you know that is the LAST THING he wants, to be followed and bugged and spied on and stopped by everybody in the world who is into him? If we all did it, he would have no life at all. If you want personal experience, go to the concert. Anything else is harrassment that belies any real love or concern for him. Think about how you would like to have to deal with a million devoted stalkers! He's touring so you can see him in person. Better that than making yourself a nuisance to him in his private life. GO BUY A TICKET! PLEASE! It is the best way to thank him and show your appreciation.

Miss MaryJane

Just visited the site for the first time. Really enjoyed my stay. Read the cartoon. Kind of reminded me of the Disney movie "The Kid" but looks like it predates that movie. I have an all-Dylan radio show that airs once a month in Cincinnati, Ohio on community radio station WAIF-FM (88.3). I call it "Chimes of Freedom" and it's on every 4th Wednesday of the month from 10pm to midnight. I've been doing a show on Hendrix when there's a fifth Wednesday in the same time slot for four years, but when the monthly slot opened I suggested a Dylan show which the station accepted eagerly. I've just presented my second Chimes of Freedom, and most of my insight material has come from the Howard Sowndes book "Down the Highway." What I try to do in my show is to enlighten my listeners to points about an artist that they might not ever hear elsewhere. I really like to present these personal facets in the artists own words whenever possible. Dylan is a very private man, and information on him seems to be rather scarce. I've always been able to find a lot of interviews with Hendrix, but I'm finding it very difficult to find any recorded interviews with Dylan, or any in print for that matter. Can anyone point me in the right direction?---Ron Liggett

Accusing Bob Dylan of plagiarism is like busting a homeless man for shoplifting because he picked up a cigarette butt from a department store's showroom floor. Still in the name of justice--Shove and bet:

he's got a head start but he won't get far,
watch out now, he's about to sing, have you got your rolex,
have you got your rings?
don't be thinking about your PIN or what you keep your secrets in make sure while your listening you ain't got nothing missing why, he could steal the water from your stream while your're standing there pissing.
so check your bankroll, check your soul, check your doughnut for its hole, check your wallet, check your pockets, better call com edison to check the light sockets, check anything for easy lifting or for anything shaking loose, better check for your golden tooth pick, better check your golden tooth, better check around the corner for that public telephone booth, better check the plumbing, better check the garden, better count your cousins, better look in on the children, better make sure your refrigerator's still running and chilling, better check your cotton, better check your flannels, don't be watching tv with him 'cause he'll steall all your channels.
he'll lift your finger prints in a wink, he already took the kitchen sink, he'll be breaking and entering your mind next to steal what you will think. there's nothing up his sleeve you can believe or gives you relief, you can't trust him, you can't bust him, but God almighty you got to love him, the hipster-joker they call the Minnesota thief.
i cried over the dozen diamond roses you sent me, as i watched each petal fall to shatter like store-bought glass, so i know it doesn't matter, but i still want to ask, like dancing with a dozen of them new york show girls with a double dozen of them long distance stalking legs, did you work me around the salle de mort again just to hear me beg?
is this another charade, another incognito raid like all the rest?
i know you'll never confess, but did you steal from a yakuza doctor-author a dozen lines--more or less- on a CD Sony titled, 'love and theft'?

Passing Through

Have you heard the Wilco song "Bob Dylan's Beard"? I like it. I'm a little unclear though how Bob Dylan specifically wore his beard. Is Tweedy talking about when Dylan shaved except under his chin/jaw? Is there a picture on the web that sort of defines the beard the song refers to?

Thanks for any help.


Hi John -

You may remember that I started the rec.music.dylan group way back when (while I was still at Penn State). You even sent me a couple of MTV Unplugged cassette outtakes (much appreciated).

Anyway, just wanted to tell you that I love your web site (first time I've seen it) - ESPECIALLY the creative headings on the home page. Brilliant!

I hope you're well, and I'll try to stop by often.

Take care, John -



Howdy Howdy sir,

i haven't heard of ya untill recently, and what i hear is perty dang positive. i haven't heard your stuff as yet, but, judging from tha folk that speak of You, tha look in their i's till more than one would care to believe. any ah how, i am contacting U cause im in need of help. i am a 38 year old feller, looking for help in tha music field. my band name is last of the cowboys and so far, i am thee only member. i have bout 200 + songs, and some of them are up on my mp3 web site. mirage, my love, cheap thrills, world's gone crazy (im currently working on this one). i have a mini rv with a generater and play here in san diego. i plug my stuff into it and take tha music to the people. they are very hungry n thirsty for sound, song, and being-ness. if ya would, please listen to ma sound of song and if ya would care to...join in. i am married with 5 kids, my wife is an envirornmental scientist, and i am a bookkeeper (i really say a flunky accountant). ma youngins all have an ear for music, we just need help. the real catch is, i haven't been into music before. untill recently. for 1 year now. i have come along ways, but help is needed. if you think you can help, and, the music if you care to listen, please pitch in. if your after money, there will be alot of that, but, it'll destroy ya, make ya lose family and friends, and it'll also create a fucked, more fucked discontentment than you already have, any ah how, you probably realize this. my stuff is at mp3.com. then you'll search for last of the cowboys. if this is all stupid, then please forget i mentioned this, i will tell you, your fans hold you in high regards!

last of the cowboys


Dear Mr. Robert Zimmerman,

we like you since we're 13 years old. Now we're much older. Love and kisses. The hempeltempel from Franfurt/Main in Germany. My grandpa was jewish. I have a lot of history things from him. You look like him when he was young. Please excuse my broken english.

Sarah from the hempeltempel

Bringing it all back home...Dylan is still doing that..a musical journey, worldwide, mindwide, and music gifted.
The guy's got visions of poetry rhyming in his head...and then...here comes the song.
Lost love, what coulda been...prophetic, what's on the horizon, (he hasn't been wrong yet), and putting emotions into words and crystalizing truth.
Only one other guy came close at one time, John Prine.
These are the true outlaws living honest outside the law.
I hope Dylan stays with his roots and brings it all back home. I'm confident he will.

Lifelong fan since '62,


i have been a bob dylan fan since i was born. first without choice then forever by choice. i was named after his wife and have seen him in concert more times then i can count and i am only 21. through tough times it seems strange but i would turn to bobby.his music has always had such a way about to me.i got a tattoo of the eye symbol on my back but for the past year all of my searching for what it means has turned up empty.any clue?


hi i am a greAT FAN OF U



i live in morroco,i like bob dylan music,the problem here is that we can't have all the albums of bob,may be it's a problem of distribution,specially the early albums,for a long time i've a so sweet dream,to be able to listen all the products of all the artists that i love,but here we don't have always money to do all that we dream of

abdenssar kadat

Hi bob,can i just say your music is fantastic and lyrics are genius
from scott In Scotland

jncftrd tbxs bf,7 4
68fcvgb q't-bqz $*ùkl$


[Your words are not clear. You better spit out your gum - JM]

just heard his bobness live in 64 is set to be released in march this truly is the lords doing for was it not fortold that one day our ears wold at last bathed in nasel tones of what it was like to ,if you will'be there'and hear its alright ma , mr tam,and talkin WWWIII,alive and how it should be and how dont look back promised it would be.for if not fortold then it surly was an over sight on big mans behalf.MY EARS HAVE SEEN THE COMING OF THE GLORY.....and so forth ...that is all ...though surly enough


hey, Bub--

been meaning to tell you how much i love your site -- it's a fine thing and i've learned much in these pages over the years-- the article on the Genuine Basements led me to something called "A Tree with Roots", which, if you can get your hands on it, yeah it's pretty good.

however, i saw some massage here about Renaldo & Clara, and wanted to alert any who might be interested that there's a thing out there called The Unofficial Bob Dylan Free Tape Library-- if you were to check it out with a little search, you would find it a wonderful resource....

-- "with a blowtorch"

gypsy davy

Just to say thanks for the information.

Best wishes


Hi im 16 years old and i love Bob Dylan... does anyone think thats strange????


So Bobby, the eternal iconoclast, just where were you during the "Concert For George" huh? Noticeably absent were we? I am sure you could have put aside any of your "petty" differences with the Wilbury's etc. fo a song or two for George, buddy. George.! This gentle and beautiful soul should have been honored by you. I have been a fan of yours since '62...seen ya alot, some great shows, some, well, I won't go there you are only human, remind yourself of that and be not so full of yourself You are lucky most folks worship you, I am disgusted. There is no good excuse for you to have missed this once in a lifetime opportunity to honor such a great human being. I hope you are sorry and regret this foolish "non" action for the rest of your days...fare ye well,

hi i love the site it is great!!



I attended a Bob Dylan concert in toronto, canada on march 20th/04. i am a big dylan fan and have seen him in concert before. it was however, a huge disappointment. he wore a cowboy hat and suit, and played the keyboards all night. he never once played the guitar. wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience at one of his concerts recently. it was tres weird. thanks


This is more of a comment, and a question. I don't know if you keep up with Bob's manager or should I say old manager, or if you know of any way I can get closer to Bob himself. My sister is the reason Victor got fired if you know the story. So my mission is to get a hold of Bob if I can and tell him what really happened. Don't think I am crazy, if you need to research the supposed reason Victor got fired. Thank you - Shellie

Hey Now!! Have a quick question for you. Dylan played with a young girl in, I believe, the mid to late 60's. She had an incredible blues voice and I remember it saying he either played on the album or on the album it said he played with her somewhere. I think I remember her having died way back then. Do you know her name? Would appreciate any answers @ azdead@yahoo.com . Thanks.

May the four winds blow you safely home.


I love this website and I have been a Bob Dylan fan for many year. I would love to hear from all of you Bob Dylan fans out there. He is such a great artist and poet.


For any of you interested in Bob's recent appearances, he's gone and done a commerical for Victoria's Secret. He's the man who once wrote the lines:

Advertising signs that con you
Into thinking you're the one
That can do what's never been done
That can win what's never been won
Meantime life outside goes on
All around you.

What the F is going on here? If anyone has any rational explanation, please indulge.

some anonymous person

I'm looking for the "recent interview" (?) in which I've been told Bob Dylan discusses Hamish Henderson's bagpipe playing as an influence on "The Times They are A'Changin'." Who knows, it was a put-on, since Bob hates the press. But it was in the context of his fairly recent (2003?) visit to Edinburgh, if that's of any use. If you want to email me offline, fine. If it's worth talking about online, fine too. I'll get out of your way, with thanks - John

Bob Dylan is the greatest lyricist of all time and I have followed his career since 1965. That said, "Masked and Anonymous" is the worst movie of all time. They must have paid Dylan a fortune to get him to trash his whole legacy.


The Oklahoma Gazette is raising funds for the purchase of Charles Banks Wilson's painting "Woody Guthrie - This Land is Made for You and Me" which will be displayed in the Oklahoma State Capitol Building. The Gazette is matching donors contributions to raise $25,000 to fund this project. Contributions of $100 will be accepted from the first 125 readers. For more information, go to www.okgazette.com and click on "HangWoody". Please tell Bob Dylan about this project. Thanks

Linda Meoli

Hey Bob,
I think your the biggest legend, your music is awesome!!!
I'm writting you an e-mail to ask if you could come an do some gigs in london some time soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm 14 and all my friends at my boarding school, King's Canterbury, love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in london so you will usually find me on the kings road!!!!!!!!!!
In the mean time, keep making your oh so awesome music!!!
Because you are my biggest legend!!!!!
Thank you for inspiring me so much, there is now never a dull moment i my life.
Write Back,
All My Love,
Lucy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I see Bob Dylan in Concert Bonn(Germany)29.06.2004 . Fantastic!!!


Bob Dylan, I have most of you CD's, but I'm not writing about that. What happened Bob, you used to be a protest singer. I haven't heard any protest songs about an illegal war in Iraq? Doesn't it matter anymore to you or the other folk singers from the Viet Nam era? Don't you write anymore? I have a son serving in Baghdad right now and it matters to me and all the other families. Where are the protest songs???????? Where are the artists? I know Phil Ochs is dead, but if he were still alive............

john zimmerman

Hey What's up I just wanted to drop a line and tell you I received my middle name from you and my first name from Graham Nash.

Nash Dylan

I heard that Dylan comes to Little Rock sometimes to perform down by the River. I don't know if that would "officially" be listed on "Tour" information. Am I a fan? Well, I can honestly say that since I found out he opened a Hamburger/grill place in Minnesota, I will definatley let you know if it's a four star! Who knows, he might choose that very day to come in,...by some simple twist of fate.

Aly F.

p.s. Your wallpaper is great!

Dear Lanlord, As I went out one morning, I saw a hundred birds sitting all along the watchtower and thought I heard them singing the ballad of frankie-lee and judas priest and was saying to myself,"How can I pity the poor immigrant" when I am a lonesome hobo walking down along the cove they call 'Drifter's Escape' just waiting for the wicked messenger to hit me like a rolling stone. Here I am all ragged and dirty with blood in my eyes, when all I really want to do is be tangled up in blue. But like a slow train , the times they are a-changin' and my back pages are blowin' in the wind, going, going, gone. That hurricane under the red sky has past and now I am watching the river flow with dignity! So when on a night like this your looking for the man of peace, just stop and pick up the buckets of rain that have been whispering that ballad in plain d and drink up 'cuz chimes of freedom are just down the highway. Swallow your foot of pride because your simple twist of fate has arrived, so things have changed and you ain't going nowhere. so wake up, 'cuz it's all over now baby blue! Sincerely, Lily, Rosemary and The Jack of Hearts P.S. "what was it you wanted?" Thanks for reading. Love this site!!! SHELLY dylanfan51803@earthlink.net (just needed 2 vent, please vent back!)

Hi!! I'm a 12 year old Dylan fan. Younger fans are hard to find these days, but I love and appreciate him just as much as anyone older than I. I've grown up with Dylan, and only really got interested in him last August, he's my favorite artist, and poet likewise, I love his poetry. Great great site, whenever I'm in the mood to read a good Dylan article I drop on by, I've got it in my favorites. I love Dylan, I saw him and Willie last week in Altoona, Dylan was greater than great, and it was my first concert.
I'm going to seventh grade, so far I'm the only Bob Dylan fan in my grade, but I'm hoping to change that.
It's upsetting sometimes to think that I missed Dylan when he revolutionizing music, just because I'm 12 and not 57. Aw well.
Dylan is great, awesome, and I hope he lives a real real long time.
Wonderful site on a wonderful guy...
Well, bye bye...

Bob Dylan is one of the greatest songwriters/artist of all time with few equals who defined the 60's even though he's a mediocre singer. I first became of him when I was about 11/12 years old way back in 75/76 while it's too bad he never wrote any songs with the late, great John Lennon.

Wayne L.

describe dylan in one word.


[indescribable - JH]

How did you physickly run your whole career?

Johan van den Hil

Congradulations! From a Napolean in Rags. This is an amazing site! Thank you for helping all Dylan fans decipher the Nightingale's Code...

chris nightbird



Hello Bob Dylan,
I have Listened to your music, read your work and captured thee escence of each piece. I have been a big fan of your work,which actually, inspired me to be a writer. I have read Edgar Poe. I am a big fan of his work too. I wanted let you know that. I live in Indiana. Most of the kids don't know who you are in my town. Well that will change when I introduce your excellent work to my friends. My favorite is last thoughts on Woody Guthry. I am out of time.

Andrea Townsend

i love dylan, but these damn assholes that try to decode his records for some secret message need to be locked up some where, Dylan one of the best song writers ever( olny equal to Woodie Guthrie, Robert Jhonson and possibly Neil Young) HE HAS NO HIDDEN MESSAGES IN HIS SONGS!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a song that was typed by Bob which he did in school and gave to his Grandmother who in turn gave to my Aunt who resided in Hibbing Minnesota.She was a friend of my Aunt.On it he typed his name as Bobby Dylan.Are you interested?


My uncle was a music teacher in Hibbing Minnesota, and he was one of Rober Zimmermans teachers. I remember as a young man in Minneapolis, there was a Coffee house on the West Bank of the U.of M. The West Bank was the hangout for all the beatnick and developed into the psychodleic area.. This coffee house was called the "Schollar" it was painted industrial red with black trim on the ouside,, I remember hearing Bob Dylan when he first came to Minneapolis from Hibbing there. i Beleve the years were around 1958 or 1960,, This mans influence has been a major force of contemplation and change in my life,, I knew it then when i was a young man and i know it now.. Thankyou Steve S.

I was born 1950, makes me a member of your generation, yes or no? You inspired me during the 60'ties through 3 continents, where fortune wanted me to live. I am now 54 years of age (still female).

Looking back and listenting to your songs of those super years I can't help but feeling cheated by you personally.

To my opinion YOUR SONG "it ain't me babe" could have been sung by a male voice IF ONLY YOU had become a trifle self critcal in your male role. In other words, the text of that particular song has become entirely outdated. In other words rewrite it..... make those words sexless.

After more than 25 years in the real world, outnumberd by men, our common ground being computers, physics and medicine I can only conclude that men are just as emotionally "instable" as women are. Assuming that you are still the man originating from the '60s (integer) I would appreciate an honest answer with respect to the fact that "it ain't babe) could also apply to a man.

Looking forward to an honest answer. When answering, please be remindend of the fact that my country is still really media independant, nationally and globally so.


what is it about one man that has reached 2 generations and who will probably never be forgotten? I know for a fact that our 2 kids will know him well and they are only 9 and 5!!


Question please.
Thank you for providing such wonderful historical information.

I am looking at the photo on your John Bucklen tape page. The photo is titled dylan_54.

Do you have any information on the source of this photo? Where was dylan when the photo was taken?

I have a hunch it could be dylan as a camper at camp herzl.

Thank you for your time

Hello, I doubt that this will get to the Bob, my heroe, I heard him say on sixty minutes or a similar show, that he no longer has that partuclar miracle that used to help him write songs. I do not believe it. Bob, u will always have it. Please keep sharing.

Wallflowers rock too !


i am 50 yrs old. i feel young. my mother is 75, and she says she doesnt feel old, she only feels that other people are younger. your music is part of my life. how do you feel about age ?



[Huh? - JH]


I really like those pictures you got on the index-page, and the rest of the site too. The one picture with Bob and the two cow-girls had me laughin' for days. He really got it a-made...

From: "I happen to be a swede myself"

Dear Mr. Bob Dylan,

thanks for your music. I was growing up with you.

Greetings from a very big fan from Frankfurt/Main in Germany.


A fan from Frankfurt/Main in Germany

This is an excellent site.I am a dylanphite,let all the fans of Dylan be united under the red sky.

minko dasgupta

hey friends i am a dylanfreak from india.iam a 22 years old boy and have been a dylanphite since 15.i wanna make friends with other dylan fans,please mail me at minkodg@rediffmail.com.No one can take away our love for dylan and his songs,even our girlfriends wont be able to manage that.


I recently made a ragged 24-minute movie of people talking about Dylan's Self Portrait. Anyone interested in seeing it can download it here:




This spoof/play on Serve Somebody might amuse some Dylan fans http://www.oliverbaker.com/node/28


I love this place!!! I've been working on an essay about Dylan's influence on popular culture in general and music in particular. This website is a treasure trove of reference material.

Only one single complaint: I've read Clinton Heylin's marvelous "Bootleg-A secret History . . ." but the link you've provided for his webpage calls up an ERROR screen.

Thought you'd wanna know. There are more than obviously five believers . . .

Derek W. Brown

A little note I saw, about "A Fool Such As I". You have noted it was made popular, by Elvis Presley. I learned that song from Hank Snow who had a hit with it years before. I don't even remember the year........N/J

I think this web page is very informative. I am curretly working on an oral interpretation of Bob Dylan's song"Who Killed Davey Moore?" I was hoping to find a quote or any piece of mind that Bob said about this piece. I have the Live Halloween Concert 1964 cd's which feature a small book with information on the song, but I was hoping to find more. Your page was a blast to read through. Thanks!

Eme VanDeWiel

Im 16 and would just like to say that bob dylan was a really good artist x x x

To Dylan fans: I'm not sure if you can tell me anything but seeing that you are apparently a huge Dylan fan I am thinking you could have some kind of relation or clue to what I am looking for. Let me just say that I am not a huge Dylan fan but I truly love the album Desire. I have listened to it many times before but today something exceptional happened. While listening to "Hey, Sister" I was suddenly taken into the song and had an incredible mystical experience. My soul felt the energy of the song as if I had suddenly become the song and could feel every emotion that Dylan would have had while writing it. My heart started beating faster, my breathing got deeper, I got tears in my eyes and could feel my whole body and soul vibrating to the spirit of the song. Now this may seem very strange to you but I can assure you that this happened and I am still in shock. I know that music has certain effects on people but I definately think that it could have something to do with the genius of Bob Dylan, his ability to transmit his own emotions and desires into music. I guess what I want to know is that since you are such a huge fan and I am sure you have a very close connection with his music, his beliefs and his history, maybe you could have some information that could pertain to this experience of mine. I hope I don't disturb you with such a personal request. At the least, if you have nothing to tell me, can you recommend me a couple of your favorite Dylan songs so I can listen to them? Thank you for your time!


I was looking at the lyrics page and saw a song titled "Gypsy Lou", but couldn't find what album, bootleg, etc. it is featured on. Is there anyone who knows?


There are just 2 things I would like to know:

1. The Subterranean cards sequence was filmed (according to Pennebaker) in an alley behind the Savoy Hotel, where they stayed. I have looked there, but there is no alley. Has anyone found it, and if so, where is it?

2. Andy Kershaw discovered and recorded the true perpetrator of 'Judas'. It wasn't Keith Butler, as asserted by CP Lee. Who was it, and where does he live now?




As a Bob Dylan fan you might be interested in this months offer to new subscribers which is a Bob Dylan T-Shirt and a free album of new and established singer songwriters. The Song Makers Project Vol 1 is probably the best roots and acoustic compilation released in recent times. It includes greats like Bert Jansch, Billy Bragg, Eric Bibb and interesting new stars like Sam Genders and Emily Slade who was voted Best New Comer in The BBC Folk Awards 2002.

I started rootsmusic.co.uk to bring some attention to new and not so new roots and acoustic acts that are making great music but maybe being ignored by the main stream media. To subscribe for a whole year and receive the free gifts is only $9.00 a year.

The subscription fee goes into running the site and making another compilation album of great acoustic talent which will also be free to subscribers. Although most of the site is free to access subscribers have their own password protected section with many more interviews features and competitions etc. Subscribe now at www.rootsmusic.co.uk.

Best regards
Ayo Bamidele

P.S Can you pass this on to anyone who might be interested and if you know in good roots and acoustic artists we should cover please let me know.

Hey, this is such an amazing site! I have loved Dylan for a while now and this site has opened up so many new doors! The Basement Tapes section is particulary brilliant, John Howells is a fantastic writer. I especially loved his article called "Discovering Bob Dylan...", I will buy that Blood, Sweat And Tears album right away! So...thanks for making such a great site!


Dear Mr. Dylan,

I wish to thank you for your contribution to our society as a wonderful songwriter.


David Bruce Ouellette
Orlando, Florida

Correction for


The Oscar Brand Show is on WNYC-AM Saturday nights from 10pm to 11 pm Saturday nights, (I'm listening right now :) and has been on every week on the same station since 1945!

WNYC-AM and FM were owned by New York City, thus the professional recording. Dylan was very likely in the studio, you could mail Oscar and ask him.



Your site is realy very interesting. http://www.bignews.com


michael jackson ( a british radio host, not the gloved one) had a radio show playing folk music in the early 60's that i would listen to sitting in my parents car while they shopped. it would have been saturday or sunday. he played dylan. i remember thinking his voice was atrocious. then in 1965 i a precocious 15 year old watched dylan through the gap in the stage door of the santa monica civic auditorium. the first half of the performance was just him and his accoustic works, we must have looked odd, a pile of teens lineing a crack in the door. at the intermission we banged on the door and michael bloomfield came to the door behind the security guard, we asked mike to let us in, he smiled and he would but indicated the security with a freindly shrug.and the door was closed. we went to the front entrance where older people(probably younger than us now) were leaveing to avoid the new electrical stuff and were giveing away there ticket stubs to those quick enough to have there hands out. i wasn't quick enough. the lobby was all glass with many doors, all with pushbars on the inside, unlocked. the lobby filled with ebb and flow of bodies, an arm comes out of the mass and opens a door, disappearing in the masses. we gained entrance, breached the lobby, to the seats!, found stubs on the floor(still have mine). and watched and listened, and were awed. forever changed, forever young.

AL KOOPER was on keyboards as i have learned later mike was on guitar, as you know "the band" went to england on the 1966 tour and this concert was in december of 1965 as it says on the stub. i think KOOPER has played with him since but don't think mike played with him again.

funny life coincidence:
years later, in my twenties a girlfreind of mine took me to marin to stay at her best freinds house. turned out her freinds husband was in mike bloomfields band at the time. i think his name was BOB JONES, i think his wifes nickname was MA. didn't meet mike again though. a year or two before that in 1967 or 68 i went with another freind visiting a lady. it turned out it was mikes lady staying at his place, the place on fulton , i believe. she played reel to reel tapes of mikes blues and gospel collection, i remember the lighting, funny how memory is.

i saw dylan twice since 65.once at the forum in l.a. with "the band" in the 70's i guess. the last time was when he toured with paul simon and the venue was the hollywood bowl. i was able to afford the " inexpensive" rows just below the "cheap" seats. these seats are reserved in the steep heights of the bowl for miscreants (sp) that the romans would never allow in the coloseum on a slow day. they've spent there ticket saveings on imbibing agents and find the need to swing coolers into the back of peoples heads to enjoy paul simon singing still crazy after all these years, i am not a violent man, but my wife was ill with cancer at the time and this fellow near hit her after clubing me with it mumbleing about people stealing there seats. security is at my ear in a flash as i was explaining to the twenty something gentleman who's face was an inch or so from mine that perhaps he had made a mistake and would he please refrain from bludgeoning us further. security calmly explained that they had mtsread there tickets and were sitting in the wrong end of a row somewere that put us between them and the bar or restrooms. they circumnavigated the bowl to avoid even bothering to to cross anywhere near us, they were so embarrased. i'm sure paul heard the yelling. it was brief but so poignant.

i hope you are as entertained by my ramble as i am by your webpage, thanks, good work. i was doing a search for the next dylan tour near me when i ran accross it.


You just have to get out of Hibbing, Minn.
And get on the Road

Discovering Bob Dylan

I don’t know anything about Bob Dylan. I used to consider his music “old person” music from a bygone era. I watched the Martin Scorsese directed documentary American Masters No Direction Home: Bob Dylan recently and the film offered some insight on Dylan’s life and music during his critical peak in the early to mid sixties. The footage captured in the film was extraordinary fully encapsulating the emotions Dylan was going through at the time with his reluctance to take the helm as a generation’s unofficial spokesman.

I’ve always heard about the influence Dylan had on contemporary music. Many credit him as the individual who brought folk music out of the coffee shops and into the mainstream. Others call Dylan a forerunner to the genres folk rock and country rock. I’m not going to analyze the man and go off on some Greil Marcus-like rant since I’m oblivious too much of his music and don’t look at him as god like or anything. I’ve heard the big hits and have no favouritism to any Dylan era having really first encountered the singer in the late eighties when he was a member of The Travelling Willburys. Even then I paid no attention to him thinking Roy Orbison was the stand out performer of the bunch.

I just want to understand why everyone thinks he’s so great. Why is his appeal so lasting? Why is someone who plays pop music the subject of countless debate, analysis and reference? I want to cut through the bullshit and discover Dylan on my own terms without any outside influence from any popular music publication, Internet forum or Scorsese movie.

With the exception of a few great artists, I never had the chance to make my own realization based upon my own pure, original thoughts. I wasn’t alive when The Beatles played Sullivan, or when Hendrix played Monterey or when The Ramones were a CBGBs fixture. The only modern day act that made waves on an international scale where the media didn’t corrupt my outlook was Nirvana. I’m not saying I was in Seattle at some dive watching them before they were famous. But they literally came out of nowhere and the media was clueless at first. For a brief few months they were really unclassifiable. When I first heard Nirvana in late 91’ I never said ‘that’s a grunge band.’ There was no such word at the time. But I knew at the time that a revolution, maybe not on a cultural scale like hip-hop, but on a musical level was unfolding before my eyes.

Maybe it’s inevitable. Maybe if you love music you’re destined to discover Bob Dylan sometime or another. I’m at the age now and frame of mind where I can truly appreciate good music of all varieties regardless of popularity. My previous attempts to comprehend Dylan and his music failed miserably in the past. I passed his music over numerous times for the contemporary music acts of the day. I settled for whatever someone else told me was good.

Nothing really manipulates my tastes now even if coincidently the new Bob Dylan documentary aired on PBS around the same time as my interest perked up in singer. Maybe the film’s release inadvertently influenced my subconscious in some way but I’ve wanted to discover Dylan long before the documentary was even a glimmer in Scorsese’s eye.

Now the question is where to begin? Should I start with a hits album or such classics as The Free Wheelin’ Bob Dylan or Highway 61 Revisited? Those would be logical introductions to Dylan’s discography especially since I’m impartial to any Dylan era. But I don’t really want to focus on his most well known material at first. I’m going to start off with something a little less known but not any less deserving of praise such as Dylan’s 1969 country album Nashville Skyline, which I discovered buried in my parent’s record collection alongside Kenney Rogers’ The Gambler and Neil Diamond’s Jonathon Livingston Seagull. The follow up to the rustic classic John Wesley Harding and Dylan’s first full-blown country record (featuring Johnny Cash on one track), I figure it’s as good as any place to start.

Trent McMartin

[Best place to start is Highway 61 Revisited. That's the one that did it for me. - JH]

Well I'm from Hibbing and I didn't like it there as a young musician child growing up. My views as a young teen was different from the rest. Now my son wants to be a drummer and I'm not afraid of letting him go with it because he's not held back from a lot of crap that I'd seen in Hibbing. And we're not talking about the 50s we'er talking about the 70s when I went to school there. It's the 05 and 06 and I'm so glad I'm not in Hibbing MN. Sorry, But it's the truth.

....and I can sing with you about the range anytime........

I awoke one recent morning morning from yet another wonderful dream about Bob Dylan. I've had many of them over the years and they always make me wake up happy. A while back I started thinking that there must be many people who've dreamed of Bob, recurrently or sporadically, who might like to share their dreams. So I've decided to write a book about dreaming about Bob and would love to hear any dreams any of you have had. Any dreamers who prefer to remain anonymous can do so. Yes, this is Mary Lee of Mary Lee's Corvette, the Blood On The Tracks girl.

Mary Lee Kortez

Thank you for bringing your words and music to my life. Your work and the person you are remains a part of who I was growing up in the 1960's and who I strive to be in mid-life. I am privileged to know you through your music.

Sheri Dornhecker

Bob: Your good 'ol CD 'Slow Train Comin' continues to bless! Yesterday my 3-6 yr olds @ OKC's Kehilat Rosh Pinah (Messianic Jewish Congregation) enjoyed dancing to "Man Gave Names to All the Animals...In the Beginning...Long Time Ago" (Beresheet = In the Beginning/Genesis). This was the day all Jewish Congregations study the Torah portion Genesis 1:1-6:8. Just wanting to let you know, and to invite you to OKC NEXT WEEKEND (11/4-11/6/05) for MJAA's Heartland Regional Conference "Go Through the Gates." Great Yeshiva, Dance Workshops, Youth Program, Children's Program, Anointed Concerts(!), Praise & Worship for all. Concerts: Kol Sincha, Ted Pierce & others. Contact MJAA's website for more info: http://messianicconferences.org. Yeshiva info: (Isaiah: The Prophet of the Cleansed Lips (Friday) by Jeff Adler, info: yeshiva @IAMCS.org
... Bob I sure hope you get this message. I was prayin for you long long before Slow Train Comin...and am lately LOTS, again for some reason. You are a precious vessel...Shalom. Connie D. =^.^=

Story on Bob Dylan's earliest writings for sale....



Hey, man...
...Umm... I know that I'm no more to you then the last guy who sent you a letter; prolly' askin' for Bob's phone number or somethin' outta' this world like that... but... you see... I just started writing songs about a month ago... or maybe it was two... (who knows how long it's been... I loose track of time... on and off) and I live in this little "peanut-in-a-shit" town and no one here knows where I'm comin' from! There's not a single person (pupil wise) who likes Bob Dylan and does anything but listen to emo music that sings about finding safety in kitchen knives and mutilating themselves. I just think if you're gonna' live... LIVE! You only get one life, man. Live it to the fullest.
...It's like these kids just walk around the halls with all their pasted smiles (super glued on by the mega-media corporations and all the shit they throw in modern day society’s direction) and think whatever MTV wants them to think. It's like the self-mutilating emo stars, and the gangsta' hip-hop artists, and all the big businessmen with their golden suits and ties {that have anything to do with the programs teens listen to and watch these days} nail a vacuum tube down the youth body’s throats and suck all the individualism right the fuck out of their souls! It's like media cooperations are creating a vast, zombified culture… a pile of youth waste that will grow up to amount to nothing [creatively]. Sure, mommy and daddy will pay they're way through law school and they'll come out on top with pockets full of cash... but they'll all be the same person over and over again... like a vast field of carrots; just a bunch of the same closed minds buried up to their necks in the same patch of topsoil with only their vacant heads exposed. The thought of the brainwashed masses makes me sick! Seriously, man.
…And not to mention the fact that the school systems have the whole entire student body bent over their desks with their pants pulled down with their dicks up their asses with massive grins across their faces and money signs in their eyes. Greedy bastards. They’re so egomaniacal that they think they’ve got it made. I go to one of the poorest schools that I know of… in debt up to their tallest strains of hair ‘cause they think they got it all figured out. We know better than they do… how to live… how to maintain. It’s like a bunch of Pop Warner peewee preschool football players coaching the NFL.
…Hey, man… I’m sorry for goin’ off on such a tangent like that but I just need someone with relevant intelligence to open my mind too! It’s like I’m holding all these thoughts and ideas inside and there’s no one I know my age with enough brainpower to comprehend the things I’m saying. So in a way… I should be thanking you very much for listening to me… If you do infact read this.
…Anyways… after all this… alls I want is Bob Dylan’s mailing address. I know you can’t trust anyone these days you don’t know {or anyone for that matter}… but I want to send him some of my work and get some insightful input that actually means something… not coming from the minds of my girlfriend or my parents that filter out all the bad, you know. But yeah… Bob’s everything in my life and quite possibly my best friend (for I spend more time a day with him than anybody else).
…Thanks, for if nothing anything more than reading what was on my mind at this very moment in time (there’s much more but I’m still learning how to go abouts writing them all down in an orderly fashion).

Thank you oh so much,
Colin Drayer

P.S. Keep on keepin’ on, man!

Where did you get that incredible picture of George Bush flipping the bird? Is it real? That picture needs to be on the front page of every newspaper in this country.

I don't care who said what to the man, the President of the United States of America should NOT be flipping the bird to anyone - unless of course, it was to Dick Cheney - in which case I would make an exception. Dick Cheney is the REAL Master of War.


I think your cartoon making fun of Bob Dylan is bullshit. He is the greatest musician of all time and if you think people are gonna laugh at that crap, you got another thing comin. If I were you, Id find somebody else, like brittany mears or whatever the fuck her name is, and leave the legends alone.


Umm....I'm not sure if you have a biography here, and if you do...then its REALLY FUCKING HARD TO FIND!! And if you don't then, you should add one!

[Everybody already knows who Bob Dylan is. Go buy a book - JH]

Dear Mr. Dylan,
I'am your biggest fan!
I'am 13 yers old and love playing the guitar.
Please answer me!


Geez. Do you know how long it takes to read 4,000 reader comments scrolling down one at a time a gazillion lines???

Mr. Dylan is good person and brilliant talent.

Could you at least organize the fucking letters so they're easier to read??? Like by YEAR or something? Man.


[No - JH]

Hey John,
I find what you find interesting about Dylan to be real interesting too. I can't believe that your presence on the net even predated bobdylan.com that's amazing. I have a homemade site called RanchoBozo.com that is built on the premise of what a site would look like if you taught an aging hippy a little html . . .

this is the first time I've included a Dylan link . . . I like your independence and your choice of materials . . . I was enthusiastic about the National Lampoon in the seventies and remember those original comic parodies. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK . . . WAYNE

I am 8. I Love Your Music So Much. My All Time favorte Songs Are MAGGIES Farm And Huriccane


Bob, i know first by your cd greatist hits, and i don't understand some lyric, its from subtereanean homesickblues, you sing there about 11dollarbills but i only have ten......as an Filipino from the filipinijns i've heard you don't have 11dollarbills in America, you only have ten....so i wonder. please let me know, iam traveling soon to america...greetings
Psjariel Gootnasch.

Dear John Howells,
I'm a Bob Dylan fan, poet and a singer. Recently my poetry collections book titled "Bob Dylan The Man With A Vision" is going to be released. I've about 15 poems on Mr. Bob Dylan. Hope this book will be interesting to the great Dylan fans.

Just a comment on the Radio Unnameable January 1966 WBAI "interview" by Bob Fass of Bob Dylan and friends.

I haven't heard this since the night it was broadcast, but I do remember the experience - I was home (in Flushing) from college in Boston, a confirmed member of the "Hallucination Generation". No headphones, just a tiny radio under the pillow. Of course I listened to Jean Shepherd on AM until 11:15, then switched over to Bob Fass. At first I thought it was Ed Sanders, for some reason, but I caught on that it was Dylan and just lay there chuckling to myself until they left the studio.

Fass was so hip to the scene - that's what made this show unique. I think I remember someone calling in and asking Dylan if he'd taken "the A train" to get there, and that the somewhat nervous answer was to the effect that, no, they'd come the other way. At least I think I remember that!

I'd love to hear that thing again - but maybe it's even better this way!

Len Smiley

I'm a French, so I will make this comment in english and in french english : I think that "Self Portrait" is probably the best Dylan album since Blonde on Blonde, even if Blonde on Blonde IS the best ever. A seriously underrated lp.

Fran?ais : je pense que Self Portrait est probablement le meilleur de Dylan depuis +Blonde on Blonde, m?me si Blonde on Blonde EST le meilleur absolu. Un album gravement sous-estim?.

Copper Kettle

Hey Bob Dylan, how are you doing, it is a pleasure to be writting to you. man guess what today i just found out you were on tour and that you came here to my state NM yesterday, i am so fucking pissed off, i never heard about you being on tour or anything, fuck, that sucks. but you are awesome and i love listening to your music, i am like a way younger generation thatn you are, im graduating high school this year, i love your music. take care,



Thank you for this web site. I find myself coming back here often. Somehow I feel closer to Mr. Dylan here. I've always been a fan, but especially after the Martin Scorsese documentary, I have completely flipped out over Bob Dylan. He's my new hero. Heroes are in short supply these days. I know Mr. Dylan doesn't like adoration or deification. I know he isn't a deity. But he is cool, he's a father, he's honest, he's a story teller.

I feel like he's my brother. I feel like he won't be around forever. I feel like we should let him know, we should say "Thanks" for putting up with incredible BS to keep following his art. We're all better for it.

At least you know.

Now, could you please at least put dates on the letters?

Many thanks,

[Judy, just for you I'll do it - (posted April 18, 2006) - JH]

For Immediate Release
April 17, 2006

featuring ANDY HILL & RENEE SAFER plus many special guests
MAY 7, 2006, from Noon til 8:00

Award winning Los Angeles singer/songwriters Andy Hill and Renee Safier will be hosting their 16th annual Bob Dylan Festival at Chevron Park in El Segundo on May 7, 2006. What started out as a small once-a-year backyard party where a loose conglomerate of close friends would take turns performing Dylan classics all day and well into the night (or until the cops came), has evolved into a full-blown music festival attended by hundreds of fans and featuring many of L.A.’s top musicians. Besides Andy Hill and Renee Safier, artists who will be playing this year include top L.A. session guitarist Marty Rifkin (currently on tour with Bruce Springsteen), indie singer/songwriter/pianist Bob Malone (who has toured as the Neville Brothers support act) and the premier Bob Dylan tribute band in the world, Highway 61 Revisited.

As many as 50 special musical guests are expected to perform interpretations of Bob Dylan material that cover a broad spectrum of musical styles. And what goes on in the audience has become almost as much of a spectacle as what happens on stage – as many crowd members come elaborately dressed as characters or scenes from various Bob Dylan songs.

Andy & Renee, along with their band Hard Rain, have taken their unique sound and multi-instrumental skills (as well as being riveting vocalists, they both play guitars and keyboards) to venues large and small all over the world. Local Southern California highlights include House of Blues and the El Rey Theatre in Hollywood, and the Hermosa Beach Civic Center. They have also played at Kerrville Folk Festival, Napa Valley Folk Festival, Sierra Songwriter’s Festival, and were headliners at the Bob Dylan 60th Birthday Festival in Italy.

Their seven independent CD releases have won them countless awards, including: Best Duo/Group at the 2005 International Acoustic Music Awards, Qweevak.com “Top-40 CDs of the year (for their latest: “A River is Gone”), runner-up for best folk act at the 1999 Crossroads Music Awards, and a two year run in the Musician Magazine “Best Unsigned Band” Semifinals. In 2005, Renee Safier, showcasing her prodigious blues and jazz vocal chops, won the Telluride Blues Festival Acoustic Blues Competition, receiving a rousing response from the 8,000-plus festival crowd.

Chevron Park is located just west of Sepulveda Blvd on El Segundo Blvd, in El Segundo. $15 donation (adults). Patrons should bring a picnic and a blanket or lawn chair. For more information visit www.andyandrenee.com or call 310-324-3663.

Sanity, Humor, Vision...Thanks :)

James A. Mutz

Hello i purchased and organ from a man that work in frisko area that state the a band had left an organ there after the 67 festival and it has maggies farm painted on the organ in two places the organ was in storage for over 30 years when i had purchased it and seviced it inside it was like brand new very little playing to it, the question that i have is could this organ have been with dylan in the 60s if so what an incredible piece of history that i have man this thing gives me shivers when i play it you can feel the history in it, well thanks for reading if you find any info on it let me know it is a gibson g-101 organ.


[I tried emailing this, but it bounced back.
Intriguing thought, but I doubt the organ was used by Dylan or anyone in his band in the '60s for a several reasons:

1. Only two keyboard players played with Dylan on stage in the '60s: Al Kooper and Garth Hudson. Although Al Kooper is most closely associated with Hammond organ, he did play some sort of portable non-Hammond organ at two out of the three gigs he did with Dylan before quitting to join the Blues Project (he played a Hammond at Newport '65). It's remotely possible that he used a Gibson g-101, but much more likely that he used either a Vox or a Farfisa, both of which were very popular at the time. Garth Hudson, on the other hand, played a Lowrey organ exclusively. I don't think he ever played anything else. I would suggest emailing Al Kooper (go to alkooper.com) and ask him what type of organ he played with Dylan at Forest Hills and Hollywood Bowl in 1965. He answers his mail, but don't be surprised if you get a very terse response.

2. It seems unlikely that Al Kooper would write "Maggie's Farm" on the organ, but I suppose anything is possible. If you mention that in your email to him, it might spur a memory.

3. You say that the organ was left after a 1967 festival. What festival? Dylan didn't play anywhere in 1967. His last live show before going into semi-retirement was in May 1966. He didn't return to the stage until 1969 at the Isle of Wight festival in England and didn't resume full touring until 1974. Whoever played this organ at a 1967 festival was certainly not Dylan's band. Now Al Kooper did play the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, so the remote possibility that it was his organ still exists. I'd like to hear his answer on this. Still, I can't see him writing "Maggie's Farm" on the organ. It seems more likely to me that the organ belonged to a keyboard player in a group that called itself Maggie's Farm, although I have never heard of such a band - and I live in the SF bay area, and was around here in 1967. Could be a local band that played few gigs. Or it could just be that the keyboard player for whatever band he was in just liked the name and wrote it on his equipment for laughs.

I wouldn't hold out much hope, but your only chance is that the organ belonged to Al Kooper. I would like to believe that myself, so I encourage you to drop him a line and ask him. - JH]

theres a smell of fish do something real like walk a dog go to the park get away from this monster idol syndrome what the fuck


Hello all fellow lovers of Bob,

Bluerailroad is up - Paul Zollo's new webzine. As most of you know, Paul interviewed Bob in 1993 - the only interview Bob has ever done that focusses solely on music and songwriting. That interview is in the Bluerailroad archives - available at all times - no charge!

There's also "SHOES FOR EVERYONE" ("I've made shoes for everyone, even you, and I still go barefoot..") - a regular column each issue in which questions to and answers from Bob are featured. This months question and answer is from 1966 - about why Bob first "went electric."

Bluerailroad also features great interviews with Rickie Lee Jones, Lou Reed, Merle Haggard, Leonard Cohen and others.

Check it out. It's free to get on - and it's a great ride.

Yr pal, Henry Crinkle,


gbfw actxm pagxnk qorjum kcpy clefwrd qxhr

oizblwuj@mail.com (ecgzqs knaioytx)

[That's easy for YOU to say! -- JH]

comment about Bringing It All Back Homepage: ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, I think it was in 1964... the first time I ever heard, and even saw Robert... he was on TV... I have followed his work, studied, and sang his songs ever since! (small-town hotel singer in Northern Ontario mining tows, and then out west... even got fired a few times in the 60's for refusing to exclude his songs!). I am trying to find out how I could obtain a copy of that first sighting!

He was singing if front of a sort of shanty or log cabin, and was being introduced incorrectly as Bob Dilon... Anybody know what I am referring to? Can this tape be obtained anywhere? (Just finished a great cottage and lake jam last weekend... my musician friends loved the Dylan stuff!)


Bob, my family has alot of history with you, I have two daughters named Isis and Sara , The lyrics fit them perfectly. Didnt realise that at the time they were born, they are now 23 and 18. Love you Vicki

I have tried many times to find out some information. In the 1960's, when I was a very young girl, I met a nice man on a train to California. He played cards with me numerous times over several days. Before I left the train, I asked him for his autograph. Just because he had been so nice and was a great memory. He signed it "Bob Dylan". I had a guitar with him. I have always wondered if it was the same Bob Dylan. Does anyone know how I can get this question answered?

Marcia Withers

hello. i'm trying to find out exactly which model of altec tube mixers and uher tape recorder were used to record the basement tapes...? any information would be greatly appreciated! thanks for a fantastic site!!!


Was I the only one who woke up at 5AM to tune into the live broadcast of the announcement of the Noble Prize for literature, only to be doubly disappointed that our favorite writer didn't win, having reached people of all abilities to read, write or understand great writing and ideas, and then to have the webcast interupted just before the announcement? Shame on the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Prize organization, but then we don't need them to tell us who is the best living writer. I'm still hoping to live long enough to see Mr. Dylan in his morning coat and to hear him say something about how "does it feel" to have been overlooked for so long and finally be rewarded with what he has so justly deserved for so many years.


Some of your readers were looking for copies of Dylan Vs Weberman...it's on Youtube under taht name siince December 28th as is the full version of I'm Not There. Enjoy!


can u put up some in information for research for school projects


[No -- JH]

A suggested (temporary) Sixth Verse:

Our economy has faltered but we can't let her fail,
And in the wars that Bush started we still must prevail.
We ain't out of the woods but we're back on the trail,
And Obama will be leading us onward.
And Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld ought to end up in jail (!),
For the times they still are a-changing.

(Thank you, Bob, for a lifetime of passionate inspiration.)

-just some old guy, out in California... (Buy American folks)


Bill Schuler

FINAL REVISION: the fraud and forger known as 'lowgen'

On 22 August 2015, I received a copy of a forged undated letter, ca. 1978, purportedly written by my akhi/brother Dalton Delan (an honoured film maker) to 'Jacques von Son' in Holland, accusing me of stealing (freely available) materials (from individuals I have never heard of, did not know then, or now), of creating for Dalton a 'hoax' tape), and not being honest with my close friend Robert Shelton in London. None of this transpired, and is not true.

I discuss this below. This forgery has been perpetrated by a cyberian prankster named 'lowgen', who is not a genuine student of the Yehu'dit paradigms of Shabtai Zisel/'Bob Dylan'.

'lowgen' attempted 22 August 2015 to distort the complex, sensitive, and important post-Auschwitz historical record of scholarship on Shabtai Zisel/'Bob Dylan''s poetics, by concocting a 'letter' from Dalton Delan (my close friend and film maker) to Jacques van Son -- which is an outright forgery by Jacques van Son. (For a clumsy, obvious forgery, it is hardly on the level of the metafictions of 'Araki Yasusada'.) I forwarded this to Dalton, who on 25 August 2015, refuted lowgen's lies on the record. 'lowgen' said I was fabricating the letter from Dalton Delan. It can be empirically verified that Stephan Pickering and Dalton Delan are actual hominids, and not animatronic similitudes.

In the past, 'lowgen' has questioned, e.g., if the Barry Feinstein photograph of 3 January 1974 of Bob/Shabtai and I is real; if Bill Graham and I knew each other (cf. Scott Marshall's Restless Pilgrim for discussions of my relationship with Bill and his production assistant, Peter Barsotti, or my own 1975 Bob Dylan Approximately...one of my closest friends is Bill's orphanage survivor intimate Yitzhak Amato); if my information about Bob/Shabtai's ba'al teshuvah public appearance 20 September 1983 in Yerusalaim, at haKotel is genuine. I have (and shall be publishing) 2 wonderful colour photos of him taken by the Yisra'eli photographer/artist Tzavi Kohen, along with a statement from the photographer, and comments given to me, in private, by the CHaBaD-Lubavitcher shluchim who were present on behalf of the Rebbe. I also quote statements from Reb Allen Ginsberg on Bob/Shabtai's wonderful re/turn. As Reb Allen told me years ago, 'Bob's questions overcome our loneliness'.

In attendance was Sara Dylan (which 'lowgen' does not believe), who took numerous colour film cartridges, 2 of her Yerusalaim photographs used forInfidel's cover and inner sleeve; Bob/Shabtai's mother (I have a not-entirely-reliable statement from her), other family members. His son had a belated bar mitzvah during the public repentance for the 1979 apostasy and its chate'u/'sins'. Bob/Shabtai was wearing (which he still has) his own tefillin and tallis gadol. He had with him the silver-covered Mikra originally belonging to Mike Bloomfield's grandmother (which Mr Bloomfield gave to him 14 November 1980).

As Shabtai Zisel/'Bob Dylan' stated in 1985: 'I'm not a believer in that "born-again" type thing'.

In Chapter 2 of my monograph-in-progress, I devote over 20 pages to the entire sequence of his repentance (which began 1981, when he finally gives a repudiation of natz'rut in 'Caribbean Wind' of 7 April 1981), the three documented steps involved, which the Rebbe and his assistants were quite aware of. Not being a scholar, but a lying fraud, 'lowgen' is not a party to my research. The entire chapter segment opens with a colour photograph of the Rebbe and Shabtai/Bob studying Torah together in Crown Heights. To be sure, all of this is ignored by the 'born again' natz'rut TypeWriter in the UK, who derisively speaks of 'an ultra-Orthodox [sic] Hasidic sect [sic] called the Lubavitchers'.

On 9 September 2015, 'lowgen' continues the masquerade by claiming it was Stephan Pickering himself who forged Dalton Delan's 25 August 2015 letter to Stephan Pickering (which refuted lowgen's revealing the 22 August 2015 Jacques van Son forgery).

This is an attempt to smear both Stephan Pickering and Dalton Delan with a rather flimsy paradigm of victim pathography. Through his actions of fraudulent lying, and perpetrating a criminal forgery, 'lowgen' is, like other Cyberian pranksters, claiming to be a (pseudo-) victim.

In the process, 'lowgen' has permanently destroyed any pretense of credibility as a so-called 'Dylan collector', and volitionally places his actions among a proliferating body of similarly destructive, fraudulent work in Cyberia.

For those interested, my refutation of 'lowgen' is an appendix to my Chapter 2. (It was printed at a Denmark 'Bob Dylan' website briefly, but they have a problem with post-Shoah 'Jews', and it was removed, along with my scholarly contributions.)


1) the undated 'Dalton Delan' letter to 'Jacques van Son' was not written by Dalton Delan, but is a forgery from Jacques van Son distributed gleefully by 'lowgen';

2) Dalton Delan is the author of the 25 August 2015 letter to Stephan Pickering, completely repudiating the 'Dalton Delan' forgery being perpetrated by 'lowgen', after it was immediately brought to Dalton Delan's attention by Stephan Pickering.

Dalton wrote to me: 'Of course that "letter" in broken English is not from my typewriter! The grammar reminds me of one of those "wallet stolen" email solicitations one gets from Nigeria and the Ukraine...I am happy to completely deny authorship to anyone you need. L'Chaim, Dalton' ;

3) Stephan Pickering has carefully elucidated the forgery: 'lowgen''s obfuscating statements are constructed on a series of lies and phantasies, mentioning individuals I do not know (I do not know 'lowgen'), events which never took place, and saying, as mentioned above, I forged Dalton's 25 August 2015 letter to me!;

4) this morning, 10 September 2015, Dalton read the above, approves it, and I am disseminating this warning.

'lowgen' is a liar, a forger, a fraud, a bigot, who hides behind an alias, refusing to provide complete honest data of who/where he is.

Stephan Pickering has never heard of various individuals 'lowgen' claims I had contact with over 40 years ago...with the exception of the late Robert Shelton, to whose 1986 biography No Direction Home Stephan Pickering made numerous contributions gratefully acknowledged by Mr Shelton in print. Robert Shelton was an individual whose memory and friendship and kindness with me I cherish... zekher tzaddik livrahkazek.

As a Torah chassidish Yehu'di, I am presenting this as a WARNING to individuals in the 'Bob Dylan world' for whom I have profound respect. I do not want any of you victimised by this fabricating hate monger.
STEPHAN PICKERING / חפץ ח"ם בן אברהם
Torah אלילה Yehu'di Apikores / Philologia Kabbalistica Speculativa Researcher
לחיות זמן רב ולשגשג
801 Brookhaven Drive # A
Brookings, Oregon 97415-8134

Just trying to thank you for the BS&T/Dylan/Al piece you wrote. I enjoyed it very much

@l k%per

[Thanks, Al. It's an honor to have you stop by!]

I did not realise I had misheard this line from Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues until I happened to see the lyrics posted in a group...
It never occurred to me to look them up, even though I have had The Complete Lyrics Aporoximately since 1970

"Inside the museums insanity goes up on trial"
It made perfect sense to me...

-- Hilda Fernhour

It's All Over Now, Baby Don

You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last
But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast
Yonder stands the NRA with their guns
The Founding Fathers lament at what they've done
Look out, Bob Mueller's comin' on
And it's all over now, Baby Don

The highway's for Samaritans, better use your sense
Take what Comey's gathered from coincidence
The empty-handed people from the streets
Cannot post their words below your tweets
This witch hunt, it just keeps goin' on
And it's all over now, Baby Don

All your White House spinners, they are going home
All your overfunded armies, where will they roam?
The Russians who just walked out your door
Have taken intel secrets from the floor
The chessboard, too, is moving the white pawn
And it's all over now, Baby Don

Leave your electoral polls behind, someone calls for you
Forget that Flynn has left, he will not follow you
A son of man who's knocking at your door
Is standing in the clothes you never wore
Read the subway walls, before they're gone
And it's all over now, Baby Don

-- Oreopagus